レビー小体型認知症, DLB, Lewy body dementia
- invest with or as with a body; give body to (同)personify
- the external structure of a vehicle; "the body of the car was badly rusted"
- the main mass of a thing
- a natural object consisting of a dead animal or person; "they found the body in the lake" (同)dead body
- the entire structure of an organism (an animal, plant, or human being); "he felt as if his whole body were on fire" (同)organic structure, physical structure
- a collection of particulars considered as a system; "a body of law"; "a body of doctrine"; "a body of precedents"
- a group of persons associated by some common tie or occupation and regarded as an entity; "the whole body filed out of the auditorium"; "the student body"; "administrative body"
- an individual 3-dimensional object that has mass and that is distinguishable from other objects; "heavenly body"
- the central message of a communication; "the body of the message was short"
- a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter (同)humor, humour, witticism, wittiness
- mental deterioration of organic or functional origin (同)dementedness
- 〈C〉『身体』,肉体 / 〈C〉(人・動物の)『胴体』 / 〈C〉)物の)『主要部』,本体《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…の)『団体』,群れ:(…のたくさんの)集まり《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉物体,…体 / 〈U〉実質;(酒・味などの)こく / 〈C〉《話》人
- 《随伴・協調》…『と』,と共に,といっしょに / 《所有・所持》…『を持っている』,がある,の付いた / 《道具・手段》…『で』,を使って / 《財料・供給物》…『で』,を与えて / …を支持して,に賛成して / …『に反対(敵対)して』,を相手として / …『と同時に』,と同様に / …『に比べて』,に比例して / 《様態》《名詞を伴い副詞句として》『…で』,を示して,をもって / 《付帯状競》…『して』,しながら / 《譲歩》…がありながら,にもかかわらず / 『…が原因で』,のために,…で / …に任せて,のもとにあずけて,のところに / …に関して,について / …から離れて / 《連結・混合》…と / 《副詞と共に命令文で》
- 知る(know)
- 〈U〉『機知』,機転,ウィット / 〈C〉『機知に富む人』,機転のきく人 / 《複数形で;単数扱い》『理解(表現)力』,知性 / 《複数形で》(物事を見抜いたりもくろんだりする)才覚,才知 / 《複数形で;単数扱い》正気
- (医学的な)痴呆(ちほう)
- 《英話》人;(特に)男
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English Journal
- A critical role for alpha-synuclein in development and function of T lymphocytes.
- Shameli A1, Xiao W1, Zheng Y1, Shyu S1, Sumodi J1, Meyerson HJ1, Harding CV1, Maitta RW2.
- Immunobiology.Immunobiology.2016 Feb;221(2):333-40. doi: 10.1016/j.imbio.2015.10.002. Epub 2015 Oct 20.
- Alpha-synuclein is highly expressed in the central nervous system and plays an important role in pathogenesis of neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson's disease and Lewy body dementia. Previous studies have demonstrated the expression of α-synuclein in hematopoietic elements and peripheral
- PMID 26517968
- Cognitive and Psychiatric Disturbances in Parkinsonian Syndromes.
- Zweig RM1, Disbrow EA2, Javalkar V2.
- Neurologic clinics.Neurol Clin.2016 Feb;34(1):235-46. doi: 10.1016/j.ncl.2015.08.010.
- Parkinsonian syndromes share clinical signs including akinesia/bradykinesia and rigidity, which are consequences of pathology involving dopaminergic substantia nigra neurons. Yet cognitive and psychiatric disturbances are common, even early in the course of disease. Executive dysfunction is often me
- PMID 26614001
- An in vitro model for synaptic loss in neurodegenerative diseases suggests a neuroprotective role for valproic acid via inhibition of cPLA2 dependent signalling.
- Williams RS1, Bate C2.
- Neuropharmacology.Neuropharmacology.2016 Feb;101:566-75. doi: 10.1016/j.neuropharm.2015.06.013. Epub 2015 Jun 24.
- Many neurodegenerative diseases present the loss of synapses as a common pathological feature. Here we have employed an in vitro model for synaptic loss to investigate the molecular mechanism of a therapeutic treatment, valproic acid (VPA). We show that amyloid-β (Aβ), isolated from patient tissu
- PMID 26116815
Japanese Journal
- Lewy body disease and dementia with Lewy bodies
- KOSAKA Kenji
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy. Ser. B, Physical and Biological Sciences 90(8), 301-306, 2014-10
- NAID 40020292609
- 丸田 高広,吉川 弘明
- 人間ドック (Ningen Dock) 29(4), 571-576, 2014
- 目的:認知症は早期に簡便に検出することが大切である.本研究は脳ドックの認知症スクリーニングにおける,時計描画試験(clock drawing test:CDT)の有用性を検討することが目的である.方法:認知症検査のために金沢西病院を受診した42名(男性:20名,女性:22名,平均年齢:78.1±5.4歳)に対し,コンピュータ(以下,PC)自動判定(河野式)によるCDTおよびMMSE(mini me …
- NAID 130005063931
- Lewy body disease and dementia with Lewy bodies
- Proceedings of the Japan Academy, Series B 90(8), 301-306, 2014
- … In 1976 we reported our first autopsied case with diffuse Lewy body disease (DLBD), the term of which we proposed in 1984. … We also proposed the term "Lewy body disease" (LBD) in1980. … Subsequently, we classified LBD into three types according to the distribution pattern of Lewy bodies: a brain stem type, a transitional type and a diffuse type. …
- NAID 130004694513
Related Links
- Dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB), also known under a variety of other names including Lewy body dementia, diffuse Lewy body disease, cortical Lewy body disease, and senile dementia of Lewy type, is a type of dementia closely allied to ...
- 英
- dementia with Lewy body, DLB、Lewy body dementia
- 同
- レヴィ小体型痴呆 , レビー小体型痴呆, Lewy小体型痴呆、レビー小体型認知症, (国試)Lewy小体型認知症
- 関
- レビー小体。びまん性レビー小体病, diffuse Lewy body disease、レビー小体病, Lewy小体病, Lewy body disease。parkinson disease with dementia, PDD
- パーキンソン病と同じ疾患スペクトラム上にあると考えられている。(HBN.928)
- 病理学的にはびまん性レビー小体病、移行型レビー小体病であることが多い。
- 大脳、脳幹に広範にレビー小体を認め、パーキンソン病と同様に黒質、青斑核、迷走神経背側核の神経細胞脱落が認められる。(HBN.928)
- CT, MRI:所見に乏しい
- MIBG心筋交感神経シンチグラフィ:取り込み低下 → パーキンソン病と同じ所見
- 脳血流SPECT:後頭葉の血流低下 (保健適応外)
- PET:後頭葉の糖代謝低下 (保健適応外)
- uptodate.2 HBN.929
- ()内はDLBで見られる頻度
- 2. 中核項目(1つあてはまる場合は疑い例、2つ以上ならばほぼ確実)
- 動揺する認知機能(60-80%)
- 反復、具体的、かつ鮮明な幻視(50-75%) ← Recurrent well-formed, detailed visual hallucinations
- パーキンソン症候群(80-90%) ← Spontaneous features of parkinsonism(特に誘因のない)
- レム睡眠行動障害
- 抗精神病薬に対する著しい感受性の亢進
- SPECT、PETでの大脳基底核でのドパミントランスポーターの取り込み低下
- コリンエステラーゼ阻害薬 → 認知機能に対して。 アルツハイマー病より著効する
- 抑肝散 → 精神症状に対して
- クエチアピン → 幻視などの精神症状
- 1. Pathologic correlates of dementia in individuals with Lewy body disease.
- Sonnen JA, Postupna N, Larson EB, Crane PK, Rose SE, Montine KS, Leverenz JB, Montine TJ.SourceDepartment of Pathology, University of Washington, Seattle, WA 98104, USA.
- Brain pathology (Zurich, Switzerland).Brain Pathol.2010 May;20(3):654-9.
- Cognitive impairment and dementia are more common in patients with Parkinson disease (PD) than age-matched controls and appear to become more frequent as PD progresses. However, estimates of dementia in patients with PD have varied widely, likely due in part to differences in case definition, case a
- PMID 20522091
- http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%AC%E3%83%93%E3%83%BC%E5%B0%8F%E4%BD%93%E5%9E%8B%E8%AA%8D%E7%9F%A5%E7%97%87
- http://www.d-lewy.com/about.html
- http://www.clinic-nishikawa.com/1_1.html
- http://rockymuku.sakura.ne.jp/seisinnka/rebi-syoutaigataninntisyou.pdf
- http://www.lbda.org/node/470
- 7. Diagnosis and management of dementia with Lewy bodies: third report of the DLB Consortium.
- McKeith IG, Dickson DW, Lowe J, Emre M, O'Brien JT, Feldman H, Cummings J, Duda JE, Lippa C, Perry EK, Aarsland D, Arai H, Ballard CG, Boeve B, Burn DJ, Costa D, Del Ser T, Dubois B, Galasko D, Gauthier S, Goetz CG, Gomez-Tortosa E, Halliday G, Hansen LA, Hardy J, Iwatsubo T, Kalaria RN, Kaufer D, Kenny RA, Korczyn A, Kosaka K, Lee VM, Lees A, Litvan I, Londos E, Lopez OL, Minoshima S, Mizuno Y, Molina JA, Mukaetova-Ladinska EB, Pasquier F, Perry RH, Schulz JB, Trojanowski JQ, Yamada M; Consortium on DLB.SourceInstitute for Ageing and Health, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. i.g.mckeith@ncl.ac.uk
- Neurology.Neurology.2005 Dec 27;65(12):1863-72. Epub 2005 Oct 19.
- The dementia with Lewy bodies (DLB) Consortium has revised criteria for the clinical and pathologic diagnosis of DLB incorporating new information about the core clinical features and suggesting improved methods to assess them. REM sleep behavior disorder, severe neuroleptic sensitivity, and reduced
- PMID 16237129
- 1. [charged] レヴィ小体型認知症の疫学、病理学、および病因 - uptodate [1]
- 2. [charged] レヴィ小体型認知症の臨床的特徴および診断 - uptodate [2]
- 3. [charged] レヴィ小体型認知症の予後および治療 - uptodate [3]
レビー小体型認知症 dementia with Lewy body
- 関
- dementia、dementing、deterioration