English Journal
- Oral approach-avoidance: affective consequences of muscular articulation dynamics.
- Topolinski S1, Maschmann IT2, Pecher D3, Winkielman P4.
- Journal of personality and social psychology.J Pers Soc Psychol.2014 Jun;106(6):885-96. doi: 10.1037/a0036477.
- Can mouth movements shape attitudes When people articulate different consonants (e.g., B or K) they press the tongue and the lips against various spots in the mouth. This allows for construction of words that feature systematic wanderings of consonantal stricture spots either from the front to the
- PMID 24841094
- The value of the 'buccal pad of fat' in the reconstruction of oral defects following removal of intraoral tumours--a clinical assessment.
- Stassen L1, Khosa AD, Israr M.
- Irish medical journal.Ir Med J.2013 Jan;106(1):13-5.
- The buccal pad of fat (BPF) is an important structure found in the orofacial region of humans. It is larger in infants and gradually becomes smaller in adults. We present twenty seven (27) cases with an average age of 60 years, with a variety of pathological lesions in which we have used the BPF to
- PMID 23472369
- Clinical and ultrasound approach to achalasia in a child. Case report.
- Iacob D1, Fufezan O, Farcau D, Hagău N, Ciuce C.
- Medical ultrasonography.Med Ultrason.2010 Mar;12(1):66-70.
- Achalasia is a primary esophageal motor disorder of unknown etiology characterized by insufficient lower esophageal sphincter (LES) relaxation in response to deglution. We present the case of a child diagnosed with asthma, with no response to asthma treatment. On account of associating dysphagia, re
- PMID 21165456
Japanese Journal
- 障害疑似体験・介護体験演習が学生に及ぼす学びの質的分析 : 右片麻痺・嚥下障害疑似体験・食事介護体験の演習で学習されている内容
- 口腔進行癌拡大切除・再建後のそしゃく機能に関する定量評価
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- physiology of deglutition by ROOHIA 1. Physiology of deglutition Dr. Roohia 2. 2 Introduction • Deglutition involves co-ordinated activity of muscles of oral cavity, pharynx, larynx and esophagus • The whole process is partly ...
- première étape, faire passer la tête et les pattes avant. les proies décongelées sont souvent peu souples, le début de la déglution exige un certain effort. cette séquence de déglutition d'une ...
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- 英
- swallowing, deglution (SP)
- ラ
- deglutitio
- 同
- 飲み込み
- 関
- 嚥下反射
- 嚥下の第1相は随意的
- 嚥下の第2,3相は多シナプス反射により起こる。
嚥下の相 (also see SP.719)
- 1. 口腔相(第1期) 随意的
- 2. 咽頭相(第2期) 反射
- 食塊→咽頭壁、軟口蓋刺激→延髄嚥下中枢による反射
- 咽頭相中、呼吸停止(嚥下性無呼吸)
- 開口部 閉鎖する構造
- 鼻腔 舌
- 口腔 軟口蓋
- 気道 喉頭蓋
- 咽頭 -
食道括約筋 (also see SP.720)
- 下部食道2/3を占める平滑筋
- LESは収縮し、胃からの逆流を防ぐ
- 迷走神経支配(背側運動核、アセチルコリン作動性)
- →Auerbach神経叢の節後ニューロン(アセチルコリン作動性(興奮性)、NO,VIP作動性(抑制性))
- 食道下部のAuerbach神経叢細胞の消失および変性→食道下部の蠕動(-)、LESの反射性弛緩(-)→口側食道の拡張→嚥下障害、無胆汁性嘔吐、逆流性食道炎