- go or live through; "We had many trials to go through"; "he saw action in Viet Nam" (同)see, go_through
- an event as apprehended; "a surprising experience"; "that painful experience certainly got our attention"
- the accumulation of knowledge or skill that results from direct participation in events or activities; "a man of experience"; "experience is the best teacher"
- the content of direct observation or participation in an event; "he had a religious experience"; "he recalled the experience vividly"
- go through (mental or physical states or experiences); "get an idea"; "experience vertigo"; "get nauseous"; "receive injuries"; "have a feeling" (同)receive, have, get
- having experience; having knowledge or skill from observation or participation (同)experient
- restrained or managed or kept within certain bounds; "controlled emotions"; "the controlled release of water from reservoirs"
- 〈U〉(…の)『経験』,体験《+『of』(『in』)+『名』(do『ing』)》 / 〈C〉『経験(体験)したこと』 / …‘を'『経験(体験)する』
- (…に)『経験を積んだ』《+『in』+『名』(do『ing』)》
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English Journal
- Ultrasound-guided "short" midline catheters for difficult venous access in the emergency department: a retrospective analysis.
- Scoppettuolo G1, Pittiruti M2, Pitoni S3, Dolcetti L4, Emoli A5, Mitidieri A6, Migliorini I7, Annetta MG8.
- International journal of emergency medicine.Int J Emerg Med.2016 Dec;9(1):3. doi: 10.1186/s12245-016-0100-0. Epub 2016 Feb 4.
- BACKGROUND: Acutely ill patients admitted to the emergency department (ED) constantly require at least one fast and reliable peripheral intravenous (PIV) access. In many conditions (morbid obesity, underweight state, chronic diseases, intravenous drug abuse, adverse local conditions, etc.), PIV plac
- PMID 26847572
- Clinical research for older adults in rural areas: the MINDED study experience.
- Fougère B1,2, Aubertin-Leheudre M3,4, Vellas B5,6,7, Andrieu S6, Demougeot L5, Cluzan C5, Cesari M5,6,7.
- Age (Dordrecht, Netherlands).Age (Dordr).2016 Apr;38(2):30. doi: 10.1007/s11357-016-9892-3. Epub 2016 Feb 18.
- Due to the growing need to make clinical decisions based on valid and objective scientific evidence, the number of randomized controlled trials (RCTs) has increased over the last three decades. Nevertheless, evidence-based medicine has still limited applicability in older adults, because they are of
- PMID 26891623
- Improving Quality of Life With Nabilone During Radiotherapy Treatments for Head and Neck Cancers: A Randomized Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Trial.
- Côté M1, Trudel M2, Wang C3, Fortin A4.
- The Annals of otology, rhinology, and laryngology.Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol.2016 Apr;125(4):317-24. doi: 10.1177/0003489415612801. Epub 2015 Oct 25.
- OBJECTIVES: Patients treated for head and neck carcinomas experience a significant deterioration of their quality of life during treatments because of severe side effects. Nabilone has many properties that could alleviate symptoms caused by radiotherapy and improve patients' quality of life. The aim
- PMID 26503964
Japanese Journal
- ゼブラフィシュは知覚学習以前に反時計回りに左から右へ (L→R)泳ぎ、円形を避け倒立三角形に近づく
- 三谷 惠一
- 岡山実験動物研究会報 31, 11-32, 2015-04
- … The following results were obtained thorough induction and deduction by four experiments onthe early experience controlled zebrafish 4 males and 4 females using 30-30-40 millisecondsbehavior analysis system.[1] It was found zebrafish perform two kind of movement. …
- NAID 120005611351
- 1954年ジュネーブ会議後のアメリカの対ラオス援助体制の構築
- 寺地 功次,Koji Terachi
- 共立国際研究 : 共立女子大学国際学部紀要 = The Kyoritsu journal of international studies 32, 71-109, 2015-03
- … The JCS/Defense did not object to providing these "cash grants" for Laos.Moreover, when the JCS finally made its recommendation on the Lao army force level for "political considerations" in late January 1955, it proposed sending Vientiane a group of "civilians with military experience" to administer U.S. aid to Laos. …
- NAID 120005604937
- 教育講演 Randomised Controlled Trials in Paediatric Surgery : State of the Art, Challenges and Personal Experience (第51回日本小児外科学会学術集会)
- Zani Augusto,Zani-Ruttenstock Elke,Pierro Agostino
- 日本小児外科学会雑誌 51(1), 11-14, 2015-02
- NAID 40020368666
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- One of the most common types of experiment is a controlled experiment. Here is a look at what a controlled experiment is and why this type of experiment is so popular.
- An experiment in which an observer tests a hypothesis by looking for changes brought on by alterations to a variable. In a controlled experiment, an independent variable is the only factor that is allowed to be adjusted, with the dependent variable ...
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- 英
- xenopathic experience, made experience, controlled experience(PSY)
- 同
- 作為体験
- 関
- 統合失調症
[show details]
- 統合失調症に特徴的な症状である。
- 自我意識の能動性が障害される。
- 自分の思考・感情・行動が他人や外部の力により支配されると体験する症状。
- 経験する
- 関
- go through、meet、practiced、proficiency、proficient、skill、skilled、skillful、undergo