- strongly aromatic with a smell of aniseed; leaves and seeds used for seasoning (同)Foeniculum vulgare
- to be expected; standard; "common decency"
- common to or shared by two or more parties; "a common friend"; "the mutual interests of management and labor" (同)mutual
- of or associated with the great masses of people; "the common people in those days suffered greatly"; "behavior that branded him as common"; "his square plebeian nose"; "a vulgar and objectionable person"; "the unwashed masses" (同)plebeian, vulgar, unwashed
- commonly encountered; "a common (or familiar) complaint"; "the usual greeting" (同)usual
- being or characteristic of or appropriate to everyday language; "common parlance"; "a vernacular term"; "vernacular speakers"; "the vulgar tongue of the masses"; "the technical and vulgar names for an animal species" (同)vernacular, vulgar
- belonging to or participated in by a community as a whole; public; "for the common good"; "common lands are set aside for use by all members of a community"
- having no special distinction or quality; widely known or commonly encountered; average or ordinary or usual; "the common man"; "a common sailor"; "the common cold"; "a common nuisance"; "followed common procedure"; "it is common knowledge that she lives alone"; "the common housefly"; "a common brand of soap"
- any of several aromatic herbs having edible seeds and leaves and stems
- leaves used for seasoning (同)common_fennel
- aromatic bulbous stem base eaten cooked or raw in salads (同)Florence_fennel, finocchio
- fennel seeds are ground and used as a spice or as an ingredient of a spice mixture
- a pasture subject to common use (同)common_land
- (二つ以上のものに)『共通の』,共同の,共有の / 『一般の』,公共の,公衆の / 『普通の』,ありふれた / 慢凡な,並みの / 品のない,粗野な,野卑な(vulgar) / (数式で)共通の,公約の通約の・ (文法で)通性の,通格の(男性・女性どちらの格も用いることができる) ・〈C〉《時に複数形で》共有地,公有地,共有牧草;(市町村の)公園・〈U〉共有権
- ウイキョウ(小さな黄色の花が咲き,葉と種は香料に用いる)
- 《古》平民,庶民 / 《the C-》《英》下院(the House of Commons);《集合的に》下院議員 / (大学の大食堂での)共同食事 / 《単数扱い》(特に大学の)大食堂
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English Journal
- "Natural" relief of pregnancy-related symptoms and neonatal outcomes: above all do no harm.
- Trabace L1, Tucci P2, Ciuffreda L2, Matteo M3, Fortunato F3, Campolongo P4, Trezza V5, Cuomo V4.
- Journal of ethnopharmacology.J Ethnopharmacol.2015 Nov 4;174:396-402. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2015.08.046.
- ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: In the South of Italy the use of herbal remedies to alleviate pregnancy-related symptoms is very common.OBJECTIVES: To investigate the proportion, prevalence of use, attitude and knowledge base in a sample of Italian pregnant women in the South of Italy. To explore th
- PMID 26325431
- Complementary and Alternative Medicine Use Among Cancer Patients and Determination of Affecting Factors: A Questionnaire Study.
- Üstündağ S1, Demir Zencirci A.
- Holistic nursing practice.Holist Nurs Pract.2015 Nov-Dec;29(6):357-69. doi: 10.1097/HNP.0000000000000113.
- This descriptive and cross-sectional study was conducted to determine the use and effects of complementary and alternative medicine on cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. The research was conducted in Daytime Chemotherapy Unit of the College District Outpatients in the Ankara Numune Education an
- PMID 26465625
- Investigation of urban ethnoveterinary in three veterinary clinics at east zone of São Paulo city, Brazil.
- Antonio RL1, Souza RM2, Furlan MR3, Pedro CR4, Cassas F2, Honda S5, Rodrigues E2.
- Journal of ethnopharmacology.J Ethnopharmacol.2015 Sep 15;173:183-90. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2015.07.026. Epub 2015 Jul 21.
- ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Urban Ethnoveterinary should be further explored because of its value as it resists conventional medical care. In addition, the comparison between the resources used by Ethnoveterinary and Ethnopharmacology should be investigated in depth, increasing the availability
- PMID 26205641
Japanese Journal
- (8) 数種ハーブ類に新発生したうどんこ病(関東部会講演要旨, 平成16年度地域部会講演要旨)
- 広部 千恵子
- 清泉女子大学紀要 47, A17-A31, 1999-12-25
- … This paper deals mainly with foods which can also be considered as health foods for curing the common cold. …
- NAID 110000952128
Related Links
- Why Is it a Noxious Plant? Common fennel forms dense infestations that out compete native plants and reduces native wildlife habitat. Once established it is difficult to control, due to its strong competitive abilities and persistent seed ...
- Identify and learn about noxious weeds in Washington State. Search our plant database of weeds. Toxic to humans? Toxic to animals? WA Olympia, WA searchweed database ... Family: Apiaceae Other common names: sweet fennel, bronze fennel
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- 関
- commonly、conventional、general、generally、in general、normal、normally、ordinarily、ordinary、total、usual、usually
- 関
- Foeniculi fructus