- a message whose ingenuity or verbal skill or incongruity has the power to evoke laughter (同)humor, humour, witticism, wittiness
- telephone central where circuits are completed with patchcords (同)patchboard, plugboard
- the basic human power of intelligent thought and perception; "he used his wits to get ahead"; "I was scared out of my wits"; "he still had all his marbles and was in full possession of a lively mind" (同)marbles
- 知る(know)
- 〈U〉『機知』,機転,ウィット / 〈C〉『機知に富む人』,機転のきく人 / 《複数形で;単数扱い》『理解(表現)力』,知性 / 《複数形で》(物事を見抜いたりもくろんだりする)才覚,才知 / 《複数形で;単数扱い》正気
- (電話の)交換器,交換台
- =withe
- week / width / weight
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This article is about the form of humor. For other uses, see Wit (disambiguation).
'The feast of reason, and the flow of soul,' - ie - the wits of the age, setting the table in a roar, by James Gillray (1797)
Wit is a form of intelligent humour, the ability to say or write things that are clever and usually funny.[1] A wit is a person skilled at making clever and funny remarks.[2] Forms of wit include the quip and repartee.
- 1 Forms of wit
- 2 Wit in poetry
- 3 Further meanings
- 4 See also
- 5 Bibliography
- 6 References
- 7 External links
Forms of wit[edit]
As in the wit of Dorothy Parker's set, the Algonquin Round Table, witty remarks may be intentionally cruel (as in many epigrams), and perhaps more ingenious than funny.
A quip is an observation or saying that has some wit but perhaps descends into sarcasm, or otherwise is short of a point, and a witticism also suggests the diminutive. Repartee is the wit of the quick answer and capping comment: the snappy comeback and neat retort. (Wilde: "I wish I'd said that." Whistler: "You will, Oscar, you will".)[3]
Wit in poetry[edit]
Wit in poetry is characteristic of metaphysical poetry as a style, and was prevalent in the time of English playwright Shakespeare, who admonished pretension with the phrase "Better a witty fool than a foolish wit".[4] It may combine word play with conceptual thinking, as a kind of verbal display requiring attention, without intending to be laugh-aloud funny; in fact wit can be a thin disguise for more poignant feelings that are being versified. English poet John Donne is the representative of this style of poetry.[5]
Further meanings[edit]
More generally, one's wits are one's intellectual powers of all types. Native wit — meaning the wits with which one is born — is closely synonymous with common sense. To live by one's wits is to be an opportunist, but not always of the scrupulous kind. To have one's wits about one is to be alert and capable of quick reasoning. To be at the end of one's wits is to be immensely frustrated.
See also[edit]
- Joel Ducorroy
- Hartford Wits
- New Oxford Wits
- Oxford Wits
- D. W. Jefferson, "Tristram Shandy and the Tradition of Learned Wit" in Essays in Criticism, 1(1951), 225-48
- ^ "Wit". Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 2012-27-05.
- ^ "Wit". Merriam-Webster. Retrieved 2012-27-05.
- ^ Monty Python: Oscar Wilde sketch
- ^ Salingar, Leo (1976). Shakespeare and the Traditions of Comedy. Cambridge University Press. pp. 245–6. ISBN 978-0-521-29113-2.
- ^ Daley, Koos (1990). The triple fool: a critical evaluation of Constantijn Huygens' translations of John Donne. De Graaf. p. 58. ISBN 978-90-6004-405-6. Retrieved 6 October 2010.
External links[edit]
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