- 関
- affirm、ascertain、confirm、confirmation、identify、validate、validation、verify
- support a person for a position; "The Senate confirmed the Presidents candidate for Secretary of Defense"
- make more firm; "Confirm thy soul in self-control!"
- establish or strengthen as with new evidence or facts; "his story confirmed my doubts"; "The evidence supports the defendant" (同)corroborate, sustain, substantiate, support, affirm
- strengthen or make more firm; "The witnesses confirmed the victims account" (同)reassert
- administer the rite of confirmation to; "the children were confirmed in their mothers faith"
- consider to be equal or the same; "He identified his brother as one of the fugitives"
- identify as in botany or biology, for example (同)discover, key, key out, distinguish, describe, name
- recognize as being; establish the identity of someone or something; "She identified the man on the wanted poster" (同)place
- conceive of as united or associated; "Sex activity is closely identified with the hypothalamus"
- consider (oneself) as similar to somebody else; "He identified with the refugees"
- a ceremony held in the synagogue (usually at Pentecost) to admit as adult members of the Jewish community young men and women who have successfully completed a course of study in Judaism
- a sacrament admitting a baptized person to full participation in the church
- additional proof that something that was believed (some fact or hypothesis or theory) is correct; "fossils provided further confirmation of the evolutionary theory" (同)verification, check, substantiation
- information that confirms or verifies
- prove valid; show or confirm the validity of something
- give evidence for (同)corroborate
- declare or make legally valid (同)formalize, formalise
- make valid or confirm the validity of; "validate a ticket"
- confirm the truth of; "Please verify that the doors are closed"; "verify a claim"
- attach or append a legal verification to (a pleading or petition)
- learn or discover with certainty
- 〈情報・所信など[の正しさ]〉'を'『覚証する』,立証する / 〈約束など〉'を'『確認する』;〈条約など〉'を'承認する,批判する / 〈決意など〉'を'『強める』 / (…の点で)〈人〉‘に'確信を持たせる,‘の'気持ちを強くさせる《+『名』+『in』+『名』》 / 〈人〉‘に'堅信礼(confirmation)を行う
- 〈人・物〉‘を'『見分ける』,〈物事〉‘を'確認する / 《『identify』+『名』+『with』+『名』》(二つの異なるものについて)(…と)…‘を'同じものと考える / 《『identify』+『名』+『with』+『名』》《しばしば受動態で》(…に)…‘を'関係づける,密接に結びつける / 《『identify with』+『名』》〈人が〉(…と)一体となる(感じる)
- (陳述・所信などの)『確認』;(情報などの)確証;(条約などの)承認《+『of』+『名』》;(…であるという)確証,確認《+『that節』》 / 堅信礼(幼年時代に洗礼を受けた人が成人してその信仰を堅めるために告白をして教会員となる儀式)
- …‘を'法的に有効とする / …‘を'正当であると証明する
- 〈できごと・事実などが〉…‘を'『立証する』,…‘の'真実を証明する / (真実・正確であるかどうか)…‘を'確かめる,調べる / 〈証拠物件〉‘を'立証する
- 〈事実など〉'を'『確かめる』,つきとめる
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English Journal
- Understanding the relationship between social anxiety and alcohol use in college students: A meta-analysis.
- Schry AR, White SW.SourceVirginia Tech, Department of Psychology, 109 Williams Hall (0436), Blacksburg, VA 24061, United States. Electronic address: aschry@vt.edu.
- Addictive behaviors.Addict Behav.2013 Nov;38(11):2690-706. doi: 10.1016/j.addbeh.2013.06.014. Epub 2013 Jun 28.
- Many college students use alcohol, and most of these students experience problems related to their use. Emerging research indicates that socially anxious students face heightened risk of experiencing alcohol-related problems, although the extant research on alcohol use and social anxiety in this pop
- PMID 23906724
- Determination of ethyl glucuronide levels in hair for the assessment of alcohol abstinence.
- Pirro V, Di Corcia D, Seganti F, Salomone A, Vincenti M.SourceCentro Regionale Antidoping e di Tossicologia "A. Bertinaria", Regione Gonzole 10/1, 10043 Orbassano (Torino), Italy; Dipartimento di Chimica, Università degli Studi di Torino, Via Pietro Giuria 7, 10125 Torino, Italy.
- Forensic science international.Forensic Sci Int.2013 Oct 10;232(1-3):229-36. doi: 10.1016/j.forsciint.2013.07.024. Epub 2013 Aug 8.
- This study examined the potential of a highly sensitive LC-MS/MS method for the determination of EtG in head hair (i) to ascertain alcohol abstinence, (ii) to estimate the basal level of EtG (sub-ppb concentrations) in head hair in a population of alcohol abstainers and (iii) to suggest a revision o
- PMID 24053885
- Treatment patterns and outcomes in patients with advanced melanoma in France.
- Bedane C, Leccia MT, Sassolas B, Bregman B, Lebbé C; French investigators of the MELODY study.SourceHôpital Dupuytren, CHU de Limoges , Limoges , France.
- Current medical research and opinion.Curr Med Res Opin.2013 Oct;29(10):1297-305. doi: 10.1185/03007995.2013.820693. Epub 2013 Jul 26.
- Abstract Background: Melanoma is associated with high mortality and poor response to standard chemotherapy. In order to benchmark benefits of recently introduced treatments, outcome with standard chemotherapy in everyday practice should be documented. Objectives: To document treatment pathways in pa
- PMID 23808961
Japanese Journal
- Population genetic diversity and hybrid detection in captive zebras.
- 東日本大震災時の学生および教職員による安否確認行動について
- Applying Eye-Tracking in Kansei Engineering Method for Design Evaluations in Product Development
- International Journal of Affective Engineering 14(3), 241-251, 2015
- NAID 130005086767
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- (法的に)有効にする、批准する。押印して認可する。(当選を)公認する、(人)の当選を宣言する。実証/確証する。確認する、検証する。
- Its uses in medicine have become somewhat wider, e.g. to assess for confusion and other cognitive impairment, although it has mainly been validated in the elderly.(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abbreviated_mental_test_score)
- 関
- affirm、ascertain、ascertainment、authenticate、authentication、confirm、confirmation、corroborate、establish、identify、validation、verify
- (調査・観察などで)~を確かめる。(~であることを/~かどうかを)確かめる[that節/wh節]。(SCO tobe C)(人が)O(人・物)が~であることを確かめる。
- We were unable to completely ascertain the prevalence of TNA prior to stroke because patients do not always recognize TNA.
- 関
- affirm、ascertainment、confirm、confirmation、identify、validate、validation、verify
- 関
- affirm、argue、ascertain、ascertainment、challenge、confirm、confirmation、demonstrate、identify、prove、testify、validate、validation、verification
- 英
- confirmation、ascertainment、validation、confirm、identify、verify、ascertain、validate、affirm
- 関
- 確証、確認法、検証、同定、バリデーション、立証、確かめる、同一視、肯定
- 関
- affirm、ascertain、ascertainment、authenticate、authentication、confirm、confirmation、corroborate、establish、identify、validate、verify
- ascertainment artifact refers to data that seem to demonstrate some finding, but fail to do so because they are collected from a population that is selected in a biased fashion.