- to go or travel towards; "where is she heading"; "We were headed for the mountains"
- the length or height based on the size of a human or animal head; "he is two heads taller than his little sister"; "his horse won by a head"
- the pressure exerted by a fluid; "a head of steam"
- the tip of an abscess (where the pus accumulates)
- (nautical) a toilet on board a boat or ship
- (usually plural) the obverse side of a coin that usually bears the representation of a persons head; "call heads or tails!"
- a projection out from one end; "the head of the nail", "a pinhead is the head of a pin"
- a single domestic animal; "200 head of cattle"
- the striking part of a tool; "the head of the hammer"
- the upper part of the human body or the front part of the body in animals; contains the face and brains; "he stuck his head out the window" (同)caput
- a person who is in charge; "the head of the whole operation" (同)chief, top_dog
- (grammar) the word in a grammatical constituent that plays the same grammatical role as the whole constituent (同)head word
- a rounded compact mass; "the head of a comet"
- a user of (usually soft) drugs; "the office was full of secret heads"
- an individual person; "tickets are $5 per head"
- that part of a skeletal muscle that is away from the bone that it moves
- the foam or froth that accumulates at the top when you pour an effervescent liquid into a container; "the beer had a large head of foam"
- the front of a military formation or procession; "the head of the column advanced boldly"; "they were at the head of the attack"
- the rounded end of a bone that fits into a rounded cavity in another bone to form a joint; "the head of the humerus"
- the top of something; "the head of the stairs"; "the head of the page"; "the head of the list"
- be the first or leading member of (a group) and excel; "This student heads the class" (同)head up
- be in charge of; "Who is heading this project?" (同)lead
- be in the front of or on top of; "The list was headed by the name of the president"
- form a head or come or grow to a head; "The wheat headed early this year"
- remove the head of; "head the fish"
- take its rise; "These rivers head from a mountain range in the Himalayas"
- turn so as to face; turn the face in a certain direction; "Turn and face your partner now"
- a vertical surface of a building or cliff
- the general outward appearance of something; "the face of the city is changing"
- the side upon which the use of a thing depends (usually the most prominent surface of an object); "he dealt the cards face down"
- the striking or working surface of an implement
- the front of the human head from the forehead to the chin and ear to ear; "he washed his face"; "I wish I had seen the look on his face when he got the news" (同)human face
- a part of a person that is used to refer to a person; "he looked out at a roomful of faces"; "when he returned to work he met many new faces"
- status in the eyes of others; "he lost face"
- the part of an animal corresponding to the human face
- be opposite; "the facing page"; "the two sofas face each other"
- cover the front or surface of; "The building was faced with beautiful stones"
- line the edge (of a garment) with a different material; "face the lapels of the jacket"
- turn so as to expose the face; "face a playing card"
- form vertical ribs by knitting; "A ribbed sweater"
- a projecting molding on the underside of a vault or ceiling; may be ornamental or structural
- support resembling the rib of an animal
- any of the 12 pairs of curved arches of bone extending from the spine to or toward the sternum in humans (and similar bones in most vertebrates) (同)costa
- a riblike supporting or strengthening part of an animal or plant
- a teasing remark
- cut of meat including one or more ribs
- of leafy vegetables; having formed into a head; "headed cabbages"
- having a head of a specified kind or anything that serves as a head; often used in combination; "headed bolts"; "three-headed Cerberus"; "a cool-headed fighter pilot"
- having a heading or caption; "a headed column"; "headed notepaper"
- having a heading or course in a certain direction; "westward headed wagons"
- (顔を含めた)『頭』,頭部,首;(髪の生えている部分の)頭 / 『頭脳』,頭の働き,知力,才能;理性 / 『長』,指導者,支配者 / (ある物の)頭,上部,先端,先頭 / (川・泉の)源,水源 / (人・動物の)頭数,一人,1頭 / 『首席』,首位 / 《複数形で》(頭像のある)貨幣の表 / 項目,表題(新聞の)見出し / 《米俗》マリファナ常用者 / 長の,指導者の / …‘の'先頭に立つ,‘を'率いる;…‘の'長である / (…の方へ)…‘を'向ける《+『名』+『for』(『toward』)+『名』》 / (サッカーで)〈ボール〉‘を'頭で受ける,ヘディングする / (…に向かって)進む《+for(toward)+名》・「give a head」で「オーラルセックスをする・相手の性器をなめる」
- 〈C〉『顔』 / 〈C〉表情,顔つき / 〈C〉(物の)『表面』(surface),(建物の)正面(front),(貨幣・カードなどの)表《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈C〉(…の)外観,様子《+『of』+『名』》 / 〈U〉面目,面子(めんつ) / 〈C〉(多角面体の)面 / 〈C〉(活字・版の)面(印刷する部分);(活字の)書体 / 〈C〉(鉱山の)採掘現場 / …‘に'『面する』,‘の'ほうを向く / (…のほうに)…‘を'向ける《+『名』+『toward』+『名』》 / 〈人が〉〈危険など〉‘に'直面する,立ち向かう,対抗する;〈危険などが〉〈人〉‘に'迫る / 〈事実・現実など〉‘を'直視する,認める / (…で)〈壁など〉‘に'上塗り(上張り)をする《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / (ある場所・方角に)面する,向く《+『on』(『to』,『toward』)+『名』》
- 『肋骨』(ろっこつ),あばら骨 / (骨付きの)あばら肉 / 肋骨状の物;(船の)肋骨,肋材(ろくざい);(丸天井の)萩減(ろく)(建物・橋の)横ばり;(かさなどの) 骨 / 葉脈(vein) / (編物・織物の)うね / …‘に'肋骨(肋材)をつける / 〈編物〉‘に'うね模様をつける / 《話》…‘を'いじめる,からかう
- 《所有・所属》…『の』,…のものである,…に属する・《材料・要素》…『でできた』,から成る・《部分》…『の』[『中の』] ・《数量・単位・種類を表す名詞に付いて》…の・《原因・動機》…『で』,のために(because of) ・《主格関係》…『の』,による,によって・《目的格関係》…『を』,の・《同格関係》…『という』・《関係・関連》…『についての』[『の』],の点で・《抽象名詞などと共に》…の[性質をもつ] ・《『It is』+『形』+『of』+『名』+『to』 doの形で,ofの後の名詞を意味上の主語として》・《分離》…『から』・《起原・出所》…『から』[『の』](out of) ・《『名』+『of』+『a』(『an』)+『名』の形で》…のような・《『名』+『of』+『mine』(『yours, his』など独立所有格)の形で》…の…・《時》(1)《副詞句を作って》…に《形容詞句を作って》…の・《時刻》《米》…前(to,《米》before)
- 頭[部]のある,見出しのある / (キャベツなどが)結球した / 《複合語を作って》「…の頭を持つ」「頭が…の」の意を表す
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English Journal
- A proposed scheme for classifying pediatric rib head fractures using case examples.
- Pinto DC1, Love JC, Derrick SM, Wiersema JM, Donaruma-Kwoh M, Greeley CS.
- Journal of forensic sciences.J Forensic Sci.2015 Jan;60(1):112-7. doi: 10.1111/1556-4029.12590. Epub 2014 Nov 12.
- Pediatric rib head fractures are typically described as "posterior" or "costovertebral," terms lacking specificity. To resolve this issue, a scheme was developed to describe the location of rib head fractures observed in a pediatric forensic population. The scheme uses three anatomical landmarks, te
- PMID 25388901
- Analysis of quantitative methods for rib seriation using the Spitalfields documented skeletal collection.
- Owers SK1, Pastor RF.
- American journal of physical anthropology.Am J Phys Anthropol.2005 Jun;127(2):210-8.
- Accurate rib seriation is essential in forensic anthropology and bioarchaeology for determination of minimum numbers of individuals, sequencing trauma patterns to the chest, and identification of central ribs for use in age estimation. We investigate quantitative methods for rib seriation based on t
- PMID 15503341
- An in vitro human cadaveric study investigating the biomechanical properties of the thoracic spine.
- Oda I1, Abumi K, Cunningham BW, Kaneda K, McAfee PC.
- Spine.Spine (Phila Pa 1976).2002 Feb 1;27(3):E64-70.
- STUDY DESIGN: An in vitro human cadaveric study comparing the effects of anterior and posterior sequential destabilization conditions on thoracic functional unit mechanics was studied.OBJECTIVES: To investigate the biomechanical properties of the human thoracic spine.SUMMARY OF BACKGROUND DATA: Few
- PMID 11805710
Related Links
- ar·tic·u·lar facet of head of rib [TA] an articular surface on the head of a rib that articulates with a corresponding facet or two demifacets on the body or bodies of (a) vertebra(e). Synonym(s): facies articularis capitis costae [TA]
- Articular facet of head of rib information including symptoms, causes, diseases, symptoms, treatments, and other medical and health issues. ... Introduction: Articular facet of head of rib Description of Articular facet of head of rib
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- 英
- articular facet of head of rib (HT)
- 関
- 肋骨頭、肋骨
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- aspect、chamfer、face、ommatidia、ommatidial、ommatidium、plane、side、surface
- 頭付け。頭部、上部、正面。(ページ・章の)標題、(小)見出し。項、節。(船首などの)方向、飛行方向/方位。首切り
- 関
- articulation、joint