- 関
- caffeine、caffeine and sodium benzoate
- without water; especially without water of crystallization
- a bitter alkaloid found in coffee and tea that is responsible for their stimulating effects (同)caffein
- (化合物が)無水の,結晶水のない
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English Journal
- Polymorphic transformation of anhydrous caffeine under compression and grinding: a re-evaluation.
- Mazel V, Delplace C, Busignies V, Faivre V, Tchoreloff P, Yagoubi N.SourceEA 401 "Materiaux et Sante", UFR de Pharmacie, Universite Paris-sud 11, 5, avenue Jean Baptiste Clement, 92296 Chatenay Malabry Cedex, France.
- Drug development and industrial pharmacy.Drug Dev Ind Pharm.2011 Jul;37(7):832-40. Epub 2011 Jan 10.
- Polymorphic transformations that may occur during mechanical treatment are of great interest for the production of pharmaceutical solids. Anhydrous caffeine is a well-known example of such transformations but a careful reading of the already existing literature shows that published results are contr
- PMID 21214492
- Low- and high-frequency Raman investigations on caffeine: polymorphism, disorder and phase transformation.
- Hedoux A, Decroix AA, Guinet Y, Paccou L, Derollez P, Descamps M.SourceUniversite Lille Nord de France, F-59000 Lille, France.
- The journal of physical chemistry. B.J Phys Chem B.2011 May 19;115(19):5746-53. Epub 2011 Apr 22.
- Raman investigations are carried out both in crystalline forms of caffeine and during the isothermal transformation of the orientationally disordered form I into the stable form II at 363 K. The time dependence of the Raman spectrum exhibits no significant change in the intramolecular regime (above
- PMID 21513330
Japanese Journal
- Scale-Up Studies on High Shear Wet Granulation Process from Mini-Scale to Commercial Scale
- AIKAWA Shouhei,FUJITA Naomi,MYOJO Hidetoshi,HAYASHI Takashi,TANINO Tadatsugu
- Chemical & pharmaceutical bulletin 56(10), 1431-1435, 2008-10-01
- … Under various operation conditions and granulation bowl sizes, powder mixture composed of anhydrous caffeine, D-mannitol, dibasic calcium phosphate, pregelatinized starch and corn starch was granulated by adding water. …
- NAID 110006936294
- ケロリン^[○!R]が原因と考えられたAcute Generalized Exanthematous Pustulosisの1例
- 吉田 幸恵,村山 直也
- アレルギー 56(10), 1298-1300, 2007-10-30
- 78歳,女性.咳,発熱あり近医受診し,レボフロキサシン,カルボシステイン,感冒薬(サリチルアミド,アセトアミノフェン,無水カフェイン,メチレンジサリチル酸プロメタジン)を処方された.その翌日より躯幹の紅斑が出現し,皮疹は拡大傾向を示した.間擦部を中心に毛孔非一致性の小膿庖が紅斑上に多数存在し,組織学的には角層下膿庖であった.3剤を中止し,一旦軽快するも,皮疹の再燃をみた.再度の問診にて,市販薬ケロ …
- NAID 110006437785
Related Links
- Anhydrous Caffeine Anhydrous caffeine is simply dehydrated caffeine – anhydrous means “without water.” It is available in pill or tablet form, or as a soluble powder. Anhydrous caffeine is found in a number of non ...
- Since caffeine anhydrous powder is a modified version of the familiar caffeine, this supplement is a great way to get all of the benefits from caffeine quickly and without the mess or preparation. Anyone who might be interested in having ...
- What is caffeine anhydrous, and is it safe? It's really just caffeine - Caffeine anhydrous is both a real substance, and hype as well. Caffeine anhydrous pills or tablets are marketed as everything from an aid in dieting, to a means of ...
- 英
- anhydrous caffeine
- 商
- LL配合、PL配合、キョーリンAP2配合、クリアミン配合、サラザック配合、セラピナ配合、トーワチーム配合、ネオアムノール配合、ピーエイ配合、ペレックス配合、マリキナ配合、小児用ペレックス配合、無水カフェイン、幼児用PL配合
- 関
- カフェイン
- 関
- anhydrous caffeine、caffeine
- 関
- absolute