出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/01/22 20:10:34」(JST)
人民警察機動隊(ドイツ語: Volkspolizei-Bereitschaften ,VPB)は、ドイツ人民警察の即応部隊である。ドイツ民主共和国における内務省兵舎部隊(内務省軍)の主力を占めた。
1955年、占領地警察の機動警察(Bereitschaftspolizei, 兵営人民警察の前身)と平行し、労働者の武力としてドイツ人民警察長官たる内務大臣の下に人民警察機動隊(VP-Bereitschaften)が編成される。人民警察機動隊は人民警察や兵営人民警察とは命令系統を違えた独立した戦力であり、ソビエト連邦を始めとする東側諸国の内務省軍と同等のものと見なされた。
機動隊は一般警察中央部隊(ドイツ語版)(Zentralen Kräfte Schutzpolizei, ZKS)と並列して各地の人民警察地区支部に設置されていた。これらの部隊は機関銃や各種小火器を備え、軍に倣った部隊編成が行われていた。一般警察の警察官で構成されていた即応コマンド(Schnellkommandos)は1967年に解体されたが、一部は機動隊に残留した。
— ハインツ・オーピッツ少将
ドイツ語原文 | 日本語訳文 |
内務大臣たる人民警察長官はこれらの法的根拠及び0020/号台の各命令(Befehl 0020/…)に基づき、兵舎部隊を運用した。第7項1のbは治安活動の基盤であり、また第7項1のjは防衛任務を負わせるものであった。また、0020/79号命令(Befehl 0020/79)は次のように規定している。
„Die VP-Bereitschaften sind kasernierte, vollmotorisierte, nach militärischen Prinzipien organisierte und geführte Einheiten der DVP.“— 0020/79号命令
1989年の第0020/89号命令(Befehl 0020/89)では、1990年から1995年にかけて不穏分子が増加する事を見越し、人民警察及び兵舎部隊と国家人民軍の共同作戦に関して規定した。ただし、この命令は遂行されなかった。
内務省第一次長たる副参謀長(1. Stellvertreter des Chef des Stabes des MdI) | |||||
種別 | 名称 | 所在 | 勤務範囲 | 指揮官 | 備考 |
Hs.-Einheit | … | ディーペンゼアー(ドイツ語版) | 東独全土 | 1. Stv. C-Stab /MdI | 各地のVPを支援する。 |
DSt. Blbg. | リヒャルト・ゾルゲ博士(Dr. Richard Sorge) | フロデンベルク | Bz. Frankf./O | 1. Stv. C-Stab /MdI | 有事に用いる内務省の地下司令部を備える。 |
略語一覧: Blbg.: |
Blumberg = ブラムベルク局の擬装支部 |
Hs. C-Stab |
Hubschrauber = ヘリコプター Chef des Stabes des MdI = 内務省参謀長 |
労働者階級戦闘団および機動隊副司令官(Stellvertreter des Ministers Kampfgruppen der Arbeiterklasse / Bereitschaften) | ||||||
No. | 種別 | 所在 | 勤務範囲 | 指揮官 | 名称 | 備考 |
1. | VPB | シュヴェリーン | シュヴェリーン県 | C-BDVP | カール・リープクネヒト(Karl Liebknecht) | Staatsgrenze/ NVA-Unterstellg. mögl. |
2. | VPB | シュトラールズント | ロストック県 | C-BDVP | エーリッヒ・ワイネルト(Erich Weinert) | … |
3. | VPB | ポツダム・ハイデ | ポツダム県 | C-BDVP | ハンス・マルヒビッツァ(Hans Marchwitza) | Ausbildung von Unterführern der VPB |
4. | VPB | マクデブルク | マクデブルク県 | C-BDVP | ヴィルヘルム・ピーク(Wilhelm Pieck) | … |
5. | VPB | ライプツィヒ | ライプツィヒ県 | C-BDVP | オットー・ヘッカート(Otto Heckert) | … |
6. | VPB | ハレ | ハレ県 | C-BDVP | ハンス・バイムラー(Hans Beimler) | Reservisten-Ausbg. |
7. | VPB | エアフルト | エアフルト県 | C-BDVP | テオドール・ノイバウエル博士(Dr.Theodor Neubauer) | Staatsgrenze/ NVA-Unterstellg. mögl. |
8. | VPB | ドレスデン | ドレスデン県 | C-BDVP | クルト・フィッシャー博士(Dr. Kurt Fischer) | … |
9. | VPB | カール=マルクス=シュタット | カール=マルクス=シュタット県 | C-BDVP | エルンスト・シュネーラ(Ernst Schneller) | … |
10. | VPB | ルードルシュタット | ゲーラ県 | C-BDVP | ゲオルク·シューマン(Georg Schumann) | Staatsgrenze/ NVA-Unterstellg. mögl. |
11. | VPB | マクデブルク | 東独全土 | Minister | エルンスト・テールマン(Ernst Thälmann) | Staatsgrenze/ NVA-Unterstellg. mögl. |
12. | VPB | ハレ | 東独全土 | Minister | ベルンハルト・クーネン(Bernhard Koenen) | Staatsgrenze/ NVA-Unterstellg. mögl. |
13. | VPB | マイニンゲン | ズール県 | C-BDVP | マグナス・ポーゼル(Magnus Poser) | Staatsgrenze/ NVA-Unterstellg. mögl. |
14. | VPB | ノイシュトレーリッツ | ノイブランデンブルク県 | C-BDVP | ハンス・カール(Hans Kahle) | Ausbildung von Unterführern der VPB-Artillerie |
15. | VPB | アイゼンヒュッテンシュタット | フランクフルト県 | C-BDVP | ジョン・シーラ(John Schehr) | Ausbildung von Unterführern der VPB-SPW |
16. | VPB | コトブス | コトブス県 | C-BDVP | ゲオルギ・ディミトロフ(Georgi Dimitroff) | Ausbildung von Unterführern der VPB |
17. | VPB | バスドルフ | 東独全土 | Minister | コンラート・ブレンクレ(Conrad Blenkle) | Ausbg. vorverpflichteter Polizisten; |
18. | VPB | バスドルフ | 東ベルリン | Präs. PDVP | ハインリッヒラウ(Heinrich Rau) | Ausbg. vorverpfl.Poliz.; Einnahme W-Bln. |
19. | VPB | バスドルフ | 東ベルリン | Präs. PDVP | ロベルト・ウーリッヒ(Robert Uhrig) | Ausbg. vorverpfl.Poliz.; Einnahme W-Bln. |
20. | VPB | ポツダム・ハイデ | 東独全土 | Minister | ケーテ・ニーデルキルシュナー(Käthe Niederkirchner) | Staatsgrenze / NVA-Unterstellg. mögl. / 1. Kompanie Ausbildung von Unterführern der VPB |
21. | VPB | ライプツィヒ | 東独全土 | Minister | アルトゥール・ホフマン(Arthur Hoffmann) | … |
その他の兵舎部隊および司法戦力(Weitere Kasernierte Einheiten und Truppenübungsplätze) | ||||||
No. | 種別 | 所在 | 勤務範囲 | 所属 | 名称 | 備考 |
9. VP-Kp. | … | ポツダム・ハイデ | 東独全土 | C-BDVP Ptd. | 対テロ部隊 (GSG-9に相当) ¹ | |
(22.) | NaB | バスドルフ | 東独全土 | StM Na. | ルドルフ・ギプトナー(Rudolf Gyptner) | 直轄部隊。 |
(23.) | SE | ギールスドルフ | (シュトラウスベルク) | Ltr.DSt.Bbg. | … | 内務大臣後方指揮所 |
10. | Kp. | ブランケンブルク | 東独全土 | StM VD | ルドルフ・ティッテレバッハ(Rudolf Tittelbach) (FDJ-GO) | 兵站供給を担う。 |
– | Na.-Kp. | ドンミッチュ | 東独全土 | StM Na. | ヨゼフ・ギーフェル(Joseph Giefer) | 情報将校学校を含む。 |
– | TüP-I | ベルツィヒ | 南部 | StM KG/B | … | フェアローレンヴァッサーに駐屯する。 |
– | TüP-II | ノイルピーン | 北部 | StM KG/B | … | … |
– | TüP-Kroppen | クレッペン | TüP-OHS | Kdr. OHS | … | … |
– | OHS | ドレスデン | 東独全土 | StM KG/B | アルトゥール・ベッカー(Artur Becker) | 高級士官学校(Offiziershochschulen) |
略語一覧: | . | StM | Stellvertreter des Ministers=次官 |
DVP | Deutsche Volkspolizei=ドイツ人民警察 | KG/B | Kampfgruppen der Arbeiterklasse/ Bereitschaften=労働者階級戦闘団および機動隊 |
PDVP | Präsidium der DVP Berlin=ベルリン警察幹部会 | Ltr. Dst. | Leiter Dienststelle=軍事部隊本部長(警察大佐) |
BDVP | Bezirksbehörde der DVP=県警察 | Ltr.VPKA | Leiter VPKA=郡警察本部長(警察中佐) |
VPB | Volkspolizei-Bereitschaft=人民警察機動隊 | K-VPB | Kommandeur=司令官(警察中佐) |
SE | Sicherungseinheit=後方部隊 | StKuSC | Stellv. des K u. Stabschef=副参謀長(警察少佐) |
VPKA | VP-Kreisamt=郡警察 | KC | Kompaniechef=中隊長(警察少佐) |
TüP | Truppenübungsplatz=軍事教育所 | Na | Nachrichten=情報隊 |
鉄道警察特別行動中隊/機動隊(Transportpolizei-Einsatzkompanien/Bereitschaften) | |||||
No. | 種別 | 所在 | 勤務範囲 | 所属 | 備考 |
1. | TP-Kp.(B) | バート・クライネン | ロストック県~シュヴェリーン県 | C-BDVP | しばしばベルリンで活動した。 |
2. | TP-Kp.(B) | パーゼヴァルク | ノイブランデンブルク県 | C-BDVP | … |
3. | TP-Kp.(B) | アイゼンヒュッテンシュタット | フランクフルト県 | C-BDVP | … |
4. | TP-Kp.(B) | コトブス | コトブス県 | C-BDVP | … |
5. | TP-Kp.(B) | タラント | ドレスデン県 | C-BDVP | … |
6. | TP-Kp.(B) | ナウムブルク | ハレ県 | C-BDVP | … |
7. | TP-Kp.(B) | シュプレーダ | ライプツィヒ県 | C-BDVP | … |
8. | TP-Kp.(B) | ブランデンブルク | ポツダム県 | C-BDVP | 1980年4月30日解散 |
略語一覧: TP |
Transportpolizei=鉄道警察 |
Kp. B |
Kompanie=中隊 Bereitschaften=機動隊 |
有事における内務省兵舎部隊の活動については、国家人民軍法のDV IX/10 Zug – Gruppeの項にて定められている。
人民警察機動隊における訓練の内容は、人民警察法が定める第062号台命令(DVP Nr. 062/…)に基づき、人民警察長官たる内務大臣によって管轄された。
政治教育は3号台命令(Direktive 3/…)に基づいて計画・遂行された。その内容は国家人民軍の教範に則ったもので、期間は2日間(1日8時間)と定められていた。研修班の班長は小隊長(Zugführer)が務め、班長はしばしば消極的になりがちな班員らを鼓舞する役割を担った。新人隊員らはこの2日間の教育を必ず受けるものと定められており、警察官としての緊急出動を除けば出席の免除は認められなかった。
これらの教育課程を修了すると、人民警察上級巡査(Oberwachtmeister der VP)の階級に任命された。ポツダム・ハイデではマルクス主義及びレーニン主義に関する特別の政治教育も行われた。
人民警察機動隊の為に、アルトゥール・ベッカー内務省高級士官学校(Offiziershochschule des Ministeriums des Innern Artur Becker – Bereitschaften)が設置されていた。入学資格は他の高級士官学校や大学、またアビトゥーア試験と同様であった。
Premature ventricular contraction | |
A premature ventricular contraction marked by the arrow.
Classification and external resources | |
Specialty | Cardiology |
ICD-10 | I49.3 |
ICD-9-CM | 427.69 |
DiseasesDB | 32412 |
eMedicine | emerg/773 |
MeSH | D018879 |
[edit on Wikidata]
A premature ventricular contraction (PVC) — also known as a premature ventricular complex, ventricular premature contraction (or complex or complexes) (VPC), ventricular premature beat (VPB), or ventricular extrasystole (VES) — is a relatively common event where the heartbeat is initiated by Purkinje fibers in the ventricles rather than by the sinoatrial node, the normal heartbeat initiator. The electrical events of the heart detected by the electrocardiogram (ECG) allow a PVC to be easily distinguished from a normal heart beat. Although a PVC can be a sign of decreased oxygenation to the heart muscle, often PVCs are benign and may even be found in otherwise healthy hearts.[1]
A PVC may be perceived as a "skipped beat" or felt as palpitations in the chest. In a normal heartbeat, the ventricles contract after the atria have helped to fill them by contracting; in this way the ventricles can pump a maximized amount of blood both to the lungs and to the rest of the body. In a PVC, the ventricles contract first and before the atria have optimally filled the ventricles with blood, which means that circulation is inefficient. However, single beat PVC abnormal heart rhythms do not usually pose a danger and can be asymptomatic in healthy individuals.[2]
A PVC is a type of ectopic beat.
Although there are many signs and symptoms associated with PVCs, PVCs may have no symptoms at all. An isolated PVC is hard to catch without the use of a Holter monitor. PVCs may be perceived as a skipped heart beat, a strong beat, or a feeling of suction in the chest. They may also cause chest pain, a faint feeling, fatigue, or hyperventilation after exercise.[3] Several PVCs in a row becomes a form of ventricular tachycardia (VT), which is a potentially fatal abnormal heart rhythm.
Some other possible signs and symptoms of PVCs:
Premature ventricular contractions can occur in a healthy person of any age, but are more prevalent in the elderly and in men.[4] They frequently occur spontaneously with no known cause. Heart rate turbulence (HRT) is a phenomenon representing the return to equilibrium of the heart rate after a PVC. HRT parameters correlate significantly with mortality after myocardial infarction (heart attack).[5] Some possible causes of PVCs include:
PVCs are usually diagnosed after the patient has described “skipped beats”, pauses or palpitations. Typically the palpitations felt by PVC patients are very irregular and less sustained than patients with other types of arrhythmia. They are likely to have “flip flopping” sensations where it feels like the heart is flipping over or pounding due to there being a pause after the premature contraction and then a powerful contraction after the pause. There is a possibility that they might feel a ‘fluttering’ in their chest or a pounding in their neck but these two types of palpitations aren’t very common in PVC patients.[11]
A physical examination should be conducted after a full history has been taken. This is useful in determining any possible heart defects that might be causing the palpitations. For example, some cases of premature ventricular contraction have a mitral-valve prolapse which can be determined through the physical examination.[11] The next step in diagnosis is a 12 lead ECG which can be performed in the doctors’ office over a short period of time; however this is often non-conclusive in diagnosis because it is not very sensitive and there is only a small chance of a premature ventricular contraction occurring in the short period of time. Holter monitoring is a far better method for diagnosis as it is continuous recording of the heart’s rhythm over a period of 24 hours, or event monitoring which records noncontinuously for 30 days or indefinitely. This increases the likelihood of a premature ventricular contraction occurring during the recording period and is therefore more useful in diagnosis.[12] A simple self-diagnosis can be made with an inexpensive blood-oxygenation sensor/monitor that is put on a finger, displaying additionally the continuous on-going graph of the heart beating. That sensor can stay on the finger indefinitely without paying attention to it, but whenever a palpitation is being felt, a glance on the display will tell if a beat was skipped. If the problem repeats, the graph can be manually copied on a piece of paper, or - if the monitor has that feature - stored in the monitor's memory.
When looking at an electrocardiograph, premature ventricular contractions are easily spotted and therefore a definitive diagnosis can be made. The QRS and T waves look very different from normal readings. The spacing between the PVC and the preceding QRS wave is a lot shorter than usual and the time between the PVC and the proceeding QRS is a lot longer. However, the time between the preceding and proceeding QRS waves stays the same as normal due to the compensatory pause.[13] PVCs can be distinguished from premature atrial contractions because the compensatory pause is longer following premature ventricular contractions.[14]
There are four different named patterns of regularly occurring PVCs. Depending whether there are 1, 2, or 3 normal beats between each PVC, the rhythm is called bigeminy, trigeminy, or quadrigeminy. Unifocal PVCs are triggered from a single site in the ventricle, causing the peaks on the ECG to look the same. Multifocal PVCs arise when more than one site in the ventricles initiate depolarization, causing each peak on the ECG to have a different shape. If 3 or more PVCs occur in a row it may be called ventricular tachycardia.[14]
Normally, impulses pass through both ventricles almost at the same time and the depolarization waves of the two ventricles partially cancel each other out in the ECG. However, when a PVC occurs the impulse nearly always travels through only one bundle fiber, so there is no neutralization effect; this results in the high voltage QRS wave in the electrocardiograph.
There are three main physiological explanations for premature ventricular contractions: enhanced ectopic nodal automaticity, re-entry signalling, and toxic/reperfusion triggered.
Ectopic enhanced nodal automaticity suggests foci of sub-pulmonic valvular pacemaker cells that have a subthreshold potential for firing. The basic rhythm of the heart raises these cells to threshold, which precipitates an ectopic beat. This process is the underlying mechanism for arrhythmias due to excess catecholamines and some electrolyte deficiencies, particularly low blood potassium.
Reentry occurs when an area of 1-way block in the Purkinje fibers and a second area of slow conduction are present. This condition is frequently seen in patients with underlying heart disease that creates areas of differential conduction and recovery due to myocardial scarring or ischemia. During ventricular activation, one bundle tract's area of slow conduction activates the other tract's bundle fibers post block after the rest of the ventricle has recovered. This resulting in an extra beat. Reentry can produce single ectopic beats, or it can trigger paroxysmal tachycardia.
Triggered beats are considered to be due to after-depolarizations triggered by the preceding action potential. These are often seen in patients with ventricular arrhythmias due to digoxin toxicity and reperfusion therapy after myocardial infarction (MI).[4]
There are a number of different molecular explanations for PVCs.
Isolated PVCs with benign characteristics require no treatment. In healthy individuals, PVCs can often be resolved by restoring the balance of magnesium, calcium and potassium within the body. In one randomized controlled trial with 60 people those with 260 mg magnesium daily supplementation (in magnesium pidolate) had an average reduction of PVC by 77%.[19] In another trial with 232 persons with frequent ventricular arrhythmias (> 720 PVC/24 h) those with 6 mmol of magnesium (146 mg Mg)/12 mmol of potassium-DL-hydrogenaspartate daily supplementation had median reduction of PVCs by 17%.[20]
The most effective treatment is the elimination of triggers (particularly stopping the use of substances such as caffeine and certain drugs).
In the setting of existing heart disease, however, PVCs must be watched carefully, as they may cause a form of ventricular tachycardia (rapid heartbeat).
The American College of Cardiology and the American Heart Association recommend evaluation for coronary artery disease (CAD) in patients who have frequent PVCs and cardiac risk factors, such as hypertension and smoking (SOR C).[citation needed] Evaluation for CAD may include stress testing, echocardiography, and ambulatory rhythm monitoring.
In meta-analysis of 11 studies, people with frequent PVC (≥1 time during a standard electrocardiographic recording or ≥30 times over a 1-hour recording) had risk of cardiac death 2 times higher than persons without frequent PVC. Although most studies made attempts to exclude high-risk subjects, such as those with histories of cardiovascular disease, they did not test participants for underlying structural heart disease.[24]
In a study of 239 people with frequent PVCs (>1000 beats/day) and without structural heart disease (i.e. in the presence of normal heart function) there was no serious cardiac events through 5.6 years on average, but there was correlation between PVC prevalence and decrease of ejection fraction and increase of left ventricular diastolic dimension. In this study absence of heart of disease was excluded by echocardiography, cardiac magnetic resonance imaging in 63 persons and Holter monitoring.[25] Another study has suggested that in the absence of structural heart disease even frequent (> 60/h or 1/min) and complex PVCs are associated with a benign prognosis.[21] It was study of 70 people followed by 6.5 years on average. Healthy status was confirmed by extensive noninvasive cardiologic examination, although cardiac catheterization of a subgroup disclosed serious coronary artery disease in 19%. Overall survival was better than expected.[26]
On the other hand, the Framingham Heart Study reported that PVCs in apparently healthy people were associated with a twofold increase in the risk of all-cause mortality, myocardial infarction and cardiac death.[21] In men with coronary heart disease and in women with or without coronary heart disease, complex or frequent arrhythmias were not associated with an increased risk.[27] The at-risk people might have subclincal coronary disease.[28] These Framingham results have been criticised for the lack of rigorous measures to exclude the potential confounder of underlying heart disease.[21]
In the ARIC study of 14,783 people followed for 15 to 17 years those with detected PVC during 2 minute ECG, and without hypertension or diabetes on the beginning, had risk of stroke increased by 109%.[29] Hypertension or diabetes, both risk factors for stroke, did not change significantly risk of stroke for people with PVC.[29] It is possible that PVCs identified those at risk of stroke with blood pressure and impaired glucose tolerance on a continuum of risk below conventional diagnostic thresholds for hypertension and diabetes.[29] Those in ARIC study with any PVC had risk of heart failure increased by 63% [30] and were >2 times as likely to die due to coronary heart disease (CHD). Risk was also higher for people with or without baseline CHD.[31]
In the Niigata study of 63,386 people with 10-year follow-up period those with PVC during a 10-second recording had risk of atrial fibrillation increased nearly 3 times independently from risk factors: age, male sex, body mass index, hypertension, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and diabetes.[32]
Reducing frequent PVC (>20%) by antiarrhythmic drugs or by catheter ablation significantly improves heart performance.[21][23]
Recent studies have shown that those subjects who have an extremely high occurrence of PVCs (several thousand a day) can develop dilated cardiomyopathy. In these cases, if the PVCs are reduced or removed (for example, via ablation therapy) the cardiomyopathy usually regresses.[23][33]
Also, PVCs can permanently cease without any treatment, in a material percentage of cases.[citation needed]
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リンク元 | 「心室性期外収縮」 |
関連記事 | 「VP」「V」 |