- the 22nd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)v
- Veterans Administration 在郷軍人局 / Vice Admiral
- vanadium の化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/04/29 07:40:25」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
ヴァス (vas, vaz, vasu)
- 1 アクロニム
- 2 vas
- 3 vaz
- 4 vasu
- 痛みの評価法Visual Analogue Scaleの略。フェイススケールとは異なる。
- ヴァス (イタリア) (Vas) - イタリアの村
- スロベニア語で「村」(vas)。トルノフスカ・ヴァス、ゴレニャ・ヴァス など
- トリスタン・ヴァス・テイシェイラ (Tristão Vaz Teixeira) - ポルトガルの探検家
- リカルド・ヴァス・テ (Ricardo Vaz Tê) - ポルトガル出身のサッカー選手
- ヴァス神群 (Vasu) - 自然現象を神格化した8柱の神々
- ヴァス (Vasu) - パラシュラーマ (Parasurama) の兄弟
- ウパリチャラ・ヴァス (Uparichara Vasu) - チェーディ国国王で、叙事詩『マハーバーラタ』に登場
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Look up vas in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
Vas or VAS may refer to:
- Vas (band), a musical group
- Vas deferens, connecting the left and right epididymis to the ejaculatory ducts in male anatomy
- Vaccine-associated sarcoma, a type of malignant tumor found in cats
- Value-added service, a telecommunications industry concept
- Vehicle-activated sign, a road traffic sign triggered by traffic
- Vehicle Autonomous System used for driverless cars
- Victoria Archaeological Survey, a government organisation in Victoria, Australia
- Victory at Sea, a 1952 documentary television series
- Victory at Sea (game), a set of naval wargames rules
- Visual analogue scale
- Visual Arts Scotland
Mathematics and computer science
- Vector addition system
- Virtual address space, a feature of computer operating systems
- Vulnerability assessment system
- Vas County, a county in Hungary
- Vas, Kostel, a settlement in the Municipality of Kostel, Slovenia
- Vas, Veneto, a commune in Veneto, Italy
- Abdul Vas (born 1981), Venezuelan artist
- János Vas (born 1983), Hungarian ice hockey player
- Joseph Vas (born 1955), American politician
- Márton Vas (born 1980), Hungarian ice hockey player
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Polygraphic sleep latency and subjective sleepiness by visual analog scale (VAS): The limitation of VAS.
- Kawada T, Suzuki H, Shimizu T, Katsumata M.SourceDepartment of Hygiene and Public Health, Nippon Medical School, 1-1-5 Sendagi, Bunkyo-Ku, Tokyo 113-8602, Japan.
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2012 Jan;43(1):266. Epub 2011 Apr 19.
- PMID 21507379
- Will musculoskeletal and visual stress change when Visual Display Unit (VDU) operators move from small offices to an ergonomically optimized office landscape?
- Helland M, Horgen G, Kvikstad TM, Garthus T, Aaras A.SourceBuskerud University College, Department of Optometry and Visual Science, Frogsvei 41, P.O. Box 235, N-3601 Kongsberg, Norway. magne.helland@hibu.no
- Applied ergonomics.Appl Ergon.2011 Nov;42(6):839-45. Epub 2011 Feb 19.
- This study investigated the effect of moving from small offices to a landscape environment for 19 Visual Display Unit (VDU) operators at Alcatel Denmark AS. The operators reported significantly improved lighting condition and glare situation. Further, visual discomfort was also significantly reduced
- PMID 21338981
Japanese Journal
- 膝関節痛のある高齢者への温罨法による疼痛緩和の効果
- 細野恵子,羽田真梨,井垣通人
- 名寄市立大学紀要 5, 1-6, 2011-3
- … 膝の痛み(VAS)の変化は非罨法期 5.50±2.24、罨法期3.71±2.01と、有意な低下(p<0.01)が示された。 …
- NAID 120003238445
- 摂食過程における視覚遮断が食味に与える影響に関する検討
- 阿部 雅子,原 修一,笠井 新一郎
- 九州保健福祉大学研究紀要 12, 157-162, 2011-03
- … We compared the 2 groups in terms of the mean value of all the Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) indices and STAI.[Results] Compared to the values of the VAS index in the visually non-deprived group, values in the visually deprived group were found to be lower in terms of 5 indicators (p < …
- NAID 110008456905
Related Links
- 視覚的評価スケール:VAS(Visual Analog Scale) 1) 「0」を「痛みはない」状態、「100」を「これ以上の痛みはないくらい痛い(これまで経験した一番強い痛み)」状態として、現在の痛みが10cmの直線上のどの位置にあるかを示す ...
- VASiVisual analogue scalej @ @ƂĊ ɒ xizłjő POC ȂOƂĎwłĂċL^B _ @ X Ē قȂ Ŕr ł邪Cꊳ ÑO x ǂfB
Related Pictures

- 英
- visual analogue scale VAS
- 同
- 視覚的アナログスケール、視覚的アナログスケール、視覚的アナログ尺度、Visual Analogue Pain Scale
- 関
- 痛みの評価法、疼痛
[show details]
- 英
- assistant artificial heart, ventricular assist device VAD, ventricular assist system VAS
- 同
- 心室補助人工心臓
- 関
- 左心バイパス法、人工心臓、補助循環法
- 英
- ventricular assist system VAS, VaS
- 関
- 補助人工心臓、VAD
- 同
- 胎児振動音刺激試験
- 関
- canal、conduit、duct、ductal、ductus、meatus、pipe、tubal、tube、vessel