- 関
- steroidogenic acute regulatory protein
- feature as the star; "The movie stars Dustin Hoffman as an autistic man"
- a plane figure with 5 or more points; often used as an emblem
- an actor who plays a principal role (同)principal, lead
- (astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior
- any celestial body visible (as a point of light) from the Earth at night
- mark with an asterisk; "Linguists star unacceptable sentences" (同)asterisk
- be the star in a performance
- 『星』;恒(fixed star) / 『星形のもの』;星章,星標(*)(asterisk) / 『スター』,花形 / (人の運勢を左右するといわれる)運星;《しばしば複数形で》運勢,運,星回り / (星印で示した)等級 / 《文》実現不可能な逆標(願望) / 星の / 花形の,主役の;卓越した,すぐれた / …を星(星形の物)で飾る;…‘に'星印をつける;(…を)…‘に'のようにちりばめる《+『名』+『with』+『名』》 / …‘を'主役にする / 主役を務める,主演する
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/09/04 09:24:59」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
スター (star, starr)
- 1 一般名称
- 2 企業・店舗
- 3 製品・サービス
- 4 その他名称
- 5 楽曲タイトル
- 6 人物
- 7 地理
- 8 架空
- 9 船舶
- star - 星。正確には、恒星など天球上に固定された星を意味し、惑星等は含まない。
- star - 俳優、タレント、アイドルなどの花形や人気。スタアとも。
- star - ☆・★ など星型の記号。特にアスタリスク (*) の俗称。
- -ster - 「〜の人」「〜な人」を意味する接尾辞(しばしば蔑称)。トリックスター、ギャングスターなど。
- ものまねエンターテイメントハウスSTAR - 東京都港区六本木にある、ものまねエンターテイメントハウス。
- スター (スーパーマーケット) - 滋賀県栗東市に本社を置くスーパーマーケット。
- スター(銃器メーカー) - 1901年に設立されたスペインの銃器メーカー。
- STARシリーズ - NTTデータが提供する、金融機関向け勘定系システムのアウトソーシングパッケージ。現在、第1世代のSTAR-21、第2世代のSTAR-ACEが運用・稼動されており、第2世代の後継として第3世代のSTELLA CUBEが、2011年5月稼動開始を目標に開発中。第3世代のみSTARの文字がないが、STELLAがイタリア語でSTARを意味し、CUBEが3乗(あるいは、立方体。立方体の体積は、一辺の3乗で求められる)を示す用語で、第3世代という意味合いを持つ。現時点では、第1世代の後継については明言されていない。
- スター (衛星放送) (Satellite Television for Asian Region) - 香港を本拠とするニューズ・コーポレーションと中国CMCが経営権を持つアジア最大規模の衛星放送ネットワーク。
- スター - タバコの銘柄のひとつ。
- スター型 - イギリスのグレート・ウェスタン鉄道が製造した蒸気機関車の1形式。 グレート・ウェスタン鉄道4000型蒸気機関車を参照
- Xerox Star - ゼロックス社のワークステーション。
- STARバス (STAR Bus) - オービタル・サイエンシズ社の衛星バス。
- STAR (ATMネットワーク) - アメリカの銀行オンラインシステム。
- スターネットワーク(スター型) (star network) - コンピュータネットワークトポロジーの種類。
- 衛星技術プログラム (Satellite Technology for the Asia-Pacific Region (STAR) Program) - JAXAが主体となって立ち上げたアジア太平洋地域のための。STAR計画とも。アジア太平洋地域宇宙機関会議#衛星技術計画を参照。
- 標準計器到着方式(Standard instrument arrival)、旧称・ 標準到着経路 (Standard Terminal Arrival Route)
- STAR計画 - MUSES計画の旧称。ひてん#名称を参照。
- スター (小惑星) - ビートルズのリンゴ・スターにちなみ命名された小惑星。
- THE STAR (漫画) - 島崎譲による漫画作品。
- THE STAR - 絶版マンガ図書館(外部リンク)
- スター - 張惠妹のアルバム。
- スター (aikoの曲) - aikoのシングル。
- STAR (浅香唯の曲) - 浅香唯のシングル。
- Star - 倖田來未の楽曲。シングル「Promise/Star」に収録。
- Star (佐藤朱美の曲) - 佐藤朱美のシングル。
- STAR (玉置浩二の曲) - 玉置浩二のシングル。
- Star (yaen front 4 men feat.sakiの曲) - yaen front 4 men feat.sakiのシングル。
- STAR e.p. - 山根万理奈のシングル。
- STAR (RIP SLYMEのアルバム) - RIP SLYME のアルバム。
- STAR (中島美嘉のアルバム) - 中島美嘉のアルバム。
- STAR (フジファブリックのアルバム) - フジファブリックのアルバム。
- STAR (U3のアルバム) - U3のアルバム。
- エドウィン・スター (Edwin Starr) - アメリカのソウルシンガー (1942–2003)。
- ケネス・スター (Kenneth Starr) - アメリカの法律家 (1946–)。ブッシュ(父)政権の訟務長官。
- チョンシー・スター (Chauncey Starr) - アメリカの工学者 (1912–2007)。アクセプタブルリスクの提唱者。
- バート・スター (Bart Starr) - アメリカのアメリカンフットボール選手 (1934–)。
- フレデリック・スタール (Frederick Starr) - アメリカの人類学者 (1858–1933)。
- ベル・スター (Belle Starr) - アメリカ西部開拓時代のアウトロー (1848–1889)。
- リンゴ・スター (Ringo Starr) - イギリスのドラマー (1940–)。元ビートルズ。
- デイビッド・スター・ジョーダン (David Starr Jordan) - アメリカの学者。
- 錦野旦 - 日本の歌手 (1948–)。愛称は「スターにしきの」。
- スター (アイダホ州) (Star) - アメリカ アイダホ州エイダ郡
- スター (サウスカロライナ州) (Starr) - アメリカ サウスカロライナ州アンダーソン郡
- スター郡 - アメリカ テキサス州
- スター (テキサス州) (Star) - アメリカ テキサス州ミルズ郡
- スター (ノースカロライナ州) (Star) - アメリカ ノースカロライナ州モンゴメリー郡
- スター (ミシシッピ州) (Star) - アメリカ ミシシッピ州ランキン郡
- スター (ペンブルックシャー) (Star) - イギリス ウェールズ ペンブルックシャー
- スター (ファイフ) (Star) - イギリス スコットランド ファイフ
- スター山脈 (Star Mountains) - パプアニューギニア
- デイヴィッド・スター (David Starr) - アシモフ『ラッキー・スター』Lucky Starr シリーズの主人公。
- スター - 任天堂のマリオシリーズに登場するアイテムのひとつ。 マリオシリーズのアイテム一覧#スターを参照
- スター - 任天堂の対戦型格闘ゲーム『ジョイメカファイト』に登場する架空のロボット。 ジョイメカファイト#ステージ3を参照。
- スター (フェリー) - タリンクが運航しているフェリー
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For the use of a star on the top right corner of Wikipedia's articles, see Wikipedia:Featured articles.
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A star is a luminous cosmic body.
Star, Stars or The Star may also refer to:
- 1 Symbols or graphic devices
- 2 Places
- 2.1 Russia
- 2.2 United Kingdom
- 2.3 United States
- 2.4 Elsewhere
- 3 People
- 4 Entertainment
- 4.1 Music
- 4.1.1 Bands
- 4.1.2 Albums
- 4.1.3 Songs
- 4.2 Fiction
- 4.3 Films
- 4.4 Television
- 4.5 Games
- 4.6 Other
- 5 Business
- 5.1 Publications
- 5.2 Television
- 5.3 Radio
- 5.4 Airlines
- 5.5 Automobiles
- 5.6 Other
- 6 Sports teams
- 6.1 Baseball
- 6.2 Basketball
- 6.3 Hockey
- 6.4 Other
- 7 Mathematics
- 8 Vehicles
- 9 Technology
- 10 Acronyms and initialisms
- 10.1 Science
- 10.2 Organizations
- 10.3 Education
- 10.4 Law enforcement
- 10.5 Transportation
- 10.6 Other
- 11 Other uses
- 12 See also
Symbols or graphic devices
- Star (football badge), a symbol of awards worn on an association football uniform
- Star (glyph), a typographical symbol
- Star (heraldry), star-like shapes, including stars, mullets and estoiles, used in heraldry
- Star (polygon), a geometric shape with acute points arranged radially
- Star, Bryansk Oblast, an urban-type settlement
- Star, Novgorod Oblast, a rural locality (village)
United Kingdom
- Star, Fife, Scotland, a village
- Star, Pembrokeshire, Wales, a hamlet
- Star, a small settlement near the village of Gaerwen, Wales
- Star, a hamlet in the civil parish of Shipham, Somerset, England
United States
- Star, Idaho, a city
- Star, Munising Township, Michigan, an unincorporated community
- Star, Mississippi, an unincorporated community
- Star, Nebraska, an unincorporated community
- Star, North Carolina, a town
- Star, Texas, an unincorporated community
- Star Island (disambiguation)
- Star Township (disambiguation), various townships
- Star Lake (Minnesota)
- Star Lake (Vilas County, Wisconsin)
- Star Valley, in western Wyoming and eastern Idaho
- Star, Alberta, Canada, a hamlet
- Star Mountains, Papua New Guinea
- Darren Star (born 1961), American producer, director and writer best known for creating the hit TV shows Melrose Place, Beverly Hills, 90210, and Sex and the City
- Ryan Star (born 1978), American singer-songwriter
- Star Jones (born 1962), American co-host of the television show The View, lawyer, journalist and writer
- Star Lotulelei (born 1989), National Football League player
- Star Stowe (1956 - 1997), American model
- Zonnique "Star" Pullins, member of the teenage girl group OMG Girlz
- Stars (Australian band), from the 1970s
- Stars (British band), a 1972 supergroup
- Stars (Canadian band), an indie rock group formed in 2000
- The Stars, a Japanese psychedelic rock group
- Star (702 album), 2003
- Star (Belly album)
- Stars (Cher album), 1975
- Stars (Collabro album), 2014
- Stars (Makai album), 2008
- Stars (Simply Red album), 1991
- Star (Mika Nakashima album)
- Star (Murk album)
- Star (Milky album)
- StAR (album), 1991 album by Jan Garbarek
- Stars: The Best of 1992–2002, by The Cranberries
- Star/Boom Boom, the soundtrack album to the 1982 film Star, by Biddu, Nazia Hassan, and Zohaib Hassan
- "Star" (Bryan Adams song), 1996
- "Star" (Kevin Ayers song), 1976
- "Star" (David Bowie song), 1972
- "Star" (Erasure song), 1990
- "Star" (Extreme song)
- "Star" (Stellar song)
- "Stars" (Chloe song)
- "Stars" (The Cranberries song), 2002
- "Stars" (Grace Potter and the Nocturnals song), 2012
- "Stars" (Hum song), 1995
- "Stars" (Mika Nakashima song)
- "Stars" (Roxette song), 1999
- "Stars" (Simply Red song), 1991
- "Stars" (Dan Fogelberg song), 1972
- "Stars" (Switchfoot song)
- "Stars" (Destine song)
- "Star", by Biddu and Zohaib Hassan from Star/Boom Boom
- "Star", by Brotherhood of Man from the album Images
- "Star", by The Crash from Wildlife
- "Star", by The Cult from The Cult
- "Stars", by Dubstar from Disgraceful
- "Star", by Hellyeah from their eponymous album
- "Star", by The Hollies from Write On
- "Star", by Kiki Dee
- "Stars", by Kylie Minogue from X
- "Star", by Primal Scream from Vanishing Point
- "Star", by Silverbullit
- "Star", by Stealers Wheel
- "Star", by Terri Walker from L.O.V.E
- "Star (*)", by Project 86 from Drawing Black Lines
- "Stars", from the musical Les Misérables
- "Stars", by China Black
- "Stars", 1986, by the hard rock/heavy metal collaboration Hear 'n Aid
- "Stars", by Mark Gormley
- "Stars", by Janis Ian
- "Stars", by Mark Owen from The Art of Doing Nothing
- "Stars", by t.A.T.u. from 200 km/h in the Wrong Lane
- "Stars", by Kat DeLuna
- "The Stars", by Patrick Wolf from The Magic Position
- Star, a novel by Pamela Anderson
- Star, a novel by Danielle Steel
- "The Star" (Clarke short story), by Arthur C. Clarke
- "The Star" (Wells short story), by H. G. Wells
- The Star (1952 film), a 1952 Bette Davis film
- Star! (film), a 1968 musical starring Julie Andrews
- Star (1982 film), a 1982 Hindi film
- Danielle Steel's Star, a 1993 television film starring Jennie Garth
- Star (2001 film), a 2001 Tamil film
- The Star (2002 film), a 2002 Russian film
- "The Star" (Homeland), the season 3 finale of Homeland
- The Star (reality show), a Thai singing competition reality television show
- "The Star" (The Twilight Zone), an episode of The New Twilight Zone based on Clarke's story
- Star (board game)
- *Star, board game
- Stars (game), a 1970s game in BASIC
- Stars (series), soccer-simulation games
- Stars (shader effect), a computer graphics effect used by computer games
- Stars!, a 1995 game for Windows
- Star, fictional character in the Yie Ar Kung-Fu game
- STARS, fictional group in the video game Resident Evil and elsewhere in the franchise
- Patrick Star, a major character in the animated television series SpongeBob SquarePants
- Star (unicorn), the mate of Swift Wind in She-Ra
- S.T.A.R. Labs, an organization in the DC Comics fictional universe
- Special Tactics and Rescue Service (S.T.A.R.S.), a fictional police force in the Resident Evil series
- Star (newspaper), various publications
- Star (magazine), an American celebrity tabloid
- The Star (Bangladesh), a current affairs magazine
- Star Comics, an imprint of Marvel Comics (1984-1988)
- An-Najm, "The Star", 53rd sura of the Qur'an
- E! (Canadian TV channel), a Canadian cable channel formerly known as Star!
- Star Channel, a Greek television channel
- Star Cinema, a Filipino film and television production company and distributor
- STAR TV (Asia), a broadcasting corporation
- Star TV (Turkey) a Turkish television channel
- STAR (Greater China), an Asian TV service
- STAR (India), an Asian TV service
- Star (radio), the name of several radio stations
- Star FM, an Australian radio network
- Star Air (disambiguation), the name of several airlines
- Star Alliance, an alliance of airlines
- Star Aviation, an Algerian airline
- Star Airlines, former name of XL Airways France
- Società Torinese Automobili Rapid, also known as S.T.A.R., an Italian automobile manufacturer from 1904 to 1921
- Star (automobile), marque assembled by the Durant Motors Company between 1922 and 1928
- Star Motor Company, an 1898–1932 British car manufacturer
- Star Motorcycles, a division of Yamaha Motor Corporation, USA
- FSC Star, a Polish truck manufacturer
- STAR (interbank network), the largest American interbank network
- Star Cruises
- Star Ferry, a Hong Kong ferryboat service
- Star Film (Dutch East Indies company), a former Dutch East Indies film production company
- Star Market, a chain of supermarkets based in Boston
- Star Media Group, a division of Toronto Star Newspapers Ltd.
- Star Micronics, a Japanese printer manufacturer
- Star Records, a recording company in the Philippines
- Stars (restaurant), a defunct restaurant in San Francisco, California
- The Star (casino), the second largest casino in Australia
Sports teams
- Cleveland Stars (baseball), a defunct Negro league baseball team
- Cuban Stars (East), a defunct Negro league baseball team
- Cuban Stars (West), a defunct Negro league baseball team
- Detroit Stars, a defunct Negro league baseball team
- Hollywood Stars, an American minor league baseball team that operated from 1926–1935 and 1938–1957
- Huntsville Stars, a current American minor league baseball team
- Lincoln Stars (baseball), a defunct Negro league baseball team
- Newark Stars, a defunct Negro league baseball team
- Philadelphia Stars (baseball), a defunct Negro league baseball team
- St. Louis Stars (baseball), a defunct Negro league baseball team
- Los Angeles Stars, a basketball team from 1968–1970 in the original American Basketball Association
- Los Angeles Stars (2000–2001), a basketball team from 2000–2001 in the newer American Basketball Association
- Los Angeles Stars (2004–2005), a basketball team from 2004–2005 in the newer American Basketball Association
- Utah Stars, a 1970–1976 American basketball team, formerly the Los Angeles Stars
- Dallas Stars, an American National Hockey League team
- Manglerud Star Ishockey, a Norwegian hockey team
- Texas Stars, a team in the American Hockey League
- Melbourne Stars, an Australian Big Bash League cricket team
- Minnesota Stars FC, an American soccer team in the NASL
- Star (game theory)
- Star (graph theory)
- Kleene star, a unary operation
- A set of simplices in a simplicial complex
- Diamond DA40 Star, an Austrian single-engine light aircraft
- Star (automobile), a 1920s American car
- American Star Bicycle, an early type of bicycle
- GWR 4000 Class, a type of steam locomotive
- GWR Star Class, a type of steam locomotive
- Star (sailboat)
- HMS Star, various Royal Navy ships
- MS Star, an Estonian ferry
- USS Monticello (1859), a US Navy wooden screw-steamer briefly named Star
- Star Line (shipping company), a fleet of ships owned by timber merchants Messrs. James P Corry and Co Ltd. of Belfast, Ireland
- STAR Bus, a satellite platform
- Pyrotechnic star
- Xerox Star, a 1981 computer workstation
- Stars, an unofficial codename for AMD's K10 microarchitecture
- Star (Unix), an implementation of the tar file archiver
- Stars virus, computer virus that was discovered by Iran in 2011
Acronyms and initialisms
- STAR detector, a particle physics experiment
- Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein, a transport protein
- Synthetically thinned aperture radar, an interferometric radar method
- Shock Trauma Air Rescue Society, an air ambulance service
- The Society of Ticket Agents and Retailers, a UK organization
- Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries, a transgender organization
- Supporters' Trust At Reading, a Reading Football Club supporters' organization
- Synagogues: Transformation and Renewal, American Jewish organisation
- STAR (software), an educational software series
- STAR (student association)
- California Standardized Testing and Reporting (STAR) Program, a school assessment program
- New York State School Tax Relief Program
- Sekolah Tuanku Abdul Rahman, a Malaysian public school
Law enforcement
- Special Tactics and Rescue (Singapore), a division of the Singapore Police Force
- Special Task And Rescue, a division of the Malaysian Maritime Enforcement Agency
- Special Tasks and Rescue, a division of the South Australia police
- Single-Handed Trans-Atlantic Race, a yacht race
- Southern Tagalog Arterial Road, an expressway in the Philippines
- Standard Terminal Arrival Route (STAR), a flight procedure
- Standard Terminal Automation Replacement System (STARS), an air traffic control system
- Fulton surface-to-air recovery system (STARS), used to retrieve persons on the ground using an aircraft
- St. Austin Review (StAR), a Catholic magazine
- Situation, Task, Action, Result, an interview technique
- Stolen Asset Recovery
- STAR Events, a leadership program of the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America
Other uses
- Star (Chinese constellation)
- Star (classification), a ranking system for hotels, movies, or other products
- Stars (M. C. Escher), a wood engraving print by M. C. Escher
- HMCS Star, a reserve unit of the Canadian Maritime Command
- Movie star, a celebrity famous for performing in films
- The Star (Tarot card), a Major Arcana tarot card
- Star routes, a US Postal Service term
- Ulmus americana 'Star', an elm cultivar
- A horse coat marking
- Star (guitar), a guitar body shape
See also
- Star of David or Jewish star
- Asterisk (disambiguation)
- * (disambiguation)
- Starr (disambiguation)
- Starz (disambiguation)
- "Star Star", a Rolling Stones song
- Utah Starzz, a Women's National Basketball Association (WNBA) team
- Utah Starzz (WPSL), women's soccer team
- STAAR (State of Texas Assessments of Academic Readiness), a standardized test in Texas
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English Journal
- VehiHealth: An Emergency Routing Protocol for Vehicular Ad Hoc Network to Support Healthcare System.
- Bhoi SK1, Khilar PM2.
- Journal of medical systems.J Med Syst.2016 Mar;40(3):65. doi: 10.1007/s10916-015-0420-2. Epub 2015 Dec 22.
- Survival of a patient depends on effective data communication in healthcare system. In this paper, an emergency routing protocol for Vehicular Ad hoc Network (VANET) is proposed to quickly forward the current patient status information from the ambulance to the hospital to provide pre-medical treatm
- PMID 26696419
- The complete chloroplast genome of Phalaenopsis "Tiny Star".
- Kim GB1, Kwon Y1, Yu HJ2, Lim KB3, Seo JH4, Mun JH1.
- Mitochondrial DNA.Mitochondrial DNA.2016 Mar;27(2):1300-2. doi: 10.3109/19401736.2014.945566. Epub 2014 Aug 5.
- We determined the complete chloroplast DNA sequence of Phalaenopsis "Tiny Star" based on Illumina sequencing. The total length of the chloroplast genome is 148,918 bp long with GC content of 36.7%. It contains 70 protein-coding genes, 30 tRNA genes, and 4 rRNA genes. Comparative analysis with the
- PMID 25093401
- Population phylogenomic analysis and origin of mitochondrial DNA in Chinese domestic pig.
- Huo JH1, Wei QP1, Wan MC1, Liu LX1, Hu LF2, Zhou QY1, Xiong LG3, Yang Q1, Wu YP1.
- Mitochondrial DNA.Mitochondrial DNA.2016 Mar;27(2):892-5. doi: 10.3109/19401736.2014.919492. Epub 2014 May 27.
- The genetic diversity of eight domestic pigs was analyzed using a hypervariable fragment in the mitochondrial (mt) DNA control region; a portion of the hypervariable control region (515 bp) was sequenced from 153 samples. Haplotype diversity and nucleotide diversity in Yushan black pig populations
- PMID 24865908
Japanese Journal
- EUREKA アルマ望遠鏡で明らかになったダイナミックな星の誕生
- M&Aの現場から AZ-Star アジア地域への事業展開でさらなる成長を目指す日本企業に投資
- MARR : Mergers & acquisitions research report (253), 101-103, 2015-11
- NAID 40020624235
- キトラ古墳星図および関連史料の成立年の数理的再検討
- 科学史研究. [第Ⅲ期] = Journal of history of science, Japan. 日本科学史学会 編 (275), 192-214, 2015-10
- NAID 40020633243
Related Links
- 2013.07 スター 「 2027Ⅲ 」発表! ... 新着情報 2013.07.09 2027Ⅲ Youtube でLong PVを公開しました! 2013.07.09 2027Ⅲ 特設ページ公開しました!
- オメガスターホームページへようこそ 当サイトには、18歳未満の方にとって不適切な表現が含まれておりますので、 18歳未満の方、 美少女ゲームにご興味をお持ちでない方は、閲覧をご遠慮ください ますようお願い申し上げます。
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- 同
- START法 simple triageand rapid treatment
- 関
- トリアージ
歩行できるか → 緑
呼吸はあるか -無→ 気道確保 → 呼吸無し → 黒
| ↓有
| 赤
呼吸数 -30/分以上→ 赤
橈骨動脈触知、CRT -触知せず、CRT>2秒 → 赤
命令に応じる -応じない→ 赤
- 関
- astronomy、galaxy