- the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)s
- sulfurの化学記号 / {略}South[ern]
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[Wiki ja表示]
- Sta.
- スタヴロポリ地方 (Stavropol Krai)
- 科学技術庁 (Science and Technology Agency)
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[Wiki en表示]
STA or Sta may refer to:
- 1 Organizations
- 2 Music
- 3 Places
- 4 Science and technology
- 5 Military
- 6 Business
- 7 Other uses
Organizations [edit]
- Sail Training Association
- Samoa Tourism Authority
- SkillsTech Australia (Operating name for Trade and Technician Skills Institute)
- Spokane Transit Authority
- StaPress, an imprint of the German group VDM Publishing devoted to the reproduction of Wikipedia content
- State Transit Authority (New South Wales)
- State Transport Authority (South Australia)
- STA Travel (since 1979), travel organization for young people
- Slovenska tiskovna agencija, the Slovenian Press Agency
- Student Transportation of America
- Samsung Telecommunications America, a subsidiary company of Samsung Electronics Corporation
Music [edit]
- Steal This Album!, 2002 album by System of a Down
- Steal This Album, 1998 album by The Coup
- Smalltown America Records, label abbreviated STA
Places [edit]
- Saint Thomas Academy, Mendota Heights, Minnesota, USA
- St. Albans, Hertfordshire, UK
- St. Theresita's Academy, Silay City, Philippines
- Shanghai Theatre Academy, Shanghai, China
- St. Thomas Aquinas High School (Fort Lauderdale), Florida, USA
- St. Thomas Aquinas High School (Louisville), Ohio, USA
- St. Augustine, Florida, USA
- St. Thomas Aquinas Catholic Secondary School (London, Ontario), Canada
- SuccessTech Academy, a public high school in downtown Cleveland, Ohio
- Stauning Vestjylland Airport, Denmark (IATA code STA)
Science and technology [edit]
- Shuttle Training Aircraft
- Simultaneous Thermal Analysis, simultaneous application of thermogravimetry and differential scanning calorimetry
- Single Thread Apartment, a threading model used in the computer technology Component Object Model
- Spacetime algebra
- Spanning tree algorithm
- Spike-triggered average
- Special temporary authority, authority from the Federal Communications Commission to operate a radio station in an unusual manner in the United States
- Static timing analysis - is a method of computing the expected timing of a digital circuit without requiring simulation.
- Station (computer networking) (STA), a basic networking term
- Statine, an amino acid
- Structural Test Article by Orbiter Vehicle Designation codes — STA or STA-099
Military [edit]
- STA-21 or Seaman to Admiral, the U.S. Navy's commissioning program for the 21st century
- Surveillance and Target Acquisition, as in artillery STA, or:
- STA platoon, up to the first Gulf War
- STA sniper, after the first Gulf War
Business [edit]
Other uses [edit]
- Scheduled Time of Arrival, the time advertised by an airline (or other transport company) as the time a flight (or other form of transport) is due to arrive at a gate or other point of disembarkation.
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Identification of hare meat by a species-specific marker of mitochondrial origin.
- Santos CG, Melo VS, Amaral JS, Estevinho L, Oliveira MB, Mafra I.SourceREQUIMTE, Departamento de Ciências Químicas, Faculdade de Farmácia, Universidade do Porto, Rua Aníbal Cunha, 164, 4099-030 Porto, Portugal; Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Campus de Sta. Apolónia, 5301-857 Bragança, Portugal.
- Meat science.Meat Sci.2012 Mar;90(3):836-41. Epub 2011 Nov 12.
- Meat species identification in food has gained increasing interest in recent years due to public health, economic and legal concerns. Following the consumer trend towards high quality products, game meat has earned much attention. The aim of the present work was to develop a DNA-based technique able
- PMID 22133589
- Extraocular muscle motor units characterized by spike-triggered averaging in alert monkey.
- Gamlin PD, Miller JM.SourceDepartment of Vision Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL, United States.
- Journal of neuroscience methods.J Neurosci Methods.2012 Feb 15;204(1):159-67. Epub 2011 Nov 15.
- Single-unit recording in macaque monkeys has been widely used to study extraocular motoneuron behavior during eye movements. However, primate extraocular motor units have only been studied using electrical stimulation in anesthetized animals. To study motor units in alert, behaving macaques, we comb
- PMID 22108141
Japanese Journal
- 2000年以降の円キャリー・トレードとホームカントリー・バイアスに関する一考察®
- 大溝 一登,Omizo Kazuto
- マネジメント・ジャーナル 04, 99-119, 2012-03-31
- … I inspected it with sta-tistic analyses, i.e.VAR analysis whether 5 factors(Japan-U.S. interest Gap, yen dollar rate, Japan-U.S. price index of stocks ratio, carry risk ratio, Implied Volatility)affected significantly the yen-carry trade and were also affected in reverse. …
- NAID 120004094184
- 多能性維持にかかわるサイトカインシグナル (第5土曜特集 次世代iPS医療) -- (iPS細胞の基礎生物学)
Related Links
- 海外旅行ならエスティーエートラベル!!オーストラリアの旅行情報も満載!その他にも長期留学、短期留学、お得な格安航空券やパッケージツアーの詳細やホテル情報も。 ... STA TRAVELはオーストラリアやヨーロッパなど世界各地への ...
- お得な海外旅行、航空券をお探しならSTA Travelにおまかせ! ... STA TRAVELはオーストラリアやヨーロッパなど世界各地への海外旅行や長期留学、短期留学のプログラムをご用意しています。
Related Pictures

- 英
- superficial temporal artery (KH) STA
- ラ
- arteriatemporalis superficialis
- 関
- 外頸動脈
- 上行する外頚動脈から外耳孔の下あたりで分岐
- 外耳孔の前方を走る
- そのまま上行し、側頭部で前方に枝を伸ばし、眼窩上動脈と吻合
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 同
- START法 simple triageand rapid treatment
- 関
- トリアージ
歩行できるか → 緑
呼吸はあるか -無→ 気道確保 → 呼吸無し → 黒
| ↓有
| 赤
呼吸数 -30/分以上→ 赤
橈骨動脈触知、CRT -触知せず、CRT>2秒 → 赤
命令に応じる -応じない→ 赤