- the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)s
- sulfurの化学記号 / {略}South[ern]
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/01/13 20:32:23」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- サンマリノのISO 3166-1国名コード
- 標準化死亡比(standardized mortality ratio,SMR)
- ソニー・ミュージックレコーズ - ソニー・ミュージックエンタテインメント傘下のレコード製作会社
- スノードン登山鉄道 (Snowdon Mountain Railway)
- 水蒸気メタン改質 (steam methane reforming)
- 神道夢想流杖術 (Shindō Musō-ryū)
- スプリント・ネクステルが、前身のネクステルからiDENで使用している800MHz代の周波数帯。Specialized Mobile Radioの略。
- サンタ・マルタ (Santa Marta) のIATA都市コード、および、シモン・ボリバル国際空港 (Simón Bolívar International Airport) のIATA空港コード
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[Wiki en表示]
- 1 Countries
- 2 Health/Medicine
- 3 Railways
- 4 Science and technology
- 5 Other
SMR may mean:
- San Marino, ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code
- Self-Myofascial Release
- Sensorimotor rhythm
- Sexual Maturity Rating
- Skeletal Muscle Relaxant
- Standardized Mortality Ratio, in epidemiology
- Submucous Resection of the septum
- Saltwood Miniature Railway, Kent, England, United Kingdom
- Shropshire and Montgomeryshire Railway
- Snowdon Mountain Railway, Gwynedd, Wales, United Kingdom
- South Maitland Railway, New South Wales, Australia
- Sutton Miniature Railway
Science and technology[edit]
- Shingled magnetic recording, a hard disk storage method with partially overlapping tracks introduced in the 2010s
- Small modular reactor
- Specialized Mobile Radio
- Square matricial representation, a type of matrix representation of polynomials
- Steam methane reforming, a method of producing hydrogen
- Surface movement radar, used on airports to observe taxiing aircraft
- Symbolic Music Representation, used in MPEG-4 Part 3 and defined in MPEG-4 Part 23
- Simón Bolívar International Airport (Colombia), by IATA code
- Sailor Moon R, the second season of the popular anime series Sailor Moon
- Schweitzer Mountain ski resort in Idaho, USA
- Seattle Mountain Rescue volunteer mountain rescue unit based in Seattle, WA
- Shinto Muso-ryu, Japanese martial art using the quarterstaff
- Shoot Many Robots, a 2012 video game by Demiurge Studios
- Sid Meier's Railroads! a model railroading video game
- Sites and Monuments Record of archaeological sites in the United Kingdom
- Six Mile Run, New Jersey, name of several features in New Jersey
- Six Mile Run (New Jersey), a tributary of the Millstone River in New Jersey
- MIT Sloan Management Review, a journal
- Smr, the ancient Egyptian name for Tell Kazel, a Bronze Age archaeological site and Phoenician city of Zemar
- Somatosensory & Motor Research, a medical journal
- SMR, a weapon featured in Call of Duty: Black Ops II
- Swedish Resistance Movement
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- A vasculitis centre based management strategy leads to improved outcome in eosinophilic granulomatosis and polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss, EGPA): monocentric experiences in 150 patients.
- Moosig F, Bremer JP, Hellmich B, Holle JU, Holl-Ulrich K, Laudien M, Matthis C, Metzler C, Nölle B, Richardt G, Gross WL.SourceDepartment of Rheumatology, University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein and Klinikum Bad Bramstedt, Bad Bramstedt, Germany.
- Annals of the rheumatic diseases.Ann Rheum Dis.2013 Jun;72(6):1011-7. doi: 10.1136/annrheumdis-2012-201531. Epub 2012 Aug 11.
- OBJECTIVE: To evaluate a vasculitis centre based management strategy for eosinophilic granulomatosis and polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss, EGPA).METHODS: A retrospective cohort study at a vasculitis referral centre was performed. All EGPA patients admitted from 1990 to 2009 were included. A structured in
- PMID 22887848
- Thermoregulatory and metabolic responses to hypoxia in the oviparous lizard, Phrynocephalus przewalskii.
- He J, Xiu M, Tang X, Wang N, Xin Y, Li W, Chen Q.SourceInstitute of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, School of Life Sciences, Lanzhou University, 222 Tianshui South Road, Lanzhou, 730000, PR China.
- Comparative biochemistry and physiology. Part A, Molecular & integrative physiology.Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol.2013 Jun;165(2):207-13. doi: 10.1016/j.cbpa.2013.03.007. Epub 2013 Mar 14.
- The effects of hypoxia on behavioral thermoregulation, rate of heating and cooling, hysteresis of heart rate, and standard metabolic rate (SMR) were investigated in Phrynocephalus przewalskii, a small size toad headed lizard. Preferred temperature (Tb) descended when lizards were exposed to severe h
- PMID 23500623
- Cancer incidence in persons with elevated cobalamin levels.
- Ryg J, Nybo M, Hallas J.SourceDepartment of Geriatric Medicine, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark; Institute of Clinical Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.
- European journal of clinical investigation.Eur J Clin Invest.2013 Jun;43(6):557-61. doi: 10.1111/eci.12076. Epub 2013 Apr 3.
- BACKGROUND: Elevated cobalamin level (ECL) is an epiphenomenon for several cancer types. The clinical significance of ECL at routine testing is, however, unknown. The aim of this study was to examine cancer incidences among persons with ECL.DESIGN: In a cohort study, Funen County residents (inhabita
- PMID 23550564
Japanese Journal
- シングル磁気記録におけるNLTSと記録補償の一検討 (磁気記録・情報ストレージ)
- 高田 一樹,岡本 好弘,延原 寛史
- 電子情報通信学会技術研究報告 : 信学技報 112(354), 19-24, 2012-12-13
- NAID 40019545758
- シングル磁気記録におけるNLTSと記録補償の一検討 (マルチメディアストレージ)
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- (1), 資 料 平成8年から平成12年までの5年間の人口動態統計(年報 厚生省大臣 官房統計情報部)の死亡数及び平成2年、平成7年の国勢調査人口を用いた。 (2), 標準化死亡比(SMR)の計算方法 ...
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- 昨年1年間のA町(人口10,000人)における全がん死亡数は50であった。昨年の日本全国における全がん死亡率は人口10万対250であった。A町の性・年齢階級別人口と全国の性・年齢階級別全がん死亡率との積和は50であった。A町の全がん標準化死亡比(SMR)はどれか。
- a. 0.2
- b. 0.5
- c. 1
- d. 2
- e. 5
※国試ナビ4※ [095A017]←[国試_095]→[095A019]
- 英
- standardized mortality ratio、SMR
- 関
- 年齢調整死亡率、間接法
- 観察集団の死亡数 / 期待死亡数 x 100 (%)
- 小さければ基準集団より死亡が少なく、大きければ基準集団より死亡が多い。
- 間接法では、観察集団の年齢階級別人口に基準集団の年齢階級別死亡率を適応することを思い出す。
Σ { (観察集団の年齢階級別人口) x (観察集団の年齢階級別死亡率) }
--------------------------------------------------------- x 100 (%)
Σ { (観察集団の年齢階級別人口) x (基準集団の年齢階級別死亡率) }
- 基準集団の年齢階級別死亡率を適用した場合の死亡数を基準として、観察集団の死亡数がどの程度か示す(比がわかる)。
- 同
- 関
- タナー分類