- the 3rd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)c
- (music) the keynote of the scale of C major
- a general-purpose programing language closely associated with the UNIX operating system
- the 19th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)s
- carbonの化学記号
- sulfurの化学記号 / {略}South[ern]
- =Communist Party
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English Journal
- [In-vitro activity of panipenem against clinical isolates in 2006].
- Yoshida S1, Koga T, Kakuta M, Kobayashi I, Matsuzaki K, Urabe E, Omika K, Hasegawa M, Sato Y.
- The Japanese journal of antibiotics.Jpn J Antibiot.2008 Feb;61(1):1-17.
- The antimicrobial activity of various antibiotics against clinical bacterial isolates recovered from patients with infectious diseases at the medical facilities in the Kanto region between March and September 2006 was evaluated. A total of 1030 clinical isolates were available for susceptibility tes
- PMID 18536215
- [The combination effects of antibacterial agents against clinical isolated multiple-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa].
- Maesaki S1, Yamaguchi T, Sasaki K, Hashikita G, Shibuya S, Watanabe M, Takayama S, Kawakami S, Nagasawa M, Suzuki N, Uchida T, Okabe T, Kobayashi S; Kanto-Koushinetsu MDRP Study Group.
- The Japanese journal of antibiotics.Jpn J Antibiot.2006 Feb;59(1):11-20.
- The effectiveness of antibacterial agents against 70 strains of clinically isolated multiple-drug resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (MDRP) was measured by the micro dilution method. Fifty of all strains (71%) produced metallo-beta-lactamase and the IMP-1 gene was detected by polymerase chain reaction
- PMID 16673578
- [Surveillance of susceptibility of clinical isolates to cefmetazole between 2000 and 2003].
- Sato Y1, Abe T, Koga T, Ito K, Tochikawa Y.
- The Japanese journal of antibiotics.Jpn J Antibiot.2005 Jun;58(3):303-16.
- For the post-marketing surveillance of cefmetazole (CMZ, Cefmetazon), MICs of injectable beta-lactam antibacterials including CMZ against clinical isolates from 15 medical institutions all over Japan are measured yearly and the incidence rates of resistance in various species are also evaluated. In
- PMID 16161756
Japanese Journal
- 川崎病に伴う急性胆嚢水腫に対し経皮経肝胆嚢ドレナージ(PTGBD)を施行した1例
- 原田 定智[他]
- 長崎醫學會雜誌 : Nagasaki Igakkai zasshi 87(3), 127-132, 2012-09-25
- … CTRXをSBT/CPZに変更、IVIGの追加投与を行い、12病日に解熱した。 …
- NAID 110009504670
- 肺癌および肝細胞癌を有するアルコール性肝硬変患者に発症した Edwardsiella tarda 敗血症の1例
- 徳永 志保,谷野 朋彦,孝田 雅彦,的野 智光,永原 天和,杉原 誉明,植木 賢,岡野 淳一,村脇 義和
- 肝臓 52(2), 120-125, 2011-02-25
- … 症例は76歳男性,検診の腹部エコーにて肝腫瘍を指摘され入院となった.肝腫瘍診断のために行った肝生検当日,悪寒戦慄を伴う40℃の発熱が出現した.CT,腹部超音波より胆嚢炎を疑いSBT/CPZを投与したが改善せず,血液培養からE.tardaを検出した.MEPMおよび免疫グロブリン製剤投与ならびにPTGBA(percutaneous transhepatic gallbladder aspiration)を行い,解熱,炎症は消失した.胆汁の培養からはKlebsiella …
- NAID 10029285075
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- 英
- sulbactam sodium/cefoperazon sodium mixture SBT/CPZ
- 同
- セフォペラゾンナトリウム・スルバクタムナトリウム合剤 cefoperazon sodium/sulbactam sodium mixture CPZ/SBT
- 商
- スルペラゾン
- 関
- スルバクタム SBT、セフォペラゾン CPZ
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セフォペラゾンナトリウム・スルバクタムナトリウム : 29 件
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セフォペラゾンナトリウム・スルバクタムナトリウム : 29 件
スルバクタムナトリウム・セフォペラゾンナトリウム : 約 19,200 件
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