- the 18th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)r
- resistance / 17歳以下父兄同伴映画の表示 / rook
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2016/03/04 19:54:35」(JST)
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RIF may refer to:
RIF as an initialism
- Realistic Imitation Firearm, A replica, often an airsoft gun that realistically portrays a firearm. import and sale of these is prohibited in the United Kingdom under the VCRA (Violent crimes reduction act) unless an individual is entitled to a specific defence such as being an airsoft skirmisher. See Legal issues in airsoft for more.
- Reconnaissance in force, a type of military operation used specifically to probe an enemy's disposition
- Reading Is Fundamental, an organization promoting children's literacy
- Reduction in Force, a large-scale ending of employment
- Reichsstelle für industrielle Fettversorgung meaning of the initials on bars of soap purported to have been made of human fat
- Renju International Federation, Renju is the professional variant of board game Gomoku
- Requirements Interchange Format
- Resistance is futile, a catchphrase in Star Trek
- Retrieval-induced forgetting, a phenomenon in memory
- Rifampicin, the antibiotic, abbreviated
- Right iliac fossa, part of the surface of the human abdomen
- Routing information field, a source routing-related field in the token ring network frame header
- The Royal Irish Fusiliers (Princess Victoria's), an infantry regiment of the British Army, raised in 1881
- Rule Interchange Format, a W3C recommendation-track effort
- Russian Internet Forum
- Radical Islamic Fundamentalist
Other uses
Rif may refer to:
- Isaac Alfasi, Rabbi Isaac ben Jacob Alfasi (1013—1103), was a Talmudist and posek
- Rif (island), in the Netherlands
- Rif, a region in Morocco
- Riffian people, inhabitants of the Rif Region
- Riff languages, a grouping of languages spoken in the Rif area
- Rif (GTPase)
- A riff in music
- Rif, a village in Iceland
See also
- Riff (disambiguation)
- Reef (disambiguation)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- Rifampicin reduces advanced glycation end products and activates DAF-16 to increase lifespan in Caenorhabditis elegans.
- Golegaonkar S1, Tabrez SS, Pandit A, Sethurathinam S, Jagadeeshaprasad MG, Bansode S, Sampathkumar SG, Kulkarni MJ, Mukhopadhyay A.
- Aging cell.Aging Cell.2015 Jun;14(3):463-73. doi: 10.1111/acel.12327. Epub 2015 Feb 26.
- Advanced glycation end products (AGEs) are formed when glucose reacts nonenzymatically with proteins; these modifications are implicated in aging and pathogenesis of many age-related diseases including type II diabetes, atherosclerosis, and neurodegenerative disorders. Thus, pharmaceutical intervent
- PMID 25720500
- Gene expression patterns combined with network analysis identify hub genes associated with bladder cancer.
- Bi D1, Ning H1, Liu S1, Que X1, Ding K2.
- Computational biology and chemistry.Comput Biol Chem.2015 Jun;56:71-83. doi: 10.1016/j.compbiolchem.2015.04.001. Epub 2015 Apr 15.
- OBJECTIVES: To explore molecular mechanisms of bladder cancer (BC), network strategy was used to find biomarkers for early detection and diagnosis.METHODS: The differentially expressed genes (DEGs) between bladder carcinoma patients and normal subjects were screened using empirical Bayes method of t
- PMID 25889321
- Evaluation of cynomolgus monkeys for the identification of endogenous biomarkers for hepatic transporter inhibition and as a translatable model to predict pharmacokinetic interactions with statins in humans.
- Chu X1, Shih SJ2, Shaw R2, Hentze H2, Chan GH2, Owens K2, Wang S2, Cai X2, Newton D2, Castro-Perez J2, Salituro G2, Palamanda J2, Fernandis A2, Ng CK2, Liaw A2, Savage MJ2, Evers R2.
- Drug metabolism and disposition: the biological fate of chemicals.Drug Metab Dispos.2015 Jun;43(6):851-63. doi: 10.1124/dmd.115.063347. Epub 2015 Mar 26.
- Inhibition of hepatic transporters such as organic anion transporting polypeptides (OATPs) 1B can cause drug-drug interactions (DDIs). Determining the impact of perpetrator drugs on the plasma exposure of endogenous substrates for OATP1B could be valuable to assess the risk for DDIs early in drug de
- PMID 25813937
Japanese Journal
- 史料紹介 : アフマド・イブン・ファドル・アッラー・ウマリー著『高貴なる用語の解説』訳注(4)
- エフォートフル・コントロールは検索誘導性忘却を予測する
- 小林 正法,丹野 義彦
- パーソナリティ研究 22(1), 77-79, 2013
- … Retrieval of a memory can cause forgetting of other related memories, which is known as retrieval-induced forgetting (RIF). … This study investigated whether individual differences in effortful control (EC), which reflects executive function ability, predict RIF. … The results showed that EC was positively correlated with RIF, even when dysphoria and trait-anxiety were controlled. …
- NAID 130003363155
- In Vitro Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Brucella melitensis Isolates from Sheep in an Area Endemic for Human Brucellosis in Turkey
- ILHAN Ziya,SOLMAZ Hasan,EKIN Ismail Hakkı
- Journal of Veterinary Medical Science, 2013
- … The aim of this study was to assess in vitro antimicrobial susceptibility of Brucella melitensis isolates isolated from naturally infected sheep cases in an area where human brucellosis is endemic, focusing on rifampin (RIF), streptomycin (SM), ciprofloxacin (CPFX), trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole (TMP/SMZ), gentamicin (GM) and tetracycline (TC), and on 11 other antimicrobials. … The resistance to SM, CPFX and GM was determined at the rate of 7.3%, and to RIF at the rate of 9.7%. …
- NAID 130003362161
Related Links
- Reading Is Fundamental (RIF) is the nation's largest nonprofit children's literacy organization. Through RIF programs, we prepare and motivate children to read by delivering free books and literacy resources to children who need them most.
Related Pictures

- 英
- rifampicin, RFP, RIF
- 商
- Rifampin、リファジン、リマクタン、アプテシン
- 関
- 抗結核薬、結核、抗菌薬
- 濃度依存性 ← アミノグリコシドlike
- 血漿濃度より組織内の方が高濃度に分布し、マクロファージに潜伏する結核菌に有効に作用。
- 結核菌のDNA依存RNAポリメラーゼに作用し、RNA合成初期段階を阻害(参考2)
- 他の抗結核菌薬と比べて特異的なものはない。
- 参考1
- 胃腸症状(悪心、嘔吐、下痢)、中枢神経系(頭痛、発熱)、皮膚(皮疹、掻痒、発赤)、血液系の異常(血小板減少症、急性溶血性貧血)
- イソニアジドなどの肝毒性を有する薬剤との同時投与により肝炎を来しやすい。
- 掻痒症も来すことがある。観血的に高用量を用いた患者にインフルエンザ様症状出現の報告がある。
- 体液(汗、唾液、涙)がオレンジ~橙赤色になる。
- 1. [charged] Rifampin and other rifamycins - uptodate
- 2. リファジンカプセル150mg - 添付文書
- http://www.info.pmda.go.jp/go/pack/6164001M1216_1_03/6164001M1216_1_03
リファンピシン RIF
- 英
- RIFLE Classification,
- 関
- 急性腎障害、急性腎不全
- 第2回ADQIカンファレンス(2002年イタリア・ビチェンツア)で新たに提唱された急性腎不全の診断・分類・重症度の分類
- Risk, Injury, Failure, Loss of kidney function and End stage of kidney disease という視点で分類。
GFR による診断
血清クレアチニン値×1.5< or GFR 低下>25 %
尿流量<0.5 ml/kg/hr×6 hr
血清クレアチニン値×2< or GFR 低下>50 %
尿流量<0.5 ml/kg/hr×12 hr
血清クレアチニン値×3< or GFR 低下>75 %, or 血清クレアチニン値≧4 mg/dl で 0.5 mg/dl の急性上昇を伴う
尿流量<0.3 ml/kg/hr×24 hr 無尿×12 hr (Anuria×12 hrs)
4 週以上持続する急性腎不全
3 カ月以上回復しない腎不全
- http://www.nmckk.jp/pdf.php?mode=puball&category=JJCD&vol=24&no=7&d1=2&d2=4&d3=2
- 2. Acute renal failure - definition, outcome measures, animal models, fluid therapy and information technology needs: the Second International Consensus Conference of the Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative (ADQI) Group.
- Bellomo R, Ronco C, Kellum JA, Mehta RL, Palevsky P; Acute Dialysis Quality Initiative workgroup.SourceDepartment of Intensive Care and Medicine, Austin Health, Melbourne, Australia. rinaldo.bellomo@austin.org.au
- Critical care (London, England).Crit Care.2004 Aug;8(4):R204-12. Epub 2004 May 24.
- INTRODUCTION: There is no consensus definition of acute renal failure (ARF) in critically ill patients. More than 30 different definitions have been used in the literature, creating much confusion and making comparisons difficult. Similarly, strong debate exists on the validity and clinical relevanc
- PMID 15312219
観血的整復固定術 open reduction and internal fixation