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- phosphorusの化学記号
- 映画 / 写真[pictureの短縮形]
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/01/23 10:45:54」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- マイクロコントローラの1つ。PIC (コントローラ)を参照。
- 画像圧縮フォーマットの1つ。PIC (画像圧縮)を参照。
- 航空機の機長、単独飛行のこと(Pilot in command)の略。
- 絵記号のひとつ。Pictogram Ideogram Communication)の略。
- Pic - 画架座(星座、Pictor)の略称。がか座を参照。
- 旅客案内情報処理装置のこと。列車運行管理システムを参照。
- 担当者(Person in Charge)の略。
- 牧場識別コード(Property Identification Code)の略。
- コンピュータ関連の各種略語。
- 周辺機器インターフェイスコントローラ(Peripheral interface controller)
- 位置独立コード(en:Position-independent_code) リロケータブル(再配置可能)、リロケータブルバイナリも参照
- プログラム可能割込み(Programmable Interrupt Controller)
- ピクサー社が以前に開発・販売していた画像処理専用コンピュータ(Pixar Image Computer)の略。
- 多体シミュレーションの手法のひとつ。(particle-in-cell)の略。
- Prior Informed Consent(事前通報承認)の略。ロッテルダム条約はその通称の1つとしてPIC条約とも呼ばれる。
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up PIC or pic in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
PIC or pic can refer to:
- 1 Government and politics
- 2 Law and policy
- 3 Medicine and biochemistry
- 4 Technology
- 5 Organizations
- 6 Places
- 7 Persons
- 8 Other
- 9 See also
Government and politics
- Partido Independiente de Color, a former Cuban political party
- Peace Implementation Council, an international body charged with implementing the Dayton Peace Agreement for Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Population Investigation Committee, a United Kingdom social research group founded in 1936
- Provincial Iraqi Control, an objective of the Iraqi Government and Multi-National Forces in Iraq
- Palestinian Information Center, a Palestinian news website
Law and policy
- Plan inclusive counterplan, a counterplan presented by the opponent in a policy debate
- Predesignated Interexchange Carrier, a U.S. legal and regulatory term for a telecommunications company
- Prior informed consent, a legal condition
Medicine and biochemistry
- Peripherally inserted central catheter, an intravenous access that can be used for a prolonged period of time
- Transcription preinitiation complex, a large complex of proteins necessary for transcription of protein-coding genes in eukaryotes
- Pre-integration complex, a complex used in HIV research
- Particle-in-cell, a technique used to solve certain partial differential equations
- Personal Internet Communicator, a device by AMD to allow access to the internet
- Photonic integrated circuit, a device that integrates multiple photonic functions
- Pic language, a domain-specific language for specifying diagrams
- PIC microcontroller, a family of Harvard architecture microcontrollers made by Microchip Technology (generally thought to mean Peripheral Interface Controller, was initially Programmable Interface Controller, and currently stands for Programmable Intelligent Computer)
- PICtor PIC image format, an image file format developed in the 1980s for PCPaint
- Pixar Image Computer, a high-end graphics designing computer made by Pixar in the 1980s
- Plastic identification code, a symbol used to identify types of plastic for recycling
- Presubscribed Interexchange Carrier, the interexchange carrier to which calls from a subscriber line are routed by default
- Polymorphic Inline Cache, a virtual machine optimization-technology
- Position-independent code, machine instruction code that executes properly regardless of where in memory it resides
- Programmable integrated circuit, see Programmable logic device, an electronic component
- Programmable Interrupt Controller, a device which allows priority levels to be assigned to its interrupt outputs
- Phoenix Iron Company, a former manufacturer, items may be marked PIC
- Poison information center, a medical facility used for cases of exposure to poisonous or hazardous substances
- Prison–industrial complex, interest groups that represent organizations that do business in correctional facilities
- Picayune (Amtrak station) (Amtrak station code PIC), Mississippi, United States
- Pic is French for Peak and thus appears in a number of mountain names (e.g. Pic du Midi de Bigorre)
- Pic River, in Ontario, Canada
- Anne-Sophie Pic, French cook
- Charles Pic, French Formula One driver
- Maurice Pic, French entomologist, specialising mainly in Coleoptera
- Tina Pic, American racing cyclist
- Paid-in-capital, the capital contributed to a corporation by investors on top of the par value of capital stock
- Pharmaceutical Inspection Convention, an international instrument between countries and pharmaceutical inspection authorities
- The Picard group in algebraic geometry, the group of isomorphism classes of invertible sheaves on a ringed space
- Pilot in command, a person aboard aircraft that is responsible for its operation and safety during flight
- The Pic – the Piccadilly line on the London Underground
See also
- Picture (common abbreviation)
- All pages beginning with "PIC"
- All pages with titles containing PIC
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English Journal
- Establishing a DNA identification system for pigs (Sus scrofa) using a multiplex STR amplification.
- Lin YC1, Hsieh HM2, Lee JC3, Hsiao CT4, Lin DY5, Linacre A6, Tsai LC7.Author information 1Department of Graduate Institute of Biotechnology, National Chung Hsing University, 250 Kuo Kuang Road, Taichung 40227, Taiwan, ROC; Taichung City Government Police Department, 588 Wenxin Road Section 2, Xitun District, Taichung City 40758, Taiwan, ROC.2Department of Forensic Science, Central Police University, 56 Shu-Jen Road, Kwei-San, Taoyuan 33334, Taiwan, ROC.3Department of Forensic Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, 1 Jen-Ai Road Section 1, Taipei 10051, Taiwan, ROC.4New Taipei City Police Department, 32 Fuzhong Road, Banqiao District, New Taipei City 22005, Taiwan, ROC.5Livestock Research Institute, Council of Agriculture, 112, Muchang, Xinhua District, Tainan City 71246, Taiwan, ROC; Department of Life Sciences, Cheng Kung University, 1 University Road, Tainan City 701, Taiwan, ROC.6School of Biological Sciences, Flinders University, Adelaide 5001, Australia.7Department of Forensic Science, Central Police University, 56 Shu-Jen Road, Kwei-San, Taoyuan 33334, Taiwan, ROC. Electronic address: lctsai@mail.cpu.edu.tw.AbstractIn this study we establish a novel STR multiplex using 13 tetra-nucleotide STRs and the amelogenin marker for the forensic identification of pigs. The genotypes and allele frequency were generated based on 341 samples from 11 pig breeds in Taiwan. Genetic variation was tested including Na, Ne, Ho, He, F-statistics, PIC, Pm and PE for each STR locus and for each breed. Based upon the 341 samples in this study, the CPm and CPEtrio of the 13 STR loci were 1.31E-11 and 0.9996 respectively. The CPItrio based on ten family sets ranged from 4.012E+4 to 4.332E+6 for paternity test. Validation of the multiplex included: determining the sensitivity of the test, where reproducible full DNA profiles were obtained using an initial template of between 0.25 and 1ng; a comprehensive range of tissue types generated the same genotype; and the specificity was confirmed as no DNA full profile was generated for any species other than Sus scrofa. Based on the phylogenetic analysis, the European domestic breeds clustered separately from the Asian breeds, as expected, and their hybrids formed unique clades respectively between the clades of Asian and European breeds. Eleven test samples, acting as unknown samples, matched all expected breeds. We demonstrate that this novel 14-plex PCR system is valuable in pig individualization, parentage testing, breed assessment, phylogenetic study and forensic applications.
- Forensic science international. Genetics.Forensic Sci Int Genet.2014 Mar;9:12-9. doi: 10.1016/j.fsigen.2013.10.006. Epub 2013 Oct 28.
- In this study we establish a novel STR multiplex using 13 tetra-nucleotide STRs and the amelogenin marker for the forensic identification of pigs. The genotypes and allele frequency were generated based on 341 samples from 11 pig breeds in Taiwan. Genetic variation was tested including Na, Ne, Ho, H
- PMID 24528574
- Peripherally restricted acute phase response to a viral mimic alters hippocampal gene expression.
- Michalovicz LT1, Konat GW.Author information 1Department of Neurobiology and Anatomy, West Virginia University School of Medicine, 1 Medical Center Dr., 4052 HSCN, P.O. Box 9128, Morgantown, WV, 26506-9128, USA.AbstractWe have previously shown that peripherally restricted acute phase response (APR) elicited by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of a viral mimic, polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (PIC), renders the brain hypersusceptible to excitotoxic insult as seen from profoundly exacerbated kainic acid (KA)-induced seizures. In the present study, we found that this hypersusceptibility was protracted for up to 72 h. RT-PCR profiling of hippocampal gene expression revealed rapid upregulation of 23 genes encoding cytokines, chemokines and chemokine receptors generally within 6 h after PIC challenge. The expression of most of these genes decreased by 24 h. However, two chemokine genes, i.e., Ccl19 and Cxcl13 genes, as well as two chemokine receptor genes, Ccr1 and Ccr7, remained upregulated for 72 h suggesting their possible involvement in the induction and sustenance of seizure hypersusceptibility. Also, 12 genes encoding proteins related to glutamatergic and GABAergic neurotransmission featured initial upregulation or downregulation followed by gradual normalization. The upregulation of the Gabrr3 gene remained upregulated at 72 h, congruent with its plausible role in the hypersusceptible phenotype. Moreover, the expression of ten microRNAs (miRs) was rapidly affected by PIC challenge, but their levels generally exhibited oscillating profiles over the time course of seizure hypersusceptibility. These results indicate that protracted seizure susceptibility following peripheral APR is associated with a robust polygenic response in the hippocampus.
- Metabolic brain disease.Metab Brain Dis.2014 Mar;29(1):75-86. doi: 10.1007/s11011-013-9471-6. Epub 2013 Dec 24.
- We have previously shown that peripherally restricted acute phase response (APR) elicited by intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of a viral mimic, polyinosinic-polycytidylic acid (PIC), renders the brain hypersusceptible to excitotoxic insult as seen from profoundly exacerbated kainic acid (KA)-induced
- PMID 24363211
- Development and molecular characterization of genic molecular markers for grain protein and calcium content in finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn.).
- Nirgude M1, Babu BK, Shambhavi Y, Singh UM, Upadhyaya HD, Kumar A.Author information 1Department of Molecular Biology and Genetic Engineering, College of Basic Sciences & Humanities, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology, Pantnagar, 263 145, India.AbstractFinger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn), holds immense agricultural and economic importance for its high nutraceuticals quality. Finger millets seeds are rich source of calcium and its proteins are good source of essential amino acids. In the present study, we developed 36 EST-SSR primers for the opaque2 modifiers and 20 anchored-SSR primers for calcium transporters and calmodulin for analysis of the genetic diversity of 103 finger millet genotypes for grain protein and calcium contents. Out of the 36 opaque2 modifiers primers, 15 were found polymorphic and were used for the diversity analysis. The highest PIC value was observed with the primer FMO2E33 (0.26), while the lowest was observed FMO2E27 (0.023) with an average value of 0.17. The gene diversity was highest for the primer FMO2E33 (0.33), however it was lowest for FMO2E27 (0.024) at average value of 0.29. The percentage polymorphism shown by opaque2 modifiers primers was 68.23 %. The diversity analysis by calcium transporters and calmodulin based anchored SSR loci revealed that the highest PIC was observed with the primer FMCA8 (0.30) and the lowest was observed for FMCA5 (0.023) with an average value of 0.18. The highest gene diversity was observed for primer FMCA8 (0.37), while lowest for FMCA5 (0.024) at an average of 0.21. The opaque2 modifiers specific EST-SSRs could able to differentiate the finger millet genotypes into high, medium and low protein containing genotypes. However, calcium dependent candidate gene based EST-SSRs could broadly differentiate the genotypes based on the calcium content with a few exceptions. A significant negative correlation between calcium and protein content was observed. The present study resulted in identification of highly polymorphic primers (FMO2E30, FMO2E33, FMO2-18 and FMO2-14) based on the parameters such as percentage of polymorphism, PIC values, gene diversity and number of alleles.
- Molecular biology reports.Mol Biol Rep.2014 Mar;41(3):1189-200. doi: 10.1007/s11033-013-2825-7. Epub 2014 Jan 30.
- Finger millet (Eleusine coracana (L.) Gaertn), holds immense agricultural and economic importance for its high nutraceuticals quality. Finger millets seeds are rich source of calcium and its proteins are good source of essential amino acids. In the present study, we developed 36 EST-SSR primers for
- PMID 24477581
Japanese Journal
- ジュニア・コーナ 至れり尽くせり時代は8ビットでもてんこ盛り! 実験&研究! もはやCPUより重要!? PICマイコン最新周辺機能(第5回)3大定番シリアルUART/I²C/SPIを使ったBluetooth汎用データ・ロガー
- オープンソースなハード&ソフト作りしてみました ちょうどいいのをLinuxだけで作るのは意外とムズい PICと二人三脚!ラズベリー・パイちょこっとリアルタイム・コントローラ (冬休み企画 ラズベリー・パイ電子工作)
- ジュニア・コーナ 至れり尽くせり時代は8ビットでもてんこ盛り! 実験&研究! もはやCPUより重要!? PICマイコン最新周辺機能(第4回)必ず使うことになる! 3大定番UART/SPI/I²C対応シリアル通信モジュール
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- plasmin α2-plasmin inhibitor complex, PIC, plasmin inhibitor complex
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プラスミン + α2プラスミンインヒビター(α2-PI)
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- 基準値:(血漿)0.8 μg/mL以下
- 線溶反応亢進の指標 ← 非常に鋭敏で特異性の高い検査
- 血漿レベルの上昇 → プラスミンの生成、線溶系の活性化
- 英
- plasmin-α2 plasmin inhibitor complex PIC
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- プラスミンインヒビター
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