広汎性発達障害 pervasive developmental disorder
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2015/05/22 14:13:32」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
PDP とは
- プラズマディスプレイパネルの略。
- PDPシリーズ:DEC社が1960年代から1970年代にかけて開発したミニコンピュータ。
- 認知心理学者デビッド・ラメルハート,ジェームズ・マクレランドらによって提唱された並列分散処理(parallel distributed processing)モデルのこと。
- 人民民主党(People's Democratic Party)
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[Wiki en表示]
PDP may refer to:
Computing and technology
- Packet Data Protocol, a packet transfer protocol used in wireless GPRS/HSDPA networks
- Parallel Distributed Processing, an artificial intelligence processing approach
- Plasma display panel, a type of flat panel display
- Policy Decision Point, a type of decision server in the Common Open Policy Service
- Portable DVD Player, DVD player in the format of a mobile device
- Power delay profile, intensity of a signal received through a multipath channel as a function of time delay
- Primary Data Point, value for a specific step in time-series data
- Programmed Data Processor, a series of minicomputers made by Digital Equipment Corporation (DEC)
- PDP-1
- PDP-6
- PDP-8
- PDP-10
- PDP-11 series of 16-bit minicomputers
- Project Detail Page, a view of schedule information on Microsoft Project Server
- XACML PDP, a XACML policy decision point that issues XACML responses
- Jammu and Kashmir Peoples Democratic Party, a political party in Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir
- Democratic Renewal Party (Indonesia), or Partai Demokrasi Pembaruan in Indonesian
- Islamic Party (Egypt), political party based in Egypt; formerly known as the Peace and Development Party
- Party for Democratic Prosperity, an ethnic Albanian political party in the Republic of Macedonia
- Peace and Development Party, a political party based in Mogadishu, Somalia
- People's Democratic Party (disambiguation), any of a number of world-wide political parties
- Popular Democratic Party (disambiguation), any of a number of world-wide political parties
- Progressive Democratic Party (disambiguation), a number of world-wide political parties
- Papua Presidium Council, a West Papuan political organization
- Pacific Drums and Percussion, a percussion instrument manufacturer
- Pi Delta Psi, an Asian-American Cultural Interest Fraternity
- Piecewise-deterministic process, a process in probability theory whose behaviour is governed by random jumps at points in time, but whose evolution is deterministic between those times, see also Piecewise-deterministic Markov process
- Plastic Disclosure Project, a project to reduce the environmental impact of plastic
- Pollical distal phalanx, the outermost bone in the thumb, see Distal phalanges#Fingers
- Prescription Drug Plan, a person with Medicare must enroll in this plan, see Medicare (United States) Part D: Prescription drug plans
- Personal development planning, the process of creating an action plan and planning for personal development
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English Journal
- Effects of climate change on overwintering pupae of the cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
- Huang J1, Li J.
- International journal of biometeorology.Int J Biometeorol.2015 Jul;59(7):863-76. doi: 10.1007/s00484-014-0903-8. Epub 2014 Sep 20.
- Climate change significantly affects insects' behaviors. Helicoverpa armigera (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) is one of the most serious insect pests in the world. Much is known about the survival of the overwintering population and spring emergence of H. armigera. However, little is known about
- PMID 25239518
- Effects of glucose administration on category exclusion recognition.
- Brandt KR1.
- Journal of psychopharmacology (Oxford, England).J Psychopharmacol.2015 Jul;29(7):777-82. doi: 10.1177/0269881115570084. Epub 2015 Feb 18.
- Previous research has produced discrepant findings as to whether glucose administration effects lead to enhanced recollection or arise only under dual-task conditions. The aim of the present research was to address these issues by firstly employing an alternative cognitively demanding paradigm that
- PMID 25693890
- Molecular Sticker Model Stimulation on Silicon for a Maximum Clique Problem.
- Ning J1, Li Y2, Yu W3.
- International journal of molecular sciences.Int J Mol Sci.2015 Jun 12;16(6):13474-89. doi: 10.3390/ijms160613474.
- Molecular computers (also called DNA computers), as an alternative to traditional electronic computers, are smaller in size but more energy efficient, and have massive parallel processing capacity. However, DNA computers may not outperform electronic computers owing to their higher error rates and s
- PMID 26075867
Japanese Journal
- アーク3D表示を用いることにより,実物体の後方にめり込んで空中像を提示できる方式とその改善方法 (電子デバイス研究会 ディスプレイに関する技術全般 LCD(バックライトを含む), PDP,有機/無機EL, CRT, FED, VFD, LEDなどのディスプレイ,並びに照明などの光源に関するデバイス,部品・材料及び応用技術、並びに評価全般)
- 中野 綺砂,吉田 貴彦,水科 晴樹,陶山 史朗
- 電気学会研究会資料. EDD = The papers of technical meeting on electron devices, IEE Japan 2021(1-23), 73-76, 2021-01-28
- NAID 40022486763
- 青色励起赤色発光リン酸塩蛍光体の発光特性 (電子デバイス研究会 ディスプレイに関する技術全般 LCD(バックライトを含む), PDP,有機/無機EL, CRT, FED, VFD, LEDなどのディスプレイ,並びに照明などの光源に関するデバイス,部品・材料及び応用技術、並びに評価全般)
- 志村 佳熙,久島 大輝,田村 祐樹,奥野 剛史
- 電気学会研究会資料. EDD = The papers of technical meeting on electron devices, IEE Japan 2021(1-23), 33-36, 2021-01-28
- NAID 40022486762
- 高速横電界液晶モードの高精細ディスプレイへの最適化 (電子デバイス研究会 ディスプレイに関する技術全般 LCD(バックライトを含む), PDP,有機/無機EL, CRT, FED, VFD, LEDなどのディスプレイ,並びに照明などの光源に関するデバイス,部品・材料及び応用技術、並びに評価全般)
- 松島 寿治,木村 駿一,小村 真一
- 電気学会研究会資料. EDD = The papers of technical meeting on electron devices, IEE Japan 2021(1-23), 29-32, 2021-01-28
- NAID 40022486761
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- pervasive
- 英
- pervasive developmental disorder, PDP
- 同
- autism spectrum disorders? ASD?
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- 高機能広汎性発達障害疑い:0.8-1.0%
F84 Pervasive developmental disorders
- F84.0 Childhood autism
- F84.1 Atypical autism
- .10 Atypicality in age of onset
- .11 Atypicality in symptomatology
- .12 Atypicality in both age of onset and symptomatology
- F84.2 Rett's syndrome
- F84.3 Other childhood disintegrative disorder
- F84.4 Overactive disorder associated with mental retardation and stereotyped movements
- F84.5 Asperger's syndrome
- F84.8 Other pervasive developmental disorders
- F84.9 Pervasive developmental disorder, unspecified
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