- the 9th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)i
- Interstate Commerce Commission・(米国)(the ~) 州間通商委員会 (略 ICC)
- 『私は』私が
- iodineの化学記号
Wikipedia preview
出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/05/27 18:23:45」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 国際刑事裁判所 (International Criminal Court)
- アイ・シー・シー 愛知県一宮市がエリアのケーブルテレビ局(旧称:一宮シティーケーブル)
- インターナショナル・カラー・コンソーシアム(International Color Consortium)
- NTTインターコミュニケーション・センターの略称
- 国際商業会議所 (International Chamber of Commerce)
- 協会貨物約款 (Institute Cargo Clauses)
- 国際クリケット評議会 (International Cricket Council)
- インターナショナルチャンピオンズカップ(International Champions Cup)
- 国際マンガ家大会 (International Comic Airtist Conference)
- Intel C++ Compiler
- 国際共産主義潮流 (International Communist Current)
- インタークロス・クリエイティブ・センター(Intercross Creative Center)
- 石川コンピュータ・センターの略称
- 環球貿易広場 (International Commerce Centre)の略称
- 国際触媒会議 (International Congress on Catalysis)の略称
- 州際通商委員会 (Interstate Commerce Commission)
- 国際連合国際コンピュータセンター (International Computing Centre, United Nations International Computing Centre, UNICC)の略称
- 国際計算センター (International Computation Centre)、現インフォーマティックス政府間局 (Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics)の略称
- en:Internet Chess Clubの略称
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[Wiki en表示]
Look up ICC in Wiktionary, the free dictionary. |
ICC may refer to:
- 1 Buildings
- 2 Games
- 3 Organizations
- 3.1 Government
- 3.2 Politics
- 3.3 Religion
- 3.4 Sports
- 3.5 Business
- 3.6 Other
- 4 Science and technology
- 5 Schools
- 5.1 United Kingdom
- 5.2 United States
- 6 Other
- International Commerce Centre, a superskyscraper in Hong Kong
- International Commercial Center skyscraper in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia
- International Convention Centre (disambiguation), any of several convention centers
- Internationales Congress Centrum Berlin
- Edward B. Bunn S.J. Intercultural Center, a building on the campus of Georgetown University
- Interstellar Confederation of Corporations, in the MMORPG Anarchy Online
- International Cricket Captain (series), a video game series about cricket management
- Internet Chess Club, a website for playing chess
- Icecrown Citadel, in the MMORPG World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King
- Illinois Commerce Commission, a quasi-judicial tribunal which regulates public utility services in the U.S. state of Illinois
- Interstate Commerce Commission, a now-defunct U.S. government regulatory body
- International Control Commission, which oversaw the 1954 Geneva Accords ending the First Indochina War
- International Criminal Court, an intergovernmental organization and international tribunal headquartered in The Hague, the Netherlands
- International Computing Centre, based in Geneva, Switzerland, established by the UN in 1971
- International Computation Centre, in Rome, Italy, created by UNESCO in 1951, now the Intergovernmental Bureau for Informatics
- International Certificate of Competence for Operators of Pleasure Craft, a European boating license
- Isthmian Canal Commission, a body set up to administer the Panama Canal Zone
- International Communist Current, a communist organization
- Inuit Circumpolar Council, a non-governmental organization representing several peoples in the far north
- Islamic Clerics Committee, a leadership group in Iraq
- International Coordinating Committee of National Human Rights Institutions
- International Christian Concern, a human rights organization
- International Christian Church, a group of Stone-Campbell Restoration churches led by Kip McKean and split off from the ICOC
- International Churches of Christ, a group of Stone-Campbell Restoration Movement Christian churches
- International Conference on Creationism, a conference in support of young earth creationism, sponsored by the Creation Science Fellowship (CSF)
- International Critical Commentary, an academic level biblical commentary series
- Irish Council of Churches, an ecumenical Christian body
- International Cricket Council, the governing body of cricket
- International Champions Cup, a friendly American soccer tournament featuring European clubs
- Indiana Collegiate Conference, a defunct American collegiate athletic conference
- International Co-ordination Committee of World Sports Organizations for the Disabled, 1982–1989 predecessor of the International Paralympic Committee
- Industrial Credit Company, (later Industrial Credit Corporation) purchased by the Halifax
- ICC Records, a record label
- Information Control Corporation, an Information Technology consulting firm headquartered in Columbus, Ohio
- Innovative Communications Corporation, a telecommunications company in the United States Virgin Islands
- International Chamber of Commerce, supporting global trade and globalisation
- International Controls Corporation, an American holding company founded by Robert Vesco
- International Conference on Communications, an academic conference for engineers
- International Cartographic Conference, an academic conference of the International Cartographic Association
- International Culinary Center, cooking school with locations in New York City, the San Francisco Bay Area and Parma, Italy
- International Criminal Court, an intergovernmental court for the prosecution of international crimes
- Inter-Cooperative Council at the University of Michigan, a student housing cooperative in Ann Arbor, Michigan
- NTT InterCommunication Center, a media art gallery in Tokyo, Japan
- Indian Cinematograph Committee, an Indian government committee overseeing censorship and cinema
- Imperial Camel Corps, an historic British Commonwealth military unit
- Incarnation Children's Center, New York orphanage, specializing in care of children with HIV/AIDS
- International Camp on Communication and Computers, European organisation for blind and partially sighted students
- International Code Council, a USA-based organization that publishes the International Building Code relating to the design and construction of buildings
Science and technology
- ICC is the transistor collector current in NPN bipolar junction transistors
- ICC profile, for characterising a color space or device
- Immunocytochemistry, interaction of chemicals with immune responses of cells
- Infinite conjugacy class property, or ICC group in mathematics
- Information Coding Classification, a system for classification of literature or other information by knowledge domains
- Institute for Computational Cosmology, an academic research institute at Durham University
- Intel C++ Compiler, a group of C and C++ compilers from Intel
- Intercostal catheter or Chest tube, a medical device for drainage of air or fluid from the pleural space
- International Association for Cereal Science and Technology, formerly International Association for Cereal Chemistry
- International calling code, a prefix to call to a phone number from abroad
- International Color Consortium, a standards body for computer color management
- Interstitial cell of Cajal, a type of interstitial cell found in the gastrointestinal tract
- Intraclass correlation or Intraclass correlation coefficient
- Item characteristic curve, curves used in item response theory
- Smart card, or Integrated circuit card or Integrated chip card
United Kingdom
- Icknield Community College, a comprehensive school in Watlington, Oxfordshire
- Ifield Community College, a school in Crawley, West Sussex
- International Christian College, Glasgow, Scotland
- Irlam and Cadishead College, Irlam, Salford
- Ivybridge Community College, a secondary school in Ivybridge, Devon
United States
- Illinois Central College, main campus in East Peoria; two campuses in Peoria, one in Pekin, Illinois
- Independence Community College, a community college in Independence, Kansas
- Isothermal Community College, a community college in Spindale, North Carolina
- Itasca Community College, a community college in Grand Rapids, Minnesota
- Itawamba Community College, campuses located in Fulton and Tupelo, Mississippi
- Izard County Consolidated High School, a high school and school district in Brockwell, Arkansas
- Dr. William M. Scholl College of Podiatric Medicine, formerly known as the Illinois College of Chiropody
- Commerce Clause, also known as the Interstate Commerce Clause and Indian Commerce Clause, an enumerated power of the United States Constitution
- Integration competency center, a shared service function within an organization for performing methodical data integration, system integration or enterprise application integration
- Maryland Route 200 also known as Intercounty Connector or ICC, a highway between the two Maryland suburban counties bordering Washington, DC
- International Certificate of Competence, a boating certificate recognized in parts of Europe.
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English Journal
- Making Homes Healthy: International Code Council Processes and Patterns.
- Coyle EC 3rd1, Isett KR, Rondone J, Harris R, Howell MC, Brandus K, Hughes G, Kerfoot R, Hicks D.
- Journal of public health management and practice : JPHMP.J Public Health Manag Pract.2016 Dec 15. [Epub ahead of print]
- CONTEXT: Americans spend more than 90% of their time indoors, so it is important that homes are healthy environments. Yet many homes contribute to preventable illnesses via poor air quality, pests, safety hazards, and others. Efforts have been made to promote healthy housing through code changes, bu
- PMID 26672401
- Quality assessment of osteoporosis clinical practice guidelines for physical activity and safe movement: an AGREE II appraisal.
- Armstrong JJ1, Rodrigues IB2, Wasiuta T3, MacDermid JC4.
- Archives of osteoporosis.Arch Osteoporos.2016 Dec;11(1):6. doi: 10.1007/s11657-016-0260-9. Epub 2016 Jan 13.
- Many osteoporosis clinical practice guidelines are published, and the extent to which physical activity and safe movement is addressed varies. To better inform clinical decision-making, a quality assessment and structured analysis of recommendations was undertaken. Guideline quality varied substanti
- PMID 26759266
- Bile duct carcinoma associated with congenital biliary dilatation in a 16-year-old female: a case report and literature review.
- Izumi H1, Yazawa N2, Furukawa D3, Masuoka Y4, Yamada M5, Mashiko T6, Kawashima Y7, Ogawa M8, Kawaguchi Y9, Mine T10, Hirabayashi K11, Nakagohri T12.
- Surgical case reports.Surg Case Rep.2016 Dec;2(1):5. doi: 10.1186/s40792-016-0132-y. Epub 2016 Jan 21.
- We encountered a very rare case of bile duct carcinoma associated with congenital biliary dilatation (CBD) in a 16-year-old female who was admitted to our hospital because of right upper abdominal pain and vomiting. Abdominal computed tomography demonstrated a cystic dilatation of the common bile du
- PMID 26943681
Japanese Journal
- Social Anxiety/Taijin-Kyofu Scale (SATS): Development and Psychometric Evaluation of a New Instrument
- Asakura Satoshi,Inoue Takeshi,Kitagawa Nobuki,Hasegawa Mifumi,Fujii Yutaka,Kako Yuki,Nakato Yasuya,Hashimoto Naoki,Ito Koki,Tanaka Teruaki,Nakagawa Shin,Kusumi Ichiro,Koyama Tsukasa
- Psychopathology 45(2), 96-101, 2012-02
- … Results: The SATS had high internal consistency (Cronbach's α = 0.97) and good interrater reliability (ICC = 0.88~0.93) and test-retest reliability (ICC = 0.94~0.99). …
- NAID 120003898278
- 2009ICC 船社倒産免責規定について (特集 海上保険)
Related Links
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- ある病院において院内感染対策を強化することとした。院内感染症対策委員会 ICCの下に感染制御チーム ICTを立ち上げた。ICTは病院職員の手洗いを標準予防策に則ったものとする教育をまず行うこととした。手洗いの手順を以下に示す。
- 手洗いの手順で最後に行うのはどれか。
※国試ナビ4※ [102B045]←[国試_102]→[102B047]
- 同
- 関
- 医療法施行規則、院内感染対策チーム ICT
- 医療法施行規則に基づいて設置される院内感染対策のための委員会。
- 院内感染に関わる最終的な意志決定機関
- 業務としては、院内感染対策マニュアルの作成・更新、感染症サーベイランス、院内感染が発生した場合の「危機」に対応できる体制作り、衛生管理と職員教育
- 英
- infection control doctor, ICD
- 関
- 感染制御看護師 感染症コントロールナース ICN、院内感染対策チーム ICT、院内感染対策委員会 ICC
- http://www.icdjc.jp/index.html
- 英
- Indian childhood cirrhosis, ICC
- 関
- 肝硬変
[show details]
- 英
- immunocytochemistry、ICC、immunocytochemical
- 関
- 免疫細胞化学的、免疫組織化学、カハール介在細胞
- 英
- interstitial cells of Cajal、ICC
- 同
- Cajalの介在細胞
- 関
- 免疫細胞化学、カハール細胞
国際対がん連合 International Union Against Cancer