機能的残気量 functional residual capacity
- the amount that can be contained; "the gas tank has a capacity of 12 gallons" (同)content
- (computer science) the amount of information (in bytes) that can be stored on a disk drive; "the capacity of a hard disk drive is usually expressed in megabytes"
- a specified function; "he was employed in the capacity of director"; "he should be retained in his present capacity at a higher salary"
- the maximum production possible; "the plant is working at 80 per cent capacity"
- tolerance for alcohol; "he had drunk beyond his capacity"
- the power to learn or retain knowledge; in law, the ability to understand the facts and significance of your behavior (同)mental ability
- capability to perform or produce; "among his gifts is his capacity for true altruism"; "limited runway capacity"; "a great capacity for growth"
- the 6th letter of the Roman alphabet (同)f
- 〈U〉《しばしばa capacity》(建物などの)『収容力』,(容器などの)『容量』,『容積』 / 〈U〉《しばしばa capacity》(人の)『能力』,才能;(物の)性能 / 〈C〉(…の)『資格』,地位《+『of』(『as』)+『名』》
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- 逆転磁場配位型(Field-Reversed-Configuration)
- カナダ向け燃油調整料(Surcharge)のこと。 Fuel Recovery Chargeの略。→燃油サーチャージ
- 英財務報告協議会
- 繊維補強コンクリート(Fiber Reinforced Concrete)
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FRC may refer to:
- Family Records Centre, the main centre for family history research in England and Wales from 1997-2008
- Fast Response Cutter, a vessel that is part of the United States Coast Guard's Deepwater program
- Fatah - Revolutionary Council, an international terrorist organization, also known as the Abu Nidal Organization
- Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba, an amateur radio organization in Cuba
- Federal Radio Commission, a government body that regulated radio use in the United States from 1926-1934
- Fiber-reinforced composite, a composite building material
- Fiber-reinforced concrete, a concrete with fibers as reinforcements
- The Financial Reporting Council, the UK's independent regulator for corporate reporting and governance
- The Finnish Red Cross, a NGO in the field of humanitarian aid
- FIRST Robotics Competition, an annual international contest between high schools
- First Round Capital, an early-stage venture capital firm in the United States
- First Reserve Corporation
- Flame-resistant clothing, wearing apparel for use in situations where there is risk of arc, flash or thermal burns
- Folk Research Centre of Saint Lucia
- Fort Richmond Collegiate, is a Canadian public high school in Winnipeg, Manitoba
- Frater Rosae Crucis, is the title awarded to advanced members of the Rosicrucian Order
- Cajun French, its ISO 639-3 code is 'frc'
- French Republican Calendar, a calendar used by the French between 1792 and 1805
- Functional Residual Capacity, the volume of air present in the lungs at the end of passive expiration (medicine)
- Freicoin, a crypto-currency with built-in demurrage
- Religion
- Family Research Council, a conservative Christian non-profit organization
- Family Rosary Crusade, a Roman Catholic prayer movement founded by Father Patrick Peyton
- Technology
- Field-Reversed Configuration, a type of magnetic fusion energy device
- Frame Rate Control, a method of emulation of the missing colors on LCD when the color of a pixel is changed slightly with every frame
- Full Rate Codec, a 13 kbit/s speech codec commonly used in the GSM network
- Transport
- Fixed Roof Coupé, a car body style that mimics a convertible but with a fixed hardtop
- Functional Road Class, a group of roads classified to have the same function
- Entertainment and gaming
- Fischer Random Chess, a chess variant
- "F.R.C (Fat Rich Cunts)", a song by The Screaming Jets from their 1991 album All for One
- False Roman Cancel, a technique used in the fighting game series Guilty Gear
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English Journal
- Variability of a closed, rebreathing setup for multiple breath wash-out testing in children.
- Pittman JE, Johnson RC, Jones PW, Davis SD.SourceDivision of Pediatric Pulmonology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, North Carolina. jessica_pittman@med.unc.edu.
- Pediatric pulmonology.Pediatr Pulmonol.2012 Dec;47(12):1242-50. doi: 10.1002/ppul.22531. Epub 2012 Mar 29.
- OBJECTIVE: The multiple breath wash-out technique (MBW) that measures lung clearance index (LCI) and functional residual capacity (FRC) may be more sensitive than spirometry for identification of early obstructive airways disease. The open MBW setup using mass spectrometry referenced in previous pub
- PMID 22467329
- Effects of a fluoride etchant and a phosphate primer on bonding of veneering composite to Ti-6Al-4V alloy for CAD/CAM restorations.
- Taira Y, Odatsu T, Sawase T.SourceDepartment of Applied Prosthodontics, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Nagasaki University, 1-7-1 Sakamoto, Nagasaki 852-8588, Japan. Electronic address: yohsuke@nagasaki-u.ac.jp.
- Journal of prosthodontic research.J Prosthodont Res.2012 Nov 27. pii: S1883-1958(12)00090-4. doi: 10.1016/j.jpor.2012.08.002. [Epub ahead of print]
- PURPOSE: Titanium abutments and superstructures are commonly veneered or covered with esthetic materials. The present investigation was carried out to evaluate the effects of an experimental surface treatment using etchant and primer on bond strength between a resin composite and Ti-6Al-4V alloy.MET
- PMID 23200091
Japanese Journal
- CES造耐震壁のせん断伝達メカニズムに及ぼす壁板位置の影響
- P-5 セルフアドヒーシブルーティングセメントはポストの合着に使用できるか : 保存期間とサーマルサイクルの影響(研究奨励賞応募ポスター発表,第60回日本歯科理工学会学術講演会(創立30周年記念大会))
- 副島 寛貴,武本 真治,服部 雅之,吉成 正雄,河田 英司,小田 豊
- 日本歯科理工学会誌 31(5), 388, 2012-09-25
- … The objective of this study was to evaluate the retention force of FRC posts cemented with self-adhesive resin luting cements, and the influence of storage period and thermal cycle. … The retention force of FRC posts by self-adhesive resin luting cements increased with long storage period. …
- NAID 110009517752
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- 英
- functional residual capacity, FRC
- 同
- 安静呼気終末肺活量 end-expired lung volume during resting breathing, FELV
- 関
- 残気量
- 0.053 x H(cm) - 0.037 x W(kg) + 0.015 x A - 3.89 (L) (SPU.32)
- 170cm,65kg,30歳の男性:0.053*170-0.037*65+0.015*25-3.89 = 3.09 L
- (呼吸器)volumeの和・差はcapacityと呼ぶ傾向があるみたい
- 関
- ability、capability、capacitance、competence、competent、facility、power
- 英
- functional residual capacity, FRC
- 関
- 機能的残気量
- 同
- frame rate, 単位時間当たりの画面表示数
フェニルアラニン phenylalanine