- 同
- CCBs
- 関
- Calcium channel blockers
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English Journal
- Gochnatia polymorpha ssp. floccosa: Bioprospecting of an anti-inflammatory phytotherapy for use during pregnancy.
- David Nd1, Mauro Mde O2, Gonçalves CA3, Pesarini JR4, Strapasson RL5, Kassuya CA6, Stefanello MÉ5, Cunha-Laura AL7, Monreal AC8, Oliveira RJ9.
- Journal of ethnopharmacology.J Ethnopharmacol.2014 Jun 11;154(2):370-9. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2014.04.005. Epub 2014 Apr 13.
- ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: Gochnatia polymorpha ssp. floccosa is used in folk medicine to treat inflammation and infections. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are the most commonly consumed medications during pregnancy in women with inflammatory diseases. However, the relationship
- PMID 24727192
- Inactivation of the adrenergic receptor β2 disrupts glucose homeostasis in mice.
- Fernandes GW1, Ueta CB1, Fonseca TL1, Gouveia CH1, Lancellotti CL1, Brum PC1, Christoffolete MA1, Bianco AC1, Ribeiro MO2.
- The Journal of endocrinology.J Endocrinol.2014 Jun;221(3):381-90. doi: 10.1530/JOE-13-0526.
- Three types of beta adrenergic receptors (ARβ1-3) mediate the sympathetic activation of brown adipose tissue (BAT), the key thermogenic site for mice which is also present in adult humans. In this study, we evaluated adaptive thermogenesis and metabolic profile of a mouse with Arβ2 knockout (ARβ2
- PMID 24868110
- Calcium Channel Blockers in Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy.
- Godfraind T.
- Journal of cardiovascular pharmacology and therapeutics.J Cardiovasc Pharmacol Ther.2014 May 28. pii: 1074248414530508. [Epub ahead of print]
- This paper summarizes the pharmacological properties of calcium channel blockers (CCBs), their established therapeutic uses for cardiovascular disorders and the current improvement of their clinical effects through drug combinations. Their identification resulted from study of small molecules includ
- PMID 24872348
Japanese Journal
- 4.細胞内因子と分泌シグナル因子の反作用による嗅覚上皮神経発生の制御(<総説特集II>嗅覚系の発生・再生・加齢-4)
- 川内 紫真子,Santos Rosaysela,Kim Joon,Gokoffski Kimberly,Wu Hsiao-Huei,Lander Arthur D,Calof Anne L
- 日本味と匂学会誌 19(1), 57-62, 2012-04
- 我々はこれまでに、TGF-βファミリーの分泌因子であるGdf11やActivinβBが嗅覚上皮の発生を負に制御することを見出した。さらに、転写因子Foxg1がTGF-βファミリーの分泌因子Gdf11の活性制御を通じて嗅覚上皮の発生に関与することを、マウスの遺伝学的手法を用いて発見した。これらの結果は、Foxg1とフォリスタチン(Fst)を介した、Gdf11の「負のフィードバック機構」の適切な制御が …
- NAID 110009456980
- Azelnidipine Inhibits Msx2-Dependent Osteogenic Differentiation and Matrix Mineralization of Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
- Shimizu Takehisa,Tanaka Toru,Iso Tatsuya,Kawai-Kowase Keiko,Kurabayashi Masahiko
- International Heart Journal 53(5), 331-335, 2012
- … While calcium channel blockers (CCBs) have been shown to improve outcomes in atherosclerotic vascular disease, it remains unknown whether CCBs have an effect on the process of vascular calcification. … Here we investigated whether CCBs inhibit osteogenic differentiation and matrix mineralization of vascular smooth muscle cells induced by Msx2, a key factor of vascular calcification. …
- NAID 130001914171
- Combination of Antihypertensive Therapy in The Elderly, Multicenter Investigation (CAMUI) Trial
- Sato Nobuyuki,Saijo Yasuaki,Hasebe Naoyuki
- International Heart Journal 53(4), 244-248, 2012
- … 雑誌掲載版J-STAGE掲載版使用https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/-char/jaAngiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs) with calcium channel blockers (CCBs) or diuretics are a widely used combination therapy for hypertensive patients. …
- NAID 130001914155
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Related Pictures

- 英
- calcium antagonist
- 同
- カルシウムチャネル遮断薬 calcium channel blocker CCB calcium channel blockers CCBs, Ca2+ channel blocker、カルシウムチャネル拮抗薬、カルシウムチャネル阻害薬、カルシウムチャネルブロッカー
- カルシウムブロッカー, calcium blocker, Ca blocker、カルシウム拮抗薬、カルシウム阻害薬、Ca拮抗薬
- 関
- 薬理学、カルシウムチャネル
- 細胞膜の膜電位依存性Caチャネルに特異的に結合し、細胞内へのカルシウムの流入を減少させる作用を有する薬物の総称。
- ベラパミル verapamil 心臓
- ジルチアゼム diltiazem 心臓 血管
- ニフェジピン nifedipine 血管
- 徐放化的製剤 ・・・剤形が変わる
- 組織特異性・長時間作用
- アムロジピン amlodipine
- YN.C-64他
- 1. 末梢血管拡張作用による頭痛、顔面紅潮、めまい
- 2. 不整脈
- ジルチアゼム、ベラパミル → 洞性徐脈、房室伝導障害
- ニフェジピン → 反射性頻脈
- 3. 下腿浮腫 ← 細静脈拡張せずに細動脈が拡張するため
- 4. 歯肉肥厚
- 動物実験にて催奇形性がある→妊婦への使用は禁忌→胎児の形成が終わればO.K.