- a telephone line;long distance service at fixed rates for fixed zones; an acronym for wide area telephone service (同)WATS line
- the 1st letter of the Roman alphabet (同)a
- the blood group whose red cells carry the A antigen (同)type_A, group A
- Wide Area Telecommunications Service 広域電話サービス
- answer / ampere
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2014/07/28 02:25:23」(JST)
[Wiki ja表示]
- 日立金属の開発した、耐候性の高いステンレス系刃物鋼。
- 自動列車停止装置 (Automatic Train Stop) - 列車の信号冒進や速度超過を防止する装置。
- 尼崎交通事業振興 (Amagasaki Transportation Service corporation)
- 航空交通業務 (Air Traffic Service)
- Advanced Turbine System
- 自動ターゲッティングシステム
- ATS (F1・ドイツ) (Auto Technisches Spezialzubehör) - ドイツのホイールメーカー。1977年から1984年までF1に参戦していた。下のATSとはまったく関係がない。
- ATS (F1・イタリア) (Automobili Turismo e Sport) - イタリアのF1チーム。1963年参戦。上のATSとはまったく関係がない。
- Alternative Trading Systems(証券代替市場) - 私設取引システム
- Applications Technology Satellite - 応用技術衛星
- ats- HΛLの作曲家
- キャデラック・ATS
- アーカイブタイムスタンプ (Archive Time Stamp)
- オーストリア・シリングのISO 4217コード
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[Wiki en表示]
ATS can mean:
- 1 Societies
- 2 Systems
- 3 Services
- 4 Schools
- 5 Other
- Adventist Theological Society
- American Temperance Society, an early American civic organization promoting temperance
- American Thoracic Society, a society for lung physicians, health related professionals and researchers
- Antique Telescope Society
- Airport Transit System, a rail system at Chicago O'Hare International Airport
- Alberta Township System, a land surveying system used in Western Canada
- Alternative trading system, the SEC's general classification for equity exchange alternatives in US equity trading
- Amtrak Telephone System, an internal network
- Antarctic Treaty System or Antarctic Treaty Secretariat
- Applicant tracking system
- ATS Automation Tooling Systems
- Automated Targeting System, a United States government rating system used to help assess the probability that a visitor to the U.S. is a terrorist or criminal
- Automated trading system
- Air traffic service
- Assistive technology service provider
- Automatic transfer service account
- Auxiliary Territorial Service, the women's branch of the British Army in World War II
- Ai Tong School, a primary school in Singapore
- Archbishop Temple School, a Church of England high school, United Kingdom
- Archbishop Tenison's Church of England schools (disambiguation), also called Archbishop Tenison's Schools
- Asbury Theological Seminary, a Methodist seminary based in Wilmore, Kentucky
- Association of Theological Schools in the United States and Canada, the primary accreditation agency for North American seminaries
- A Thin Shell, the third full album by October Tide
- A Thousand Suns, the fourth studio album by Linkin Park
- Algal Turf Scrubber
- Alien Tort Statute
- American Tribal Style Belly Dance
- Amphetamine-type stimulant
- Angel (TV series) (AtS)
- Anti-Terrorist Squad (disambiguation)
- Antoinette Tubman Stadium in Monrovia, Liberia
- Advanced Training School, a training program founded in the TX Wing of the U.S. Civil Air Patrol
- Audio Title Set, one of the directories present on a DVD, see DVD-Audio
- Australian Treaty Series
- Austrian schilling, the ISO 4217 currency code for the former currency of Austria
- Automate The Schools, the Student Information System of the New York City Department of Education
- Automatic train stop
- Automatic Transfer switch, in an electrical system, switches power automatically to a generator or other standby power source after a power interruption.
- Automobili Turismo e Sport, an Italian low-volume automotive manufacturer and Formula One team that operated between 1962 and 1965
- ATS (programming language)
- ATS (wheels), a German wheel manufacturer that was active as a Formula One team from 1977 to 1984
- ATS Euromaster, European tyre service supplier
- Alpha Theta Sigma, a Filipino fraternity - see List of fraternities and sororities in the Philippines
- Above Top Secret, an internet forum
- Athens Tourism Symposium
- Cadillac ATS, a compact luxury sedan by Cadillac
- Anime Talk Show, a 2004 Adult Swim television special
- IBM Administrative Terminal System (ATS/360)
UpToDate Contents
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English Journal
- A new method for detection of five alternaria toxins in food matrices based on LC-APCI-MS.
- Prelle A, Spadaro D, Garibaldi A, Gullino ML.SourceCentre of Competence for the Innovation in the Agro-Environmental Sector (AGROINNOVA), University of Turin, Grugliasco (TO), Italy.
- Food chemistry.Food Chem.2013 Sep 1;140(1-2):161-7. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2012.12.065. Epub 2013 Feb 27.
- A new method for the detection of alternariol (AOH), alternariol monomethyl ether (AME), altenuene (ALT), tentoxin (TEN), and tenuazonic acid (TeA), five alternaria toxins (ATs) was developed by liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry equipped with atmospheric pressure chemical ion
- PMID 23578628
- Severe community-acquired pneumonia treated with β-lactam-respiratory quinolone vs. β-lactam-macrolide combination.
- Karhu J, Ala-Kokko TI, Ohtonen P, Syrjälä H.SourceDepartment of Anaesthesiology, Division of Intensive Care, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland.
- Acta anaesthesiologica Scandinavica.Acta Anaesthesiol Scand.2013 May;57(5):587-93. doi: 10.1111/aas.12081. Epub 2013 Feb 5.
- BACKGROUND: This study aimed to compare the outcome of patients with severe community-acquired pneumonia (SCAP) treated with the combination of either β-lactam-quinolone (βQ) or β-lactam-macrolide (βM) antibiotics.METHODS: We retrospectively studied a cohort of patients with SCAP treated from Ja
- PMID 23379766
Japanese Journal
- The definition of healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP) is insufficient for the medical environment in Japan: a comparison of HCAP and nursing and healthcare-associated pneumonia (NHCAP)
- Kaku Norihito,Yanagihara Katsunori,Morinaga Yoshitomo,Izumikawa Koichi,Nagashima Seiji,Kakeya Hiroshi,Yamamoto Yoshihiro,Fukuda Minoru,Takatani Hiroshi,Fukuda Masaaki,Hashiguchi Kohji,Kohno Shigeru
- Journal of Infection and Chemotherapy 19(1), 70-76, 2013-02-00
- … Healthcare-associated pneumonia (HCAP) is a new concept of pneumonia, which was proposed in the ATS/IDSA guidelines. …
- NAID 120005230950
- 列車運転取扱いと信号保安システム(13)京阪電気鉄道における列車の運転方法と自動列車停止装置(ATS)の概要
Related Links
- ATSは、機械式LSD/クラッチ/クロスギヤ等の開発・製造・販売を行っています。 製品カタログ 商品在庫 お問い合わせ 会社概要 English LSDを見る [ LSD 適合リスト ] [LSDを選択する] Carbon LSDの特徴 Metal LSDの特徴 高イニシャル ...
- オーストラリアのホテル、オプショナルツアーの格安予約はATS ... 土ボタルと野生動物探検エコサファリツアー 野生のカンガルー。野生のコアラに惹かれて、こちらのツアーのファミリー料金で親子で3人で参加しました。
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- 英
- Andersen syndrome
- 同
- Andersen症候群、アンダーソン症候群、アンダーセン症候群
[show details]
- Andersen syndromeはいくつかの疾患で用いられている
- 1. カリウムチャネル変異による先天性不整脈
- 2. 頭部形成異常、後側彎、高血圧を呈する常染色体劣性遺伝疾患
- 3. βリポ蛋白血症を呈する常染色体劣性遺伝疾患
1. カリウムチャネル変異による先天性不整脈
- 同
- Andersen--Tawil syndrome, ATS
- 関
- QT延長症候群
- 周期性四肢麻痺、軽度の風貌異常、心室性不整脈とQT延長/QU延長が認められることが特徴的な遺伝疾患である。(参考1)
- ヒトの内向き整流カリウムチャネルKir 2.1の遺伝子であるKCNJ2の遺伝子異常が約60-70%の症例に認められる。(参考1)
- 英
- American Thoracic Society, ATS
ビデオ補助下胸部手術 video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery video-assisted thoracic surgery
- 関
- JAK/STAT signaling pathway
- 関
- JAK/STAT signaling pathway