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- 1. 成人における慢性便秘のマネージメントmanagement of chronic constipation in adults [show details]
…bulk-forming laxatives, and the use of non-bulk-forming laxatives or enemas As initial management in the treatment of idiopathic constipation, we suggest dietary fiber and bulk-forming laxatives such as psyllium …
- 2. 幼児、小児および青年における慢性機能性便秘および便失禁:治療chronic functional constipation and fecal incontinence in infants children and adolescents treatment [show details]
…important to explain the need for laxatives and the safety of the type of laxative that will be prescribed to allay any concerns about the safety of long-term laxative use. Recovery will be gradual – Parents …
- 3. 高齢者における便秘constipation in the older adult [show details]
…dietary modification. A trial of osmotic laxatives should be considered in patients not responding to bulk laxatives. In patients who fail a trial of osmotic laxatives, colon secretagogues (lubiprostone) should …
- 4. 乳児や小児に発症して間もない便秘recent onset constipation in infants and children [show details]
…a history of fecal impaction, as discussed above. Laxatives – Children with recurrent constipation also may need one or two doses of a laxative at the onset of an episode to clean out the hard stool …
- 5. 虚偽性下痢症:臨床症状、診断およびマネージメントfactitious diarrhea clinical manifestations diagnosis and management [show details]
… a secretory laxative (eg, senna, bisacodyl) or osmotic diarrhea caused by a sodium-containing laxative. A negative osmotic gap is suggestive of a phosphate- or sulfate-containing laxative. We suggest …
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- 英
- cathartic, laxative, purgative, cathartic drug, evacuants
- ラ
- cathartica
- 同
- 下剤、便通薬
- 関
- 瀉下薬一覧
- 英
- drug, agent
- 同
- 薬物
- 関
- 作用薬、剤、ドラッグ、媒介物、病原体、麻薬、薬剤、薬物、代理人、薬品