- 英
- laparoscopic coagulating shear, LCS
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- 1. 困難が伴う胆嚢摘出術への対処managing the difficult gallbladder [show details]
…port may be necessary to facilitate retraction and exposure. An advanced energy device (eg, ultrasonic coagulator) may be preferable for dissection of the gallbladder for hemostasis reasons, and topical hemostatic …
- 2. 卵巣癌・卵管癌・腹膜癌:細胞切除術cancer of the ovary fallopian tube and peritoneum surgical cytoreduction [show details]
…methods used to achieve complete cytoreduction. The cavitational ultrasonic surgical aspirator, carbon dioxide laser, and argon beam coagulator have been used as adjuncts to these conventional techniques …
- 3. 腹腔鏡下手術において使用する器具およびデバイスinstruments and devices used in laparoscopic surgery [show details]
… Cavitron Ultrasonic Surgical Aspirator [CUSA]) also perform poorly when submerged in fluid,… successfully in open surgery are suitable for laparoscopic surgery. One example is the argon beam coagulator. This device uses monopolar electrocautery to produce a coagulated surface with very little smoke …
- 4. 小児における薬剤ネブライザーの使用use of medication nebulizers in children [show details]
…nebulization. Ultrasonic nebulizers consist of a power unit and transducer, with or without an electric fan. Electrical energy from the power unit is converted to high-frequency (1.63 megahertz) ultrasonic waves …
- 5. 成人における吸入剤の到達delivery of inhaled medication in adults [show details]
…been delivered . Ultrasonic nebulizers consist of a power unit and transducer, with or without an electric fan . The power unit converts electrical energy to high-frequency ultrasonic waves. A piezoelectric …
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超音波凝固切開装置 laparoscopic coagulating shear
超音波凝固切開装置, LCS
- 英
- apparatus、device、instrument、machine
- 関
- 器械、機器、器具、供給、設備、目録、機械、用具、装着、医療機器、デバイス、マシーン
- 英
- incision、dissection、incise
- 関
- 解体、解剖、解離、精査、切開術、切り込みを入れる、切り込み、郭清、ダイセクション
- 英
- ultrasound US, high frequency sound
- 同
- high frequency sound
- 関
- 心エコー、ピエゾ電気効果
- 英
- acoustic wave、sonic wave、sound wave
- 英
- clotting, coagulation