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- 1. 顔面紅斑が認められる患者に対するアプローチapproach to the patient with facial erythema [show details]
…usually sufficient for diagnosis. Topical corticosteroid withdrawal syndrome – Some patients develop a red face from prolonged use of moderate- to high-potency topical corticosteroids on the face. Symptoms of …
- 2. 成人の顔面紅潮に対するアプローチapproach to flushing in adults [show details]
…body areas . It is important to differentiate "true flushing" from other disorders that lead to facial erythema, such as the butterfly rash associated with systemic lupus erythematosus or photosensitivity …
- 3. 酒さ:病因、臨床的特徴、および診断rosacea pathogenesis clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… The treatment of rosacea is discussed separately. General approaches to the diagnosis of facial erythema, pustular skin lesions, and flushing are also reviewed separately. Although generally …
- 4. 酒さのマネージメントmanagement of rosacea [show details]
…Persistent facial erythema and telangiectasias – Behavioral modifications may improve persistent facial erythema, telangiectasias, flushing, and sensitive skin. If persistent facial erythema does not improve …
- 5. 成人における皮膚筋炎および多発性筋炎の臨床症状clinical manifestations of dermatomyositis and polymyositis in adults [show details]
…lower eyelid as well, sometimes accompanied by edema, which, at times, may be quite marked Facial erythema – Patients may have midfacial erythema that can mimic the malar erythema seen in systemic lupus…
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- 42歳の女性。赤ら顔と頭重感とを主訴に来院した。3か月前から家族に顔面と手掌とが赤いと言われていた。2週前から頭重感が出現し、時々ふらつき感も感じていた。既往歴・家族歴に特記すべきことはない。意識は清明。体温36.4℃。脈拍84/分、整。血圧158/92mmHg。顔面は紅潮。眼瞼結膜と口腔粘膜とは充血している。心音と呼吸音とに異常を認めない。左肋骨弓下に脾を1cm触知する。血液所見:赤血球720万、Hb19.1g/dl、Ht60%、白血球12,600(桿状核好中球5%、分葉核好中球62%、好酸球3%、好塩基球2%、単球5%、リンパ球23%)、血小板126万。血清生化学所見:尿素窒素16mg/dl、尿酸8.6mg/dl、総ビリルビン0.8mg/dl、AST40IU/l、ALT32IU/l、LDH380IU/l(基準176~353)、Na138mEq/l、K5.2mEq/l。骨髄生検H-E染色標本を以下に示す。
- 治療として適切なのはどれか。2つ選べ。
- a. 脾摘術
- b. 瀉血療法
- c. 放射線治療
- d. 抗癌化学療法
- e. 抗血小板薬投与
※国試ナビ4※ [101A032]←[国試_101]→[101A034]
- 英
- face、facial
- 関
- 顔面、直面、表面、面、向かう
- 英
- red、erythro
- 関
- エリスロ、赤色、赤い