- 英
- regular、evenly
- 関
- 定型的、レギュラー、定期的、均等
- regularly scheduled for fixed times; "at a regular meeting of the PTA"; "regular bus departures"
- a garment size for persons of average height and weight
- a regular patron; "an habitue of the racetrack"; "a bum who is a Central Park fixture" (同)habitue, fixture
- a dependable follower (especially in party politics); "he is one of the party regulars"
- a soldier in the regular army
- relating to a person who does something regularly; "a regular customer"; "a steady drinker" (同)steady
- often used as intensifiers; "a regular morass of details"; "a regular nincompoop"; "hes a veritable swine" (同)veritable
- (of solids) having clear dimensions that can be measured; volume can be determined with a suitable geometric formula
- (used of the military) belonging to or engaged in by legitimate army forces; "the regular army"
- conforming to a standard or pattern; "following the regular procedure of the legislature"; "a regular electrical outlet"
- in accord with regular practice or procedure; "took his regular morning walk"; "her regular bedtime"
- in accordance with fixed order or procedure or principle; "his regular calls on his customers"; "regular meals"; "regular duties"
- not deviating from what is normal; "her regular bedtime"
- officially full-time; "regular students"
- in a level and regular way
- in equal amounts or shares; in a balanced or impartial way; "a class evenly divided between girls and boys"; "they split their winnings equally"; "deal equally with rich and poor" (同)equally
- 『いつもの』,習慣的な / 『規則正しい』,きちんとした / 『定まった』決まった;定時の,定期的な / 普通の,標準どおりの / 均整のとれた,整然とした / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》『正規の』,正式の;本職の / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》《話》好ましい,すてきな;全くの正真正銘の / (文法で)規則変化の / (カトリック教で)修道会に属する宗規に従う / 《話》常連 / 正規兵
- 等しく,平等に / 平らに,なめらかに / 落ち着いて,平静に
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Japanese Journal
- 円筒水槽内の長周期振動流によるジャイアントリップルの形成過程における形態変化
- 微粒子の熱放射における共振器量子電磁気学的効果(最近の研究から)
- 工科系大学生の睡眠習慣からみた生活習慣やメンタルヘルスの特徴;The characteristics of the lifestyle and mental health from the sleep habits point of view: in the case of university students on the technology and engineering courses.
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- 英
- periodic、regular、periodically、regularly
- 関
- 規則的、周期性、周期的、定型的、レギュラー
- 英
- regular、typical、fixed
- 関
- 規則的、固定、典型、典型的、レギュラー、定期的、定型
- 英
- regular
- 関
- 規則的、定型的、定期的
- 英
- evenly
- 関
- 規則的
- 英
- rule
- 関
- 規定、法則、ルール
- 英
- target
- 関
- ターゲット、標的