- ほんとうの,真の
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- 1. 睡眠不足の定義とその影響 definition and consequences of sleep deprivation
English Journal
- Excessively Long Hospital Stays After Trauma Are Not Related to the Severity of Illness: Let's Aim to the Right Target!
- Hwabejire JO, Kaafarani HM, Imam AM, Solis CV, Verge J, Sullivan NM, Demoya MA, Alam HB, Velmahos GC.SourceDivision of Trauma, Emergency Surgery, and Surgical Critical Care, Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston.
- JAMA surgery.JAMA Surg.2013 Aug 21. doi: 10.1001/jamasurg.2013.2148. [Epub ahead of print]
- IMPORTANCE Reduction in length of hospital stay is a veritable target in reducing the overall costs of health care. However, many existing approaches are flawed because the assumptions of what cause excessive length of stay are incorrect; we methodically identified the right targets in this study. O
- PMID 23965602
- Allergy related to dental implant and its clinical significance.
- Chaturvedi T.SourceFaculty of Dental Sciences, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India.
- Clinical, cosmetic and investigational dentistry.Clin Cosmet Investig Dent.2013 Aug 19;5:57-61. doi: 10.2147/CCIDE.S35170.
- The oral cavity provides an ideal and unique environment for study of biological processes involving metallic dental aids. Dental materials within the mouth interact continually with physiological fluids. Oral tissues are exposed to a veritable bombardment of both chemical and physical stimuli as we
- PMID 23990733
- Herbalists and wild medicinal plants in M'Sila (North Algeria): an ethnopharmacology survey.
- Boudjelal A, Henchiri C, Sari M, Sarri D, Hendel N, Benkhaled A, Ruberto G.SourceFaculté des Sciences, Département des Sciences de la Nature et de la Vie, Université de M'Sila, 28000 M'Sila, Algeria.
- Journal of ethnopharmacology.J Ethnopharmacol.2013 Jul 9;148(2):395-402. doi: 10.1016/j.jep.2013.03.082. Epub 2013 May 1.
- ETHNOPHARMACOLOGICAL RELEVANCE: The main aim of this study was to identify, catalogue and document the large number of wild medicinal plants used in the M'Sila region (northern Algeria) for the treatment of several human pathologies. Another more ambitious aim is to contribute to overcoming the limi
- PMID 23643544
Japanese Journal
- イギリス、ドイツの柔軟な働き方の現状 ―短時間勤務制度の効果的運用についての日本への示唆―
- 武石 恵美子,松原 光代
- 生涯学習とキャリアデザイン 11(2), 15-33, 2014-02
- … For this reason, even with the burden of childcare, one can utilize measures of shortening work hours where necessaryfrom among a veritable menu of flexible working styles. …
- NAID 120005423161
- Les tablettes numeriques, veritable outil d'apprentissage? Exemples d'activites pour la classe (学習活動のデザイン)
- New Primer Design for Identification of Oral rothia, Including R. aeria, Using Multiplex PCR
- Tsuzukibashi Osamu,Uchibori Satoshi,Shinozaki-Kuwahara Noriko,Saito Masanori,Kobayashi Taira,Fukumoto Masahiko
- International Journal of Oral-Medical Sciences 12(2), 85-89, 2013
- … aeria is part of the normal flora in the oral cavity, a suitable identification method is necessary to assess the veritable prevalence of Rothia species, including R. …
- NAID 130003386570
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