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- 1. 外傷性前房出血:臨床的特徴および診断traumatic hyphema clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… risk of this complication is increased in patients with a large amount of blood in the anterior chamber (especially “eight ball” or Grade IV (100 percent) hyphema) and elevated intraocular pressure. Peak …
- 2. 負荷心エコーの概要overview of stress echocardiography [show details]
…peak exercise images, patients are asked to exert a sustained grip on a tennis ball. The hand grip response reliably raises blood pressure at least 10 mmHg and usually also increases heart rate; superimposed …
- 3. 舞踏病の概要overview of chorea [show details]
… seen on peripheral blood smear. McLeod syndrome is due to a mutation on the XK gene causing reduction of all Kell antigens and absence of Kx antigen on red blood cells.… Ballism refers to involuntary movements that are proximal and large amplitude (in contrast to distal, low-amplitude contractions typical of chorea) with a flinging or kicking character. Ballism is most…
- 4. 甲状腺機能亢進症およびバセドウ病の神経学的症状neurologic manifestations of hyperthyroidism and graves disease [show details]
… noninflammatory vasculopathy that predisposes to dissection and aneurysm formation in cerebral and systemic blood vessels. A small case control study found that autoimmune thyroid disease (both autoimmune thyroiditis…Isolated cases of unusual myoclonus affecting the trunk muscles or the platysma have been reported . Ballism accompanying chorea has also been described . Muscle weakness with or without atrophy and myalgias …
- 5. ウィルソン病:臨床症状、診断、自然経過wilson disease clinical manifestations diagnosis and natural history [show details]
… from the effects of excess copper ions on the red blood cell membrane in the circulation due to hepatic copper release following cellular necrosis .… involvement, choreic movements may result in violent, uncontrolled flailing movements of the extremities (ballism). Athetosis refers to slower writhing movements with a sinuous quality. The term choreoathetosis …
Related Links
- 眼球結膜が弛んでいると、まばたきや視線を移動させる際によく動くようになります。 すると、眼球結膜の毛細血管が引っ張られたり、こすれたりして、結膜下にある血管に傷がついて結膜下出血が起こる場合があります。 こんなことに心当たり
- 【医師が解説】朝起きると、いきなり白目に血がたまって真っ赤になっていた! 痛みも思い当たる原因もないのに、充血とは全く異なる血のにじみ方に驚く方もいるようです。これは「結膜下出血」というもので、1~2週間程度で自然治癒し、視力低下などといった影響の心配もありません。
- 右目の眼球で、黒目の右側に血が幕のように広がっている。 1週間前に気が付いた時には、米粒大くらいだったが、現在は小豆ほどの大きさに広がっている。 痛みは特になし。 コンタクトレンズはしておらず、眼鏡を着用。
Related Pictures

- 英
- eyeball
- ラ
- bulbus oculi
- 関
- 眼
- (水晶体の支持靱帯 suspensory ligament of lens)
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- bulbus (KH)
- ラ
- bulbus cerebri
- 同
- 延髄
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- hemophthalmos
- 同
- 血眼球、眼球血症