- 英
- color index, CI
- 同
- ヘモグロビン指数 hemoglobin index
- 関
- ザーリ血色素計
- Channel Islands
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- 1. 縦線黒爪症longitudinal melanonychia [show details]
… Digit involved (in order of decreasing frequency: thumb > hallux > index finger > single digit > multiple digits) Extension of pigment to the proximal or lateral nail fold (Hutchison sign) or free edge …
- 2. 胆石:疫学、危険因子、予防gallstones epidemiology risk factors and prevention [show details]
… Black pigment stones – Black pigment stones result from hemolysis and consist primarily of calcium bilirubinate. Brown pigment stones – Brown pigment stones are associated… Child classes B and C cirrhosis (regardless of the cause), and in patients with a high body mass index. The prevalence of gallstones is increased in patients with Crohn disease . In a population-based …
- 3. メラノーマ:臨床的特徴および診断melanoma clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… Pigment synthesizing (animal-type) melanoma (also termed "melanocytoma") is a rare subtype of melanoma comprised of heavily pigmented,… Several alternative clinical criteria have been proposed to help clinicians maintain a high index of suspicion when evaluating persistent,…
- 4. 鎌状赤血球症の臨床症状の概要overview of the clinical manifestations of sickle cell disease [show details]
… association of SCD with higher cardiac index and left ventricular end-systolic stress volume index but no difference in ejection fraction .… (transfusional iron overload or medications) and pigmented gallstones (chronic hemolysis) – Delayed puberty…
- 5. 肥満の小児および思春期の臨床的評価clinical evaluation of the child or adolescent with obesity [show details]
… discussed in separate topic reviews: Body mass index (BMI) is equal to the body weight (in kilograms) divided… Clumps of pigment in the peripheral retina may indicate retinitis pigmentosa,…
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- ブリタニカ国際大百科事典 小項目事典 - 低色素性貧血の用語解説 - 色素減少性貧血ともいう。色素指数 (血色素と赤血球数との比) が 0.9 (または 0.85) 以下の貧血をいう。ヘモグロビン合成の低下によるもので,鉄欠乏性貧血が代表的で,そのほか失血性貧血,鉤虫症,萎黄病,バンチ病,食事性 ...
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- 弊社機器は、前号で示した通りコールター原理によって個々の赤血球の大きさ(容積)を直接測定しており、MCVはヒストグラムから算出しています。. そのため、Hct(ヘマトクリット)は次式より計算されています。. Hct(%)=(RBC(106/μL)× MCV(fL ...
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