- 関
- dye、pigment
- acquire pigment; become colored or imbued
- any substance whose presence in plant or animal tissues produces a characteristic color
- color or dye with a pigment; "pigment a photograph"
- dry coloring material (especially a powder to be mixed with a liquid to produce paint, etc.)
- treat with grease, fill, and prepare for mounting; "stuff a bearskin"
- informal terms for personal possessions; "did you take all your clobber?" (同)clobber
- fill tightly with a material; "stuff a pillow with feathers"
- miscellaneous unspecified objects; "the trunk was full of stuff"
- senseless talk; "dont give me that stuff" (同)stuff and nonsense, hooey, poppycock
- a critically important or characteristic component; "suspense is the very stuff of narrative"
- information in some unspecified form; "it was stuff I had heard before"; "theres good stuff in that book"
- unspecified qualities required to do or be something; "the stuff of heros"; "you dont have the stuff to be a United States Marine"
- obstruct; "My nose is all stuffed"; "Her arteries are blocked" (同)lug, choke up, block
- cram into a cavity; "The child stuffed candy into his pockets"
- a usually soluble substance for staining or coloring e.g. fabrics or hair (同)dyestuff
- color with dye; "Please dye these shoes"
- in or associated with the process of passing from life or ceasing to be; "a dying man"; "his dying wish"; "a dying fire"; "a dying civilization"
- padding put in mattresses and cushions and upholstered furniture
- a mixture of seasoned ingredients used to stuff meats and vegetables (同)dressing
- 〈U〉〈C〉(おもに紛末の)絵の具,顔料 / 〈U〉色素
- 『材料』,原料,資料 / 《話》(ばく然と)『物』 / 素質,本領 / くだらないもの(こと);ばかげた考え / 《古》布地 / (…を)〈入れ物・車など〉‘に'『詰める』,詰め込む《+名+with+名》 / (入れ物などに)…‘を'『押し込む』《+名+into+名》 / (…で)〈穴など〉‘を'ふさぐ《+up+名+with+名》 / 《しばしば受動態で》《話》(食物を)〈自分,自分の復〉‘に'詰め込む / (料理の材料で)…‘に'詰め物をする《+名+with+名》 / (剥製にするため)〈死んだ動物〉‘に'詰め物をする / 〈投票箱〉‘に'不正票を入れる / たらふく食べる
- (髪・布などの)『染料』 / 染め色,色合い / …‘を'『染める』,‘に'色をつける / 〈布などが〉『染まる』
- dieの現在分詞 / 死にかかっている,ひん死の / 消えかかっている,滅びかけている / 臨終の
- (枕なとの中に入れる)詰め物 / (料理で鳥などの中に入れる)具
- (おもに人称代名詞・固有名詞(人名),thereの後で)had, wouldの短縮形 / (疑問文でwhere,what,whenの後で)didの短縮形;Where'd he go?=Where did he go?
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English Journal
- A dual-color flow cytometry protocol for the simultaneous detection of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Salmonella typhimurium using aptamer conjugated quantum dots as labels.
- Duan N, Wu S, Yu Y, Ma X, Xia Y, Chen X, Huang Y, Wang Z.Author information State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China.AbstractA sensitive, specific method for the collection and detection of pathogenic bacteria was demonstrated using quantum dots (QDs) as a fluorescence marker coupled with aptamers as the molecular recognition element by flow cytometry. The aptamer sequences were selected using a bacterium-based SELEX strategy in our laboratory for Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Salmonella typhimurium that, when applied in this method, allows for the specific recognition of the bacteria from complex mixtures including shrimp samples. Aptamer-modified QDs (QD-apt) were employed to selectively capture and simultaneously detect the target bacteria with high sensitivity using the fluorescence of the labeled QDs. The signal intensity is amplified due to the high photostability of QDs nanoparticles, resulting in improved sensitivity over methods using individual dye-labeled probes. This proposed method is promising for the sensitive detection of other pathogenic bacteria in food stuff if suitable aptamers are chosen. The method may also provide another potential platform for the application of aptamer-conjugated QDs in flow cytometry.
- Analytica chimica acta.Anal Chim Acta.2013 Dec 4;804:151-8. doi: 10.1016/j.aca.2013.09.047. Epub 2013 Sep 29.
- A sensitive, specific method for the collection and detection of pathogenic bacteria was demonstrated using quantum dots (QDs) as a fluorescence marker coupled with aptamers as the molecular recognition element by flow cytometry. The aptamer sequences were selected using a bacterium-based SELEX stra
- PMID 24267076
- 2,5,8,11-Tetraboronic ester perylenediimides: a next generation building block for dye-stuff synthesis.
- Battagliarin G, Li C, Enkelmann V, Müllen K.Author information Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research, Ackermannweg 10, D-55128 Mainz, Germany.AbstractVia an unprecedentedly reported ruthenium catalyzed reaction, an efficient and straightforward method was developed for the synthesis of 2,5,8,11-tetraboronate perylenediimide derivatives. A possible reaction mechanism is proposed. The synthesis of 2,5,8,11-tetra-iodo and tetra-amino perylenediimides derivatives is also reported.
- Organic letters.Org Lett.2011 Jun 17;13(12):3012-5. doi: 10.1021/ol2008457. Epub 2011 May 24.
- Via an unprecedentedly reported ruthenium catalyzed reaction, an efficient and straightforward method was developed for the synthesis of 2,5,8,11-tetraboronate perylenediimide derivatives. A possible reaction mechanism is proposed. The synthesis of 2,5,8,11-tetra-iodo and tetra-amino perylenediimide
- PMID 21608529
- Decolorization of azo dyes by Shewanella sp. under saline conditions.
- Khalid A, Arshad M, Crowley DE.Author information Institute of Soil and Environmental Sciences, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad 38040, Pakistan.AbstractWastewaters from textile processing and dye-stuff manufacture industries contain substantial amounts of salts in addition to azo dye residues. To examine salinity effects on dye-degrading bacteria, a study was carried out with four azo dyes in the presence of varying concentrations of NaCl (0-100 g l(-1)) with a previously isolated bacterium, Shewanella putrefaciens strain AS96. Under static, low oxygen conditions, the bacterium decolorized 100 mg dye l(-1) at salt concentrations up to 60 g NaCl l(-1). There was an inverse relationship between the velocity of the decolorization reaction and salt concentration over the range between 5 and 60 g NaCl l(-1) and at dye concentrations between 100 and 500 mg l(-1). The addition of either glucose (C source) or NH(4)NO(3) (N source) to the medium strongly inhibited the decolorization process, while yeast extract (4 g l(-1)) and Ca(H(2)PO(4))(2).H(2)O (1 g l(-1)) both enhanced decolorization rates. High-performance liquid chromatography analysis demonstrated the presence of 1-amino-2-naphthol, sulfanilic acid and nitroaniline as the major metabolic products of the azo dyes, which could be further degraded by a shift to aerobic conditions. These findings show that Shewanella could be effective for the treatment of dye-containing industrial effluents containing high concentrations of salt.
- Applied microbiology and biotechnology.Appl Microbiol Biotechnol.2008 Jul;79(6):1053-9. doi: 10.1007/s00253-008-1498-y. Epub 2008 May 7.
- Wastewaters from textile processing and dye-stuff manufacture industries contain substantial amounts of salts in addition to azo dye residues. To examine salinity effects on dye-degrading bacteria, a study was carried out with four azo dyes in the presence of varying concentrations of NaCl (0-100 g
- PMID 18461315
Japanese Journal
- インド藍で1,500枚のハンカチを染める(官学連携)
- 野田 隆弘
- 岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 60, 61-66, 2010
- 「The 30th National Convention of yutakana umidukuri 〜Gifu Nagara River Convention〜」was held in Seki City in Gifu Pref. on June 13 2010. The Emperor and Empress were present at this opening ceremony on …
- NAID 110008593138
- 笠松町町制120周年記念事業「織りと染め」展示報告
- 野田 隆弘
- 岐阜市立女子短期大学研究紀要 59, 97-103, 2009
- … I dyed the fabrics, which were weaved with a Jacquard textile machine and had 17 typical landscapes showing the history of Kasamatsu town for these 120 years, in 11 different plant dyeing stuff. … I had 5 policys to dye these works. …
- NAID 110007589429
- The new hybrid ceramic beads synthesized from natural minerals and titanium dioxide for the waste water cleaning
- Sata Akiyoshi,Hirose Masanao,Kurawaki Junichi,Kusumoto Yoshifumi,Hayakawa Katumitu,佐多 秋良,藏脇 淳一,楠元 芳文,早川 勝光
- Research journal of chemistry and environment 10(2), 7-13, 2006
- … The decolorizing rate of dye stuff wasmonitored by the absorption spectra under UV irradiation and a dark condition. … The repeatedlyreused ceramic beads also proved a comparable performance to the new ceramic beads fordecolorizing of dye solution. … These ceramic beads were applied for the decolorizing of cattle urinepretreated by microorganisms and proved the high performance.Key Words: Water processing, Waste water, Catalysis, Dye degradation, Hybrid ceramics …
- NAID 120001392886
Related Links
- dye·stuff (dī′stŭf′) n. See dye. dyestuff (ˈdaɪˌstʌf) n 1. (Dyeing) a substance that can be used as a dye or from which a dye can be obtained dye•stuff (ˈdaɪˌstʌf) n. a material yielding or used as a dye. [1830–40; probably translation ...
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Related Pictures
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- 英
- dye、pigment、dye stuff
- 関
- 染色、ピグメント、染める、着色料、組織染色剤
- 関
- dye、dye stuff
- 関
- coloring agent、dye stuff、pigment、stain、tissue stain
- 関
- moribund