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- 1. 腎および腎周囲膿瘍renal and perinephric abscess [show details]
… Both renal and perinephric abscesses start with tissue necrosis (lobar necrosis in renal abscess; perirenal fat necrosis in perinephric abscess). Renal abscess forms… medulla, or both, whereas those due to hematogenous spread are usually located in the cortex of the kidney. Perinephric abscesses, like renal abscesses,…
- 2. 鎌状赤血球症による腎臓への影響sickle cell disease effects on the kidney [show details]
… serum creatinine increases above the reference range . The major site of kidney injury is the renal medulla, which is supplied by the vasa recta capillaries These capillaries create an environment that … sickle cell trait) include renal papillary necrosis (RPN) and urinary tract infections (UTIs). As discussed below, renal medullary carcinoma (RMC) is…
- 3. 腎アミロイドーシスrenal amyloidosis [show details]
… that are restricted to the renal medulla (mostly peritubular and interstitial) and spare the cortex. ALECT2 amyloidosis is a systemic form of amyloidosis with predominantly renal and liver involvement . …
- 4. 嚢胞性腎疾患の胎児超音波診断prenatal sonographic diagnosis of cystic renal disease [show details]
… hypomorphic mutations in PKD1 and PKD2 . Renal pathology in ARPKD is characterized by nonobstructive dilatation or ectasia of the collecting tubules located in the renal medulla, resulting in microcysts up to 2 …
- 5. 虚血性の急性尿細管壊死の発症機序と病因pathogenesis and etiology of ischemic acute tubular necrosis [show details]
… while the renal medulla normally exists on the brink of hypoxia since the…tubular necrosis (ATN), especially if the impairment in renal perfusion is either severe or prolonged in duration. Patients may also suffer ischemic injury to the kidney due to interruptions in renal blood…
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- 腎髄質壊死 腎髄質壊死の概要 腎乳頭壊死(RPN)とも呼ばれる腎性乳頭炎は、本質的に腎乳頭とその隣接腎髄質の虚血性壊死です。慢性尿細管間質性腎症、これらの慢性尿細管間質性腎症では、腎髄質病変がより深刻であることが多く、基本病変は腎血液循環損傷で
- 腎乳頭壊死は、腎臓の内側にある腎乳頭という部分に血液が流れなくなる(虚血)病気で、別名「腎髄質壊死」とも呼ばれます。腎乳頭(髄質)はもともと血流が乏しい組織なので、虚血に陥りやすいという特徴があります。糖尿病や ...
- Ⅱ糖尿病合併腎髄質壊死の臨床像 糖尿病合併腎髄質壊死61例について諸大学,病 院の協 力を得て臨床並びに病理像を検討した。1)既 往歴に導 尿,ま たはカテーテル留置,尿 路感染症などを高率に認 めた。2)本 症発症時の糖尿病平均
Related Pictures

- 英
- renal papillary necrosis、kidney papillary necrosis
- 同
- 腎髄質壊死 renal medullary necrosis
- 関
- 急性腎乳頭壊死
- 英
- necrosis
- 同
- ネクローシス
- 関
- アポトーシス、細胞死
- 英
- death
- 同
- 死亡、脳死、心臓死
- 英
- renal medulla (Z)
- ラ
- medulla renalis
- 関
- 腎臓、腎皮質
- 英
- medulla (Z)