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- 1. 肥満低換気症候群の治療および予後treatment and prognosis of the obesity hypoventilation syndrome [show details]
… more difficult because debulking of excess adipose tissue may be required in order to securely insert a standard tracheostomy tube .… polysomnography) to detect potential adverse effects of hypercapnia on hemodynamics and symptoms. Respiratory stimulants (ie, progestins and acetazolamide) are adjunctive therapies that are a last resort for patients …
- 2. 高炭酸ガス血症を伴う急性呼吸不全を有する成人患者の評価、診断、および治療the evaluation diagnosis and treatment of the adult patient with acute hypercapnic respiratory failure [show details]
… an effort to avert intubation as this may aggravate tissue hypoxemia and worsen acidosis.… routinely applied to this population as a specific treatment for hypercapnia. While respiratory stimulants have been used in the past (eg, medroxyprogesterone, acetazolamide, theophylline), they have …
- 3. 高山病:生理学、危険因子、および一般的な予防法high altitude illness physiology risk factors and general prevention [show details]
… between inspired air and tissue. However, as barometric pressure falls so does the available oxygen. At high altitudes, especially when tissue oxygen demands are high… respiratory depressants (eg, alcohol and sedative/hypnotics) and fragmented sleep. Conversely, respiratory stimulants (eg, progesterone) and sympathomimetics (eg, coca, caffeine) increase HVR. While one might …
- 4. 換気調節障害disorders of ventilatory control [show details]
…ventilation. In the brain, by blocking CO2 conversion to bicarbonate in tissue capillaries, acetazolamide can acutely raise local tissue partial pressure of carbon dioxide (PCO2). Acetazolamide also …
- 5. 難治性慢性閉塞性肺疾患(COPD)のマネージメントmanagement of refractory chronic obstructive pulmonary disease [show details]
… LVRS entails wedge excisions of emphysematous tissue to remove poorly functioning lung tissue and reduce hyperinflation.… Respiratory stimulants are not beneficial to these patients and can often accentuate dyspnea,…
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- 英
- calf's hemolyzed blood extract, extract from hemolysed blood of young cattle
- 商
- ソルコセリル
- 関
- 組織呼吸賦活薬
- 英
- enhancer、activator、stimulant
- 関
- アクチベーター、エンハンサ、エンハンサー、活性化因子、活性化剤、活性化物質、刺激薬、転写促進因子、アクティベーター、活性化薬、刺激物質
- 英
- tissue
- ラ
- textus
- 関
- 何種類かの決まった細胞が一定のパターンで集合した構造の単位のこと。
- 全体としてひとつのまとまった役割をもつ。
- 英
- drug, agent
- 同
- 薬物
- 関
- 作用薬、剤、ドラッグ、媒介物、病原体、麻薬、薬剤、薬物、代理人、薬品
- 英
- respiration, breathing
- 関
- 呼吸数、呼吸中枢、呼吸パターン
- 英
- activation、activate
- 関
- 活性化、賦活化