- 英
- parsimony、reduction、retrenchment
- 関
- 還元、減少、減力、縮小、低下
- any process in which electrons are added to an atom or ion (as by removing oxygen or adding hydrogen); always occurs accompanied by oxidation of the reducing agent (同)reducing
- the act of reducing complexity (同)simplification
- the reduction of expenditures in order to become financially stable (同)curtailment, downsizing
- entrenchment consisting of an additional interior fortification to prolong the defense
- extreme care in spending money; reluctance to spend money unnecessarily (同)parsimoniousness, thrift, penny-pinching
- 〈U〉〈C〉(…を)『減らすこと』,減少,縮小,格下げ,(…の)割り引き《+『in』+『名』》 / 〈C〉減少(縮小)した量;割引額 / 〈C〉縮図,縮写 / 〈U〉換算約分
- (費用の)節約,削減
- 《文》吝嗇(りんしょく),しみったれ,極端な倹約
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- 1. 成人のため込み障害の治療treatment of hoarding disorder in adults [show details]
…maintenance of hoarding behaviors: Positive reinforcement (saving and acquiring produce positive emotions). Negative reinforcement (saving permits escape or avoidance of negative emotions). Hoarding …
- 2. 子宮欠損あるいは子宮機能障害による絶対的不妊に対する子宮移植:倫理的な問題、患者の選択、患者の同意uterus transplantation for absolute uterine factor infertility ethics patient selection and consent [show details]
… rather than life-saving, surgery, similar to transplantation of a face, limb, abdominal wall, trachea, or larynx . Thus, greater justification is required compared with life-saving transplantation procedures …
- 3. 胎便吸引症候群の予防およびマネージメントprevention and management of meconium aspiration syndrome [show details]
…failed to respond to other interventions, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) may be a life-saving intervention. Supplemental oxygen therapy should be initiated to keep the infant well saturated …
- 4. 成人の溶血性貧血の診断diagnosis of hemolytic anemia in the adult [show details]
…worrisome findings may require immediate life-saving interventions before hemolysis has been diagnosed and/or the cause identified. Importantly, life-saving interventions such as transfusion for severe …
- 5. 成人における中枢気道閉塞の臨床症状、診断的評価およびマネージメントclinical presentation diagnostic evaluation and management of central airway obstruction in adults [show details]
…indicate a severely compromised airway and should prompt immediate evaluation and implementation of life-saving therapies. A number of imaging modalities are typically performed to facilitate the diagnosis of …
Japanese Journal
- 活性汚泥における曝気量を大幅に節減する極低DO制御システム
- 会社がみるみる生まれ変わる! 5S実践レポート(第2回)掃除で大幅な経費節減 : 武州養蜂園
- 中小自動車部品サプライヤーの海外展開と進出支援プラットフォームの役割 : ASEANにおけるT通商テクノパークの事例 (清晌一郎教授退職記念号)
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- デジタル大辞泉 節減の用語解説 - [名](スル)数量や経費などを切り詰めること。節約。 「電力を―する」 ...
- せつげん【節減】とは。意味や解説。[名](スル)数量や経費などを切り詰めること。節約。 「電力を―する」 - goo辞書は国語、英和、和英、中国語、百科事典等からまとめて 探せる辞書検索サービスです。
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- 関
- decline、decrease、depression、diminish、diminution、down-regulate、down-regulation、downregulate、downregulation、drop、fall、hypoergy、loss、lower、lowering、parsimony、reduce、retrenchment
- 英
- reduction、reduce、reduce
- 関
- 還元、減少、減力、節減、低下、減らす
- 英
- hypoergy、reduction
- 関
- 還元、減少、縮小、節減、低下
- 関
- parsimony、reduction
- 関
- reduction、retrenchment
- 英
- steroid-sparing effect