- 英
- alternative pathway AP
- 関
- 補体第二経路、補体
- antipersonnel / (またA.P.)Associated Press
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- 1. 腰筋膿瘍psoas abscess [show details]
… muscle compartment . It may arise via contiguous spread from adjacent structures (secondary abscess) or by the hematogenous route from a distant site (primary abscess). Primary psoas abscesses are most frequently …
- 2. 外傷のマネージメント:不安定な小児に対するアプローチtrauma management approach to the unstable child [show details]
… discharge from the nares, or mobility of the maxilla . In this setting, the orogastric route is preferred. The secondary survey is a systematic head-to-toe evaluation of the trauma patient which must be performed …
- 3. 野兎病:臨床症状、診断、治療、予防tularemia clinical manifestations diagnosis treatment and prevention [show details]
…particularly in immunocompromised patients . Pneumonic disease can be categorized as primary or secondary, based on the route of transmission. Primary pneumonic disease results from direct inhalation of the organism …
- 4. 良性の子宮疾患に対する子宮摘出経路の選択choosing a route of hysterectomy for benign uterine disease [show details]
…activity, with few differences among surgical routes . This topic review will review the data and clinical issues that impact selection of hysterectomy route. Topics on specific hysterectomy techniques are …
- 5. 二次性(晩期)分娩後出血secondary late postpartum hemorrhage [show details]
… This topic will discuss secondary (also called late) PPH. Issues related to primary or early PPH are reviewed separately: Secondary PPH is generally defined… retained placenta) or postpartum endometritis? What was the route of delivery? Retained products of conception are much…
Japanese Journal
- 補体検査が診断と治療戦略において有用であった抗H因子抗体陽性C3腎炎の1例
- 増田 早織,三輪 沙織,平野 大志,高見 遥,上野 健太郎,吉田 賢司,大場 温子,高畠 典子,南波 広行,和田 靖之
- 小児科臨床 = Japanese journal of pediatrics 74(5), 573-578, 2021-05
- NAID 40022543557
- 非典型溶血性尿毒症症候群 (特集 診断・治療可能な遺伝性疾患を見逃さないために) -- (腎疾患)
- 田中 一樹
- 小児科臨床 = Japanese journal of pediatrics 73(5), 786-790, 2020-05
- NAID 40022213764
- 溶血性尿毒症症候群・血栓性血小板減少性紫斑病 (特集 症例からみた小児集中治療) -- (各臓器別病態)
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Related Pictures

- 英
- factor D, D
- 同
- C3プロアクチベーター転換酵素、活性化D因子
- 関
- 第二経路、C3, C3b, B, C3bBb, C3a
- 英
- alternative complement pathway
- 関
- 副補体経路、第二補体経路、補体副経路
- 英
- secondary、second、secondly
- 関
- 続発性、第二級、第二次、二級、二次、二次的、秒間、二次性、秒、続発
- 英
- pathway、route
- 関
- ルート、パスウェイ
- 英
- tract
- ラ
- tractus