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- 1. 医学的な理由以外で高齢出産を望む人のための妊よう性温存療法fertility preservation for deferred childbearing for nonmedical indications [show details]
…However, retrieved mature oocytes are not fertilized but go directly to vitrification and storage. With the advent of vitrification, oocyte cryopreservation has become much more successful in achieving pregnancies …
- 2. 妊孕性を温存するための細胞などの凍結保存cryopreservation options for fertility preservation [show details]
…effectiveness and safety of vitrification . However, clinical outcome data are limited with ovarian transplants using vitrified tissue, and further data will be needed before vitrification can replace slow ovarian …
- 3. 着床前遺伝子検査preimplantation genetic testing [show details]
… refrozen until the results of repeat testing are available. Viability of embryos after the second vitrification and warming cycle appears to be slightly lower than that of embryos biopsied and frozen only once …
- 4. 骨盤放射線療法を行う前の卵巣転位術ovarian transposition before pelvic radiation [show details]
…the start of cancer therapy. Retrieval of immature oocytes followed by in vitro maturation and vitrification is a good method of obtaining oocytes when it is not advisable for the patient to undergo ovulation…
- 5. 生殖補助医療のための卵母細胞提供oocyte donation for assisted reproduction [show details]
…reported that commercial egg banks (CEBs) were the most commonly used resource using primarily vitrification and allocating approximately six eggs per recipient. In this survey, pregnancy rates were similar…
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- 英
- diascopy, glass pressure
- ラ
- phaneroskopia
- 同
- ガラス圧試験、硝子圧法、硝子圧診
- 英
- method、law
- 関
- 測定法、測定方法、訴訟、方法、法律学、手法、方式、法律