- 英
- proportion of diseases
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- 1. ゴーシェ病:治療gaucher disease treatment [show details]
…levels, platelet count, and acid phosphatase values. Spleen and liver volume decreased, and bone structure improved. Asymptomatic interstitial lung disease, present in 19 patients, did not respond to treatment…
- 2. 悪性唾液腺腫瘍:再発性および転移性疾患の治療malignant salivary gland tumors treatment of recurrent and metastatic disease [show details]
… Salivary glands produce and secrete saliva from a glandular structure that includes the secretory acinus, the ducts, and the myoepithelial and basal cells. Salivary gland tumors can be benign or malignant …
- 3. 甲状腺疾患と膠原病thyroid disorders and connective tissue disease [show details]
…variance may be accounted for by different criteria for thyroid disease (eg, abnormalities in thyroid structure, hormonal function, or presence of autoantibodies). Observations of a higher prevalence of thyroid…
- 4. von Willebrand病の分類および病態生理classification and pathophysiology of von willebrand disease [show details]
…endothelial components, forming an adhesive bridge between platelets and vascular subendothelial structures and between adjacent platelets at sites of endothelial injury . It also contributes to fibrin clot …
- 5. 慢性腎臓病患者の骨粗鬆症:診断および評価osteoporosis in patients with chronic kidney disease diagnosis and evaluation [show details]
…in patients with CKD are reviewed elsewhere. Changes in mineral metabolism and bone structure develop early in the course of chronic kidney disease (CKD) and worsen with progressive loss of …
Japanese Journal
- 特集 日本歯科医師会雑誌創刊70周年記念企画 歯科疾患の未来は読めるか? : 慢性疾患への理解と対応(PART5)座談会 変わりゆく疾病構造
- 2018年度診療報酬改定の概要(看護関連) (改めて学ぶ 2018年度診療報酬改定・介護報酬改定概要 : 公益社団法人日本看護協会改定説明会より(その1)超高齢化社会へ地域差、疾病構造の変化など20年、30年先を見据え改革推進)
- 厚生労働省保険局医療課 迫井正深課長説明(一部抜粋) (改めて学ぶ 2018年度診療報酬改定・介護報酬改定概要 : 公益社団法人日本看護協会改定説明会より(その1)超高齢化社会へ地域差、疾病構造の変化など20年、30年先を見据え改革推進)
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- a. (1)(2)
- b. (1)(5)
- c. (2)(3)
- d. (3)(4)
- e. (4)(5)
※国試ナビ4※ [097G006]←[国試_097]→[097G008]
- 英
- structure、formation、architecture、conformation、constitution、makeup
- 関
- 気質、組立、形成、高次構造、構成、構築、コンフォメーション、コンホメーション、組成、体質、配座、編成、立体構造、立体配座、仕組み、体格、建築物、構造物、構造体、成立
- 英
- disease, illness
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- しっぺい