- 英
- iced saline lavage
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- 1. 小児における循環血液量減少症(脱水)の治療treatment of hypovolemia dehydration in children [show details]
… Isotonic saline (0.9 percent saline solution or normal saline) is the isotonic solution of choice… presents with decreased peripheral perfusion with a capillary refill of greater than three seconds, cool and mottled extremities, lethargy, and, in its worst manifestation, with hypotension or even frank …
- 2. 創傷マネージメントの基本原則basic principles of wound management [show details]
… most can be washed away with normal saline in order to minimize pain during dressing changes,… dead space or undermining is important to reduce physiological dead space and to absorb exudate/seroma collection,… wounds. They initially lower the temperature of the wound environment they cover, which provides cooling pain relief for some patients . As a disadvantage, although there have been no reports of increased …
- 3. 軽症熱傷の治療treatment of minor thermal burns [show details]
…application of ice or iced water should be avoided as this can increase pain and burn depth. Applying water or saline-soaked gauze, cooled to around 12°C (55°F), is one effective means of cooling .… we suggest washing minor burn wounds using only mild soap and tap water, an approach supported by a growing number of burn centers . Patients should be instructed to wash their burns…
- 4. 成人における中等度および重度熱傷の救急治療emergency care of moderate and severe thermal burns in adults [show details]
…should be cooled immediately using cool water or saline soaked gauze. For small and moderate sized burns, cooling can minimize the zone of injury. Multiple studies have investigated optimal burn cooling,… There is growing support for washing the wound using only mild soap and water .…
- 5. 青年や成人の労作性熱中症:管理および予防exertional heat illness in adolescents and adults management and prevention [show details]
… Remove all equipment and excess clothing. Cooling should not be delayed in order to remove all clothing; this can be done simultaneously with cooling efforts . If ice water immersion is to be performed, immerse …
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- 生理食塩水の働きは完全には解明されていないが、おそらく粘液 (鼻水) の層を薄くしてはがれやすくし、また炎症を引き起こすアレルゲンを鼻から取り除く効果があると考えられている。生理食塩水による鼻の洗浄は、スプレーやポンプ、噴射
- 生理食塩水で洗った後,そのままにしておくとネトネトベタベタして気持ちが悪いのだ。「俺はベトベトなんて気にしない」という人もいれば,それを気にする人もいるだろう。だから後者のタイプの患者さんには,生理食塩水洗浄後にそれを水道
- 生理食塩水の温度について説明をします。創部の細胞組織が適切に活性反応を起こし、理想的な治癒過程を経るためには、活性反応を阻害しないようにしなければいけません。仮に、冷たい生理食塩水で創部を洗浄した場合に何が起こる
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- 英
- sodium chloride、dietary sodium chloride
- 関
- 塩化ナトリウム、食用塩化ナトリウム
- Na:23 g/mol
- Cl:35.5 g/mol
- 食品でNa 2gとかかれていたら、
- 2 * ( 23 + 35.5 ) / 23 ≒ 5.08 g
- 男性:<9.0 g/day
- 女性:<7.5 g/day
- 英
- saline
- 関
- 塩類、塩類溶液、食塩液、生食、生食水、生理食塩水、生理的食塩水
- 生理食塩水400mlに10% NaCl 100mlを混合する。
- 関
- 生理学、生理学的、生理学上
- 英
- washing、wash、rinsing
- 関
- 洗液、洗浄、リンス
- 英
- cleansing, cleaning, irrigation
- 関