- 関
- rinse、wash、washing
- separate dirt or gravel from (precious minerals)
- cleanse (ones body) with soap and water (同)lave
- form by erosion; "The river washed a ravine into the mountainside"
- to cleanse (itself or another animal) by licking; "The cat washes several times a day"
- a watercolor made by applying a series of monochrome washes one over the other (同)wash_drawing
- the work of cleansing (usually with soap and water) (同)washing, lavation
- a thin coat of water-base paint
- any enterprise in which losses and gains cancel out; "at the end of the year the accounting department showed that it was a wash"
- the dry bed of an intermittent stream (as at the bottom of a canyon) (同)dry wash
- cleanse with a cleaning agent, such as soap, and water; "Wash the towels, please!" (同)launder
- clean with some chemical process (同)rinse
- remove by the application of water or other liquid and soap or some other cleaning agent; "he washed the dirt from his coat"; "The nurse washed away the blood"; "Can you wash away the spots on the windows?"; "he managed to wash out the stains" (同)wash_out, wash off, wash_away
- admit to testing or proof; "This silly excuse wont wash in traffic court"
- apply a thin coating of paint, metal, etc., to
- be capable of being washed; "Does this material wash?"
- move by or as if by water; "The swollen river washed away the footbridge"
- wash off soap or remaining dirt (同)rinse off
- a liquid preparation used on wet hair to give it a tint
- the removal of soap with clean water in the final stage of washing (同)rinsing
- the act of giving a light tint to the hair
- washing lightly without soap
- …‘を'洗う,洗濯する / 〈汚れ・しみなど〉‘を'『洗い落とす』《+名+away(off, out),+away(off, out)+名》;(…から)…‘を'洗い落とす《+名+off(out of)+名》 / 〈人・舟・家屋など〉‘を'『洗い流す』,押し流す《+名+away(along,down,up),+away(along,down,up)+名》,(…から)…‘を'洗い流す《+名+off(away from)+名》 / 〈波などが〉〈岸など〉‘を'『洗う』,‘に'打ち寄せる;〈雨などが〉…‘を'ぬらす,うるおす / (塗料などで)…‘を'薄く塗る;…‘を'メッキする《+名+with+名》 / 〈雨水などが〉…‘を'浸食する《+名+away(out),+away(out)+名》;〈雨だれなどが〉〈穴など》‘を'うがつ / (特に手・顔・体を)『洗う』 / 『洗濯する』 / 〈布地が〉洗濯がきく;〈洗剤などが〉よごれを落とす;〈しみなどが〉洗って落ちる《+off(out);(…から)〈しみなどが〉洗って落ちる《+off(out of)+名》 / 〈波などが〉(…に)『打ち寄せる』,(…を)洗う《+against(over)+名》 / 〈U〉《しばしば a~》『洗うこと』,洗濯 / 〈U〉《時に a~》《集合的に》(一度の洗濯の)『洗い物』,洗濯物 / 〈U〉〈C〉《しばしば複合語を作って》洗い薬,洗浄剤;(…のための)洗い薬《+for+名》 / 〈U〉《the~》(波の)打ち寄せ,(波の)打ち寄る音《+of+名》 / 〈C〉(絵の具・塗料などの)薄い一塗り;薄いメッキ / 〈U〉(船のあとに引く)白波,航跡;(飛行機などのあとに残る)気流の渦 / 洗濯のきく
- …‘を'すすぎ(ゆすぎ)洗いする《+『out』+『名,』+『名』+『out』+》 / (…から)…‘を'すすぎ(ゆすぎ)落とす《+『off』(『out, away』)+『名』+『out of』+『名』》 / すすぐ(ゆすぐ)こと,すすぎ(ゆすぎ)洗い / すすぎ(ゆすぎ)水;(髪の)リンス液
- 洗うこと,洗濯 / 《しばしば the~》《集合的に》(一度に洗う)洗濯物
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English Journal
- Generation of gas-phase zirconium fluoroanions by electrospray of an ionic liquid.
- Groenewold GS1, Delmore JE, Benson MT, Tsuda T, Hagiwara R.Author information 1Idaho National Laboratory, 2351 North Boulevard, Idaho Falls, ID, 83415-2208, USA.AbstractRATIONALE: New approaches for forming anions are sought that have strong abundance and no isobaric overlap, attributes that are compatible with the measurement of isotope ratios. Fluoroanions are particularly attractive because fluorine is monoisotopic, and thus will not have overlapping isobars with the isotope of interest. Since many elements do not have positive electron affinity values, they do not form stable negative atomic ions, and hence are not compatible with isotope ratio measurement using high sensitivity isotope ratio mass spectrometers such as accelerator mass spectrometers.
- Rapid communications in mass spectrometry : RCM.Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom.2014 Jun 15;28(11):1233-42. doi: 10.1002/rcm.6890.
- RATIONALE: New approaches for forming anions are sought that have strong abundance and no isobaric overlap, attributes that are compatible with the measurement of isotope ratios. Fluoroanions are particularly attractive because fluorine is monoisotopic, and thus will not have overlapping isobars wit
- PMID 24760564
- Acute periodontal lesions.
- Herrera D, Alonso B, de Arriba L, Santa Cruz I, Serrano C, Sanz M.AbstractThis review provides updates on acute conditions affecting the periodontal tissues, including abscesses in the periodontium, necrotizing periodontal diseases and other acute conditions that cause gingival lesions with acute presentation, such as infectious processes not associated with oral bacterial biofilms, mucocutaneous disorders and traumatic and allergic lesions. A periodontal abscess is clinically important because it is a relatively frequent dental emergency, it can compromise the periodontal prognosis of the affected tooth and bacteria within the abscess can spread and cause infections in other body sites. Different types of abscesses have been identified, mainly classified by their etiology, and there are clear differences between those affecting a pre-existing periodontal pocket and those affecting healthy sites. Therapy for this acute condition consists of drainage and tissue debridement, while an evaluation of the need for systemic antimicrobial therapy will be made for each case, based on local and systemic factors. The definitive treatment of the pre-existing condition should be accomplished after the acute phase is controlled. Necrotizing periodontal diseases present three typical clinical features: papilla necrosis, gingival bleeding and pain. Although the prevalence of these diseases is not high, their importance is clear because they represent the most severe conditions associated with the dental biofilm, with very rapid tissue destruction. In addition to bacteria, the etiology of necrotizing periodontal disease includes numerous factors that alter the host response and predispose to these diseases, namely HIV infection, malnutrition, stress or tobacco smoking. The treatment consists of superficial debridement, careful mechanical oral hygiene, rinsing with chlorhexidine and daily re-evaluation. Systemic antimicrobials may be used adjunctively in severe cases or in nonresponding conditions, being the first option metronidazole. Once the acute disease is under control, definitive treatment should be provided, including appropriate therapy for the pre-existing gingivitis or periodontitis. Among other acute conditions affecting the periodontal tissues, but not caused by the microorganisms present in oral biofilms, infectious diseases, mucocutaneous diseases and traumatic or allergic lesions can be listed. In most cases, the gingival involvement is not severe; however, these conditions are common and may prompt an emergency dental visit. These conditions may have the appearance of an erythematous lesion, which is sometimes erosive. Erosive lesions may be the direct result of trauma or a consequence of the breaking of vesicles and bullae. A proper differential diagnosis is important for adequate management of the case.
- Periodontology 2000.Periodontol 2000.2014 Jun;65(1):149-77. doi: 10.1111/prd.12022.
- This review provides updates on acute conditions affecting the periodontal tissues, including abscesses in the periodontium, necrotizing periodontal diseases and other acute conditions that cause gingival lesions with acute presentation, such as infectious processes not associated with oral bacteria
- PMID 24738591
- Performance and membrane fouling characteristics of a combined biofilm and membrane bioreactor for treatment of fluorescent whitening agent wastewater.
- Liang Z, Du P, Yang S, Li X, Qian Y.AbstractA full-scale system, composed of one anoxic fixed biofilm reactor, four oxic fixed biofilm reactors and an activated sludge membrane bioreactor, was used to treat heavily organic loaded, high toxic and saline fluorescent whitening agent wastewater. This system was running steady during the experimental period of three months. Treatment performance and membrane fouling characteristics were investigated. The concentrations of chemical oxygen demand (COD), NH4+, NO3- and total nitrogen (TN) in effluent were 447, 27, 14 and 114 mg L(-1), corresponding to the removal rates of 89%, 76%, 68% and 64%, respectively. A series of analyses, including Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, confocal laser scanning microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and protein and polysaccharide concentration measurements, represented that the sludge layer formed on the membrane surface contained both organic and inorganic foulants. Polysaccharides in bound extracellullar polymeric substances in mixed liquor were the main contributor to membrane fouling. Off-line tap water rinsing was proved to be a cost-effective method of fouling control.
- Environmental technology.Environ Technol.2014 May-Jun;35(9-12):1427-35.
- A full-scale system, composed of one anoxic fixed biofilm reactor, four oxic fixed biofilm reactors and an activated sludge membrane bioreactor, was used to treat heavily organic loaded, high toxic and saline fluorescent whitening agent wastewater. This system was running steady during the experimen
- PMID 24701941
Japanese Journal
- 次亜塩素酸ナトリウム処理によるカットキャベツからの揮発性ハロゲン化合物の生成
- 久保田 浩樹,佐藤 恭子,佐々木 伸夫,河村 葉子,小関 良宏,穐山 浩
- 日本食品化学学会誌 19(2), 94-103, 2012-08-24
- カットキャベツを次亜塩素酸ナトリウムにより殺菌処理したときに生成する消毒副生成物の生成影響因子について検討を行った。カットキャベツは、次亜塩素酸ナトリウム(100mg/L)単独あるいは、有機酸と共に10分間殺菌処理を行い、カットキャベツに残存する揮発性ハロゲン化合物をヘッドスペースガスクロマトグラフ質量分析装置で測定した。主要な副生成物としてクロロホルムが検出された。クロロホルムは、殺菌時間、pH …
- NAID 110009489094
- Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization (MALDI) Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS) : A Challenge for Reliable Quantitative Analyses (Mass Spectrometry)
- Kubo Akiko,Kajimura Mayumi,Suematsu Makoto
- Journal of the Mass Spectrometry Society of Japan = 質量分析 60(4), 1-6, 2012-08
- NAID 40019433201
- ストレプトアビジン修飾磁性微粒子を利用したDNA点突然変異の解析
- 橋本 雅彦,藤田 卓,塚越 一彦
- 同志社大学理工学研究報告 53(2), [59]-66, 2012-07
- … Following the PCR/LDR processing, we immobilized the resultant LDR products on streptavidin-coated magnetic beads via biotin-streptavidin bonding and purified the product by magnetically collecting and rinsing the beads. …
- NAID 110009443884
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- Two towers she passed before she came at last to the stream, and here again was she temperate, drinking but little and that very slowly, contenting herself with rinsing her mouth frequently and bathing her face, her hands, and her ...
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- 関
- cleaning、cleansing、irrigate、irrigation、lavage、rinsing、washing
- 関
- cleaning、cleansing、irrigate、irrigation、lavage、rinsing、wash
- 関
- rinsing
- 英
- rinsing、rinse、rinse
- 関
- 水洗、すすぐ、すすぎ
- 英
- washing、wash、rinsing
- 関
- 洗液、洗浄、リンス