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- 1. 先天梅毒:臨床的特徴および診断congenital syphilis clinical features and diagnosis [show details]
… congenital syphilis if their mothers had contact with a person with primary or secondary syphilis within 90 days before delivery and were not treated or were inadequately treated . Congenital syphilis is a …
- 2. 神経梅毒neurosyphilis [show details]
…nervous system (CNS) by Treponema pallidum, subspecies pallidum (hereafter termed T. pallidum). Neurosyphilis can occur at any time after initial infection. Early in the course of syphilis, the most common forms …
- 3. 腕を動かさない小児の評価evaluation of the immobile arm in children [show details]
… Todd paralysis is a transient focal weakness that occurs after a seizure. The paralysis may be partial or complete.… infants serologic studies for syphilis are useful when infection, inflammation, oncologic diseases or syphilis are possible causes of the immobile arm.…
- 4. 腰仙部神経叢症候群lumbosacral plexus syndromes [show details]
…antibodies, and serologies for Epstein-Barr virus, varicella-zoster virus, HIV, Lyme disease, and syphilis. In the setting of a negative blood evaluation, a lumbar puncture to assess for leukocytes, protein … Weakness can proceed to focal paralysis such as foot drop (weakness of dorsiflexion),…
- 5. 成人における無菌性髄膜炎aseptic meningitis in adults [show details]
… Treponema pallidum, the causative agent of syphilis, disseminates to the central nervous system during early infection. Syphilitic meningitis can present in the setting of secondary syphilis with… definitive evidence of encephalitis. Other neurologic manifestations include hemiparesis, flaccid paralysis, and paresthesias. However, the distinction between the two entities is frequently blurred since …
Related Links
- 実質型神経梅毒(進行麻痺,または麻痺性認知症)は,慢性髄膜脳炎が皮質実質を破壊することで生じる。通常は初回感染の15~20年後に発生し,典型的には40代または50代より前の患者にはみられない。行動症状が進行性に悪化し
- 梅毒病原体の スピロヘータ が神経組織を冒すことによって生ずる病気の 総称 。 脳梅毒 , 進行麻痺 (まひ), 脊髄癆 (ろう)などを含む。 梅毒 の第3期を経て第4期に至る, 感染 後10年以降に 発現 。�
- 梅毒性鼻炎,骨軟骨炎の疼痛による仮性麻痺〔Parrotの仮性麻 痺(Parrot’s pseudoparalysis)〕がみられる.晩期先天梅毒では Hutchinson(ハッチンソン)3徴候(Hutchinson’s triad:永久歯 の奇形,実質角膜炎,内耳神経障害
Related Pictures

- 英
- Parrot pseudoparalysis
- 同
- Parrot仮性麻痺、梅毒性偽性麻痺 syphilitic pseudoparalysis、新生児梅毒性骨炎 syphilitic osteitis of newborn
- 関
- 仮性麻痺、ウィンバーガー徴候
[show details]
- 英
- syphilis
- 関
- ワッセルマン反応
- first aid step1 2006 p.145,163,173
- 感度 :一次感染78-85%, 二次感染100%, 潜伏感染95-98%
- 特異度:85-99%
- 2. 1.で陽性であれば梅毒トレポネーマ抗原試験(特異的)
- 感度 :一次感染84%, その他のstageでは100%
- 特異度:96%
- 英
- paralysis, palsy
- 関
- (comb form)plegia。不全麻痺 paresis
- 英
- syphilitic、luetic
- 関
- 梅毒
- 英
- pseudo
- 関
- 仮性、ニセ