- 関
- counterfeit、false、mock、sham、spurious
- (often used in combination) not genuine but having the appearance of; "a pseudo esthete"; "pseudoclassic"
- imitate with mockery and derision; "The children mocked their handicapped classmate"
- the act of mocking or ridiculing; "they made a mock of him"
- treat with contempt; "The new constitution mocks all democratic principles" (同)bemock
- constituting a copy or imitation of something; "boys in mock battle"
- not genuine; imitating something superior; "counterfeit emotion"; "counterfeit money"; "counterfeit works of art"; "a counterfeit prince" (同)imitative
- a copy that is represented as the original (同)forgery
- 偽りの;見せかけの
- 〈人,人の言動〉‘を'『あざける』,ばかにする / 〈人の言動〉‘を'『ふざけてまねる』 / 〈努力・力など〉‘を'無視する,無にする / (…を)あざける,ばかにする(scoff)《+『at』+『名』》 / 《名詞の前にのみ用いて》にせの,ごまかしの / あざけり
- 〈貨幣など〉'を'偽造する / …‘の'ふりをする,…'を'まねる,‘に'似せる / にせ物,模造品,偽作 / 模造の,偽造の / 見せかけの,偽りの
- 〈C〉〈U〉にせもの,見せかけ,いんちき / 〈C〉ぺてん師,詐欺師 / 見せかけの,にせの / …‘と'見せかける,‘の'ふりをする / 見せかける;(…の)ふりをする《+『形』〈補〉》
- にせの,偽造の
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A sign at an Australian pharmacy warns customers that the pharmacy reports suspicious requests for pseudoephedrine.
For the novel with the original title Pseudo, see Hocus Bogus.
The prefix pseudo- (from Greek ψευδής, pseudes, "lying, false") is used to mark something that superficially appears to be (or behaves like) one thing, but actually is another. Subject to context, pseudo may connote coincidence, imitation, intentional deception, or a combination thereof.
- In biology and botany, the prefix 'pseudo' is used to indicate a species with a coincidental visual similarity to another genus. For example, Iris pseudacorus is known as 'pseudacorus' for having leaves similar to those of Acorus calamus. In biology, coincidental similarity is not the same as mimicry.
- In literary studies, the prefix 'pseudo-' is used to indicate false attribution of authorship. For example, Pseudo-Aristotle is the name given to persons who falsely wrote under the name of Aristotle to give their own ideas greater credibility. The false ascription of authorship is called pseudepigraphy, and the works themselves are called pseudepigrapha. The 'pseudo-' prefix is not used for pseudonyms, false name used to hide one's true identity.
- In linguistics, the prefix 'pseudo-' is also applied to certain categories of loanwords in which words are used in a way that does not coincide with the way the word is used in the original language. For example, the English word handy has been adopted in colloquial German as the term for a mobile/cell phone. This is known as a pseudo-anglicism.
- In historiography, the prefix 'pseudo' is also applied to imposters or false claimants to a throne, for example Pseudo-Nero.
- In pharmacology, the 'pseudo' prefix is also used to identify an alternate form of a pharmacological compound. For example, pseudoephedrine.
- In the study of art, the 'pseudo' prefix is applied to an imitation of the artistic style of a different cultural background (in contradistinction to neo-, the imitation of a style of an earlier epoch). For example, Pseudo-Kufic, Pseudo-Cyrillic, Pseudo-Chalcidian, pseudo-naïve.
- In geology and geography, the 'pseudo' prefix is also used for topographical formations that superficially appear to have been formed by one process, but actually were formed by another. For example, pseudo-atoll.
- In mathematics, the 'pseudo' prefix is also applied to items that are similar to (or mathematically behave like) something else, but not exactly that. For example, pseudo-arcs, pseudorandomness, pseudoprime.
See also
- All pages beginning with "pseudo"
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- 新生児の、庶出の。偽の、仮性の、偽造の。見せかけの。(生)まがいの、疑似の
- 関
- false、pseudo
- 英
- mock、sham、counterfeit、pseudo
- 関
- 仮性、偽性、見せかけの
- 関
- counterfeit、mock、pseudo
- 関
- counterfeit、pseudo、sham
- 英
- false、pseudo、spurious
- 関
- 偽性、ニセ、偽