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- 1. 成人患者の重度下肢外傷severe lower extremity injury in the adult patient [show details]
…salvageable. The utility of using injury severity scores in predicting the success of limb salvage is discussed elsewhere. Various extremity injury severity scores are described, including the Mangled …
- 2. 小児における外傷の分類classification of trauma in children [show details]
…age-specific pediatric trauma score with the injury severity score . This score was shown to better predict survival than the trauma injury severity score (TRISS) and the "a severity characterization of …
- 3. 成人の外傷患者の入院管理の概要overview of inpatient management of the adult trauma patient [show details]
…extremity in 68 percent of patients. Significant factors associated with missed injury were injury severity score (ISS) ≥16 and Glasgow coma scale <8. Of the 122 missed injuries, 72 were missed in spite of …
- 4. 成人患者の重度上肢外傷severe upper extremity injury in the adult patient [show details]
…upper extremities . In a study from Germany, nearly a fourth of patients with severe injury (Injury Severity Score [ISS] >16) had an associated injury of the upper extremities . The most common upper extremity…
- 5. 成人における横隔膜損傷の認識およびマネージメントrecognition and management of diaphragmatic injury in adults [show details]
…patients with blunt injury were significantly older (44 versus 31 years) and had a higher injury severity score (33 versus 24). Penetrating mechanisms to the thoracoabdominal region, such as stabs, gunshot…
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- ISS(Injury Severity Score)とは? AISを基に多発外傷の重症度を評価するスコアで、損傷部位を6部位((1)頭頸部、(2)顔面、(3)胸部、 (4)腹部及び骨盤内臓器、(5)四肢及び骨盤、(6)体表)に分けて 各部位、最高のAIS重症度スコアの中 ...
- 1.フランケル分類 6.ASIA運動スコア 2.改良フランケル分類 7.FIM(機能自立度評価尺度) 3.ASIA機能評価尺度 8.頸髄損傷高位評価表 4.MMT(徒手筋力テスト) 9.総合せき損センターにおける麻痺予後の推移
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- 英
- injury severity score、ISS
- 同
- 損傷重要度スコア
- 関
- 簡易損傷スケール
[show details]
- 英
- injury, lesion
- 同
- 傷害
- 損傷 injury:組織の生理的な連絡が絶たれる、または機能が傷害された状態 → 機能障害が含まれる。
- 機械的なエネルギーにより生じた損傷。
- 外力によって生じた組織損傷を総括して創傷と言うが、皮膚や粘膜の連続性が離断した開放性損傷を<創>、連続性が保持された閉鎖性損傷を<傷>と区別して用いることがある(SLE.12)
- http://www.jaam.jp/html/dictionary/dictionary/word/0906.htm
- http://www.med.nagoya-cu.ac.jp/legal.dir/lectures/newest/node4.html
- 英
- core
- 関
- 核心、芯、母核、ヌクレオカプシド
- 英
- score
- 関
- スコア化、点数化
- 英
- degree
- 関
- 温度