- 英
- urodynamic study UDS
- 関
- 尿流動態学
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- 1. 男性における下部尿路症状lower urinary tract symptoms in men [show details]
…– Urine flow that stops and starts, on one or more occasions, during micturition. Hesitancy – Difficulty in initiating micturition, resulting in a delay in the onset of voiding after the individual is …
- 2. 女性の尿失禁の評価evaluation of females with urinary incontinence [show details]
…impairment/dementia, with the prevalence ranging from 10 to 38 percent . Continence depends upon both intact micturition physiology (including lower urinary tract, pelvic, and neurologic components ) as well as an intact …
- 3. 小児における膀胱機能障害の病因および臨床的特徴etiology and clinical features of bladder dysfunction in children [show details]
…an ascending signal through the spinal cord to the pontine micturition center in the brainstem. A descending signal from the pontine micturition through the spinal cord results in inhibition of the pudendal …
- 4. 男性の尿失禁urinary incontinence in men [show details]
… to avoid compressing the urethra during voiding, such as from undergarments or pants. Following micturition, the patient should manually "milk" the perineal urethra to expel retained urine. Pelvic floor …
- 5. 女性の切迫性尿失禁や過活動膀胱の治療treatment of urgency incontinence overactive bladder in females [show details]
…should be checked in women at higher risk for retention, including those who develop difficulty urinating or worsening incontinence on an antimuscarinic, those taking other medications with anticholinergic…
Japanese Journal
- 新しい遠隔操作装置を用いた超音波ドプラ排尿機能検査の有用性に関する検討
- 上松 克利
- 岡山医学会雑誌 125(2), 129-134, 2013-08-01
- We previously reported a non-invasive, transperineal, urodynamic technique using Doppler ultrasonography. Recently, we developed a new tele-operating system to control the robotic arm of the ultrasoun …
- NAID 120005317265
- 新しい遠隔操作装置を用いた超音波ドプラ排尿機能検査の有用性に関する検討
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- 【1】検査対象の拡大と高齢化に伴い、需要が拡大 排尿機能検査は、以前は主に神経因性膀胱の患者さんに対しておこなわれてきましたが、近年になり下部部尿路閉塞疾患や女性尿失禁などの患者さんも検査対象となり、その病態解明 ...
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※国試ナビ4※ [102G008]←[国試_102]→[102G010]
- 英
- residual urine ratio, rate of residual urine
- 関
- 残尿、残尿・膀胱内圧測定、排尿機能検査
- 英
- urodynamics
- 同
- 排尿水力学
- 関
- 排尿機能検査、ウロダイナミクス
- 英
- post-void residual, PVR, cystometrography, CMG
- 関
- 排尿機能検査
- 英
- video UDS
- 関
- 排尿機能検査
- 関
- 関数、官能基、機能性、機能的、作動、手術、操作、官能性、機能上、運用、操縦
- 関
- 検定、試験、視察、視診、調べる、調査、テスト、点検、検討、監査、診察
- 英
- micturition, urination, miction
- 関
- 排尿機構、排尿筋