- 英
- hydropericardium
- 同
- 水心膜、心嚢水腫、心嚢液貯留、心膜液貯留 pericardial effusion
- 関
- 心タンポナーデ、心膜血腫
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- 1. 心嚢液貯留の診断および治療diagnosis and treatment of pericardial effusion [show details]
…thin layer of fluid. A pericardial effusion is considered to be present when accumulated fluid within the sac exceeds the small amount that is normally present. Pericardial effusion can develop in patients …
- 2. 心膜疾患の病因etiology of pericardial disease [show details]
…elevation or PR depression; Pericardial effusion; At least two of these features should be present to make the diagnosis. Patients with a hemodynamically significant pericardial effusion leading to cardiac …
- 3. 妊娠中の心膜液貯留および急性心膜炎のマネージメントmanagement of pericardial effusion and acute pericarditis during pregnancy [show details]
… After 20 weeks of gestation, a small amount of pericardial fluid (<3 mm) can be detected in the normal fetus . Larger fetal pericardial effusions should raise suspicion of disease conditions, such …
- 4. 心タンポナーデcardiac tamponade [show details]
…in the pericardial fluid . Electrical alternans is relatively specific but not very sensitive for cardiac tamponade; rarely, this phenomenon is seen with very large pericardial effusions alone …
- 5. 悪性腫瘍関連心膜疾患pericardial disease associated with malignancy [show details]
…an increased incidence of pericardial effusions . More recently, immune checkpoint inhibitors are increasingly recognized as a cause of acute pericarditis, pericardial effusion, and tamponade . Most …
Japanese Journal
- 鶏病研究会
- 鶏病研究会報 = Journal of the Japanese Society on Poultry Diseases 55(1), 1-11, 2019
- NAID 40021932509
- 中村 菊保
- 鶏病研究会報 46, 9-14, 2010-09-25
- … この時は当時発生していた心膜水腫症候群(HPS)を中心に述べた。 …
- NAID 10026702956
- 鶏病研究会,山口 剛士,芦澤 尚義,御領 政信,庄山 剛史,平良 和代,野中 富士男,細川 みえ,本田 隆
- 鶏病研究会報 46(2), 85-94, 2010-08-25
- … 本稿では、アデノウイルス感染による疾患、特に国内で発生が認められている心膜水腫症候群(HPS)および筋胃びらんと、巨脾症を中心に、その病態、診断、予防および近年の国内における発生状況を紹介する。 …
- NAID 10026603084
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- 英
- pericardial effusion, pericardial effusion collection
- 関
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- 関
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- 同
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- ラ
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- 関
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