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- 1. 組織ドップラー心エコーtissue doppler echocardiography [show details]
…blood velocity data are then superimposed on conventional gray scale two-dimensional images in real time. Color-coded tissue velocities can be superimposed on conventional M-mode and two-dimensional images … mitral deceleration time <140ms and E/E’ >15 . In patients with chronic systolic heart failure, global longitudinal strain by speckle tracking echocardiography has been shown to…
- 2. 三次元心エコー検査three dimensional echocardiography [show details]
…demonstrated the usefulness of real-time 3D echocardiography in the evaluation of degenerative mitral valve disease, since quantitative analysis of real-time 3D echocardiographic images allowed accurate classification …
- 3. コントラスト心エコー検査:臨床応用contrast echocardiography clinical applications [show details]
… Contrast echocardiography is a technique for improving echocardiographic endocardial border delineation and providing real time assessment of intracardiac blood flow. Agitated saline contrast provides …
- 4. 心膜の心エコー評価echocardiographic evaluation of the pericardium [show details]
…physiological separation of the layers, best appreciated on M-mode echocardiography only during systole . When inspecting the pericardium in a real-time 2D examination, it is important to appreciate the motion …
- 5. コントラスト心エコー検査:造影剤、安全性、およびイメージング技術contrast echocardiography contrast agents safety and imaging technique [show details]
…opacification, allowing for time to assess multiple anatomic views . Contrast echocardiography is a technique for improving echocardiographic resolution and providing real time assessment of intracardiac …
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- (2)心エコー検査の種類 a.断層心エコー法(二次元エコー法,Bモード法) 本法は心臓のある一断面を実時間で二次元表示する方法であり,すべての超音波検査の基本である.プローブを操作することによって,任意の断面で心臓・血管
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- 英
- real time two-dimensional echocardiography
- 同
- 実時間二次元心エコー法
- 英
- heart、mind、cardiac
- 関
- 核心、強心、心臓、心臓性
- 精神、心陰影
- 心虚
- 1. 意識水準を保つ
- 2. 覚醒・睡眠のリズムを調節する
- 3. 血を循環させる
- → 心虚
- 焦燥感、不安感、集中力の低下、不眠、嗜眠、情緒不安定、顔面紅潮、舌尖の真紅、動悸、脈の結代、胸内苦悶感、息切れ
- 英
- secondary、second-order、second、quadratic
- 関
- 続発性、第二、第二級、第二次、二級、二次的、秒間、二次性、秒、続発
- 英
- method、law
- 関
- 測定法、測定方法、訴訟、方法、法律学、手法、方式、法律
- 英
- 関
- 期間、時期、時、瞬間、モーメント、~倍の
- 英
- two dimension、second dimension、2D、two-dimensional
- 関
- 二次元目、二次元的