- 英
- large pyroninophilic blast cell
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- 1. 抗原提示細胞antigen presenting cells [show details]
… actin reorganizations to the cell surface, creating a specialized focal contact point between cells where signaling and adhesion molecules become concentrated. Large cell surface molecules are actively …
- 2. 造血幹細胞の概要overview of hematopoietic stem cells [show details]
… discussion of other types of stem cells that includes a discussion of induced pluripotent stem (iPS) cells is presented separately. The relative red (active) marrow space of a child is much greater than that …
- 3. 肥満細胞:増殖・分化、識別、および生理学的役割mast cells development identification and physiologic roles [show details]
… distribution and phenotype of murine mast cells are substantively different from that of human cells . Mice have much lower numbers of mature mast cells in their tissues but large numbers in the peritoneal cavity …
- 4. 細胞性免疫応答the adaptive cellular immune response t cells and cytokines [show details]
… T cells. Following activation, T cells expand clonally, yielding large numbers of cytokine-producing cells. These activate potent inflammatory responses to combat infection. Unchecked T cell activation… By late childhood or adulthood, naive cells are <50 percent of peripheral T cells . Immune effector mechanisms are powerful processes of cell and tissue destruction.…
- 5. 骨髄穿刺塗抹標本の評価evaluation of bone marrow aspirate smears [show details]
… sample Presence or absence of cellular monotony; Presence or absence of large cells, clumps of tumor cells, or storage cells; Presence or absence of bone marrow spicules; Ratio of fat to overall cellularity; …
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- 日皮会誌:83 (4), 173-178, 1973 (昭48) DNCB接触過敏症におけるリンパ節細胞の 幼若化現象に関する実験的研究 岡 本 要 旨 天竺爪のDNCB表皮感作のさい所属リソパ節に見る,大型ピロニン好性細胞と ...
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- cell
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- cellula
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- 英
- pyronine
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- large
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- 大きい