- 英
- casual、casually
- 関
- 偶然、略式
- without or seeming to be without plan or method; offhand; "a casual remark"; "information collected by casual methods and in their spare time"
- occurring or appearing or singled out by chance; "seek help from casual passers-by"; "a casual meeting"; "a chance occurrence" (同)chance
- hasty and without attention to detail; not thorough; "a casual (or cursory) inspection failed to reveal the houses structural flaws"; "a passing glance"; "perfunctory courtesy" (同)cursory, passing, perfunctory
- not showing effort or strain; "a difficult feat performed with casual mastery"; "careless grace" (同)effortless
- appropriate for ordinary or routine occasions; "casual clothes"; "everyday clothes" (同)everyday, daily
- marked by blithe unconcern; "an ability to interest casual students"; "showed a casual disregard for cold weather"; "an utterly insouciant financial policy"; "an elegantly insouciant manner"; "drove his car with nonchalant abandon"; "was polite in a teasing nonchalant manner" (同)insouciant, nonchalant
- occurring from time to time; "casual employment"; "a casual correspondence with a former teacher"; "an occasional worker" (同)occasional
- not methodically or according to plan; "he dealt with his course work casually"
- in an unconcerned manner; "glanced casually at the headlines" (同)nonchalantly
- 『むぞうさな』,さりげない(offhand) / 『偶然の』,思いがけない / ふだん着の,くだけた / むとんじゃくな,無関心な / 臨時雇労働者 / ふだん着
- 偶然に,なにげなく
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Japanese Journal
- 三選を果たした会田洋・柏崎市長、早速の不用意発言に非難轟々
- 不用意な一言で炎上騒ぎ 頻発するSNS不祥事 その傾向と対策は (特集 進化するクライシスマネジメント 危機管理) -- (人災 突然の危機に身を守る)
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- 英
- accident、chance、accidental、occasional、casual、fortuitous、accidentally、casually
- 関
- アクシデント、確率、過失、機会、偶発性、偶発的、時々、見込み、不用意、略式、事故、好運、チャンス
- 英
- casual
- 関
- 偶然、不用意
- 英
- preparation、prepare、provide
- 関
- 与える、供給、作成、準備、製剤、調製、提供、標品、標本、プレップ、プレパラート、製法