- requiring or apparently requiring no effort; "the swallows glided in an effortless way through the busy air"
- without effort or apparent effort; "she danced gracefully and effortlessly"; "swallows gliding effortlessly through the air"
- the quality of requiring little effort; "such effortlessness is achieved only after hours of practice"
- 努力をしない,骨を折らない;骨の折れない,容易な
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English Journal
- Similarity of actions depends on the functionality of previously observed actions.
- Naber M1, Eijgermans W1, Herman AS1, Bergman A1, Hommel B1.
- Journal of experimental psychology. Human perception and performance.J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform.2016 May;42(5):719-29. doi: 10.1037/xhp0000161. Epub 2015 Nov 30.
- People have a tendency to imitate the behavior of others, sometimes even automatically. And yet, evidence suggests that many of our actions are controlled, mediated by current goals and careful considerations. Here, we investigated whether the observation and evaluation of previous actions of anothe
- PMID 26618624
- Kudi: A free open-source python library for the analysis of properties along reaction paths.
- Vogt-Geisse S1,2.
- Journal of molecular modeling.J Mol Model.2016 May;22(5):110. doi: 10.1007/s00894-016-2983-3. Epub 2016 Apr 23.
- With increasing computational capabilities, an ever growing amount of data is generated in computational chemistry that contains a vast amount of chemically relevant information. It is therefore imperative to create new computational tools in order to process and extract this data in a sensible way.
- PMID 27107577
- Noncovalent Dispersion and Functionalization of Cellulose Nanocrystals with Proteins and Polysaccharides.
- Fang W1, Arola S2,3, Malho JM4,5, Kontturi E6, Linder MB2, Laaksonen P1.
- Biomacromolecules.Biomacromolecules.2016 Apr 11;17(4):1458-65. doi: 10.1021/acs.biomac.6b00067. Epub 2016 Mar 7.
- Native cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) are valuable high quality materials with potential for many applications including the manufacture of high performance materials. In this work, a relatively effortless procedure was introduced for the production of CNCs, which gives a nearly 100% yield of crystal
- PMID 26907991
Japanese Journal
- Unconscious learning of auditory discrimination using mismatch negativity (MMN) neurofeedback
- Chang Ming,Iizuka Hiroyuki,Naruse Yasushi,Ando Hideyuki,Maeda Taro
- Scientific Reports 4, 6729, 2014-10-24
- … Our method has great potential to provide effortless auditory perceptual training. …
- NAID 120005522305
- 農作業がAG-RiDER+ステアリングアシストで超〜楽になる(<メカライフ特集>楽のものづくり)
- ものづくり技能習得のためのマルチメディア教材と認知スタイルの関係:―場依存・独立型認知スタイルに焦点をあてて―
- 市原 靖士,島田 和典,阪東 哲也
- コンピュータ&エデュケーション 34(0), 50-55, 2013
- 本研究は,ものづくりの技能習得を目的としたマルチメディア教材に対する学習のしやすさと学習者の認知スタイル(場依存・独立型認知スタイル)との関係を明らかにし,ものづくり教育におけるマルチメディア教材の利用に向けた基礎的資料を得ることを目的とした。調査,分析の結果,「マルチメディアの表現」因子において場依存型学習者の男女間で,男子の平均値が女子の平均値より有意に高い結果となった。また,場依存型学習者の …
- NAID 130004687156
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- With effortless ease he stooped and swung her up on one arm, seating her upon the bare table before the window. Once to Every Man Larry Evans She came steadily forward with a queenly, effortless stride. The Martian Cabal ...
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