- the 22nd letter of the Roman alphabet (同)v
- vanadium の化学記号
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出典(authority):フリー百科事典『ウィキペディア(Wikipedia)』「2017/10/31 14:12:28」(JST)
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VPM may refer to:
- Vakzine Projekt Management GmbH, a private vaccine and biopharmaceutical development company in Hannover, Germany
- Value Process Management
- Vampire Princess Miyu
- Variation Point Modeling - Computer science
- Varying Permeability Model
- Ventral posteromedial nucleus, a nucleus of the thalamus; part of the brain.
- Virginia Payload Module, a weapon system planned for Block 5 of the US Navy's Virginia-class submarine
- Virtual Post Mail
- Virtual Product Management
- Volume per million
- Vranken Pommery Monopole
- Vinde, Pleaca, Mori (Sell, Leave, Die) - a motto of the supporters of FC Steaua Bucuresti against the club's owner George Becali.
English Journal
- Distinction in the immunoreactivities of two calcium-binding proteins and neuronal birthdates in the first and higher-order somatosensory thalamic nuclei of mice: Evolutionary implications.
- Zhang JY1, Lin YT1, Gao YY1, Chao-Xi1, Zhang XB2, Zhang XW2, Zeng SJ1.
- The Journal of comparative neurology.J Comp Neurol.2015 Dec 15;523(18):2738-51. doi: 10.1002/cne.23813. Epub 2015 Jul 16.
- Comparative embryonic studies are the most effective way to discern phylogenetic changes. To gain insight into the constitution and evolution of mammalian somatosensory thalamic nuclei, we first studied how calbindin (CB) and parvalbumin (PV) immunoreactivities appear during embryonic development in
- PMID 26183901
- A Newly Emerged Swine-Origin Influenza A(H3N2) Variant Dampens Host Antiviral Immunity but Induces Potent Inflammasome Activation.
- Cao W1, Mishina M2, Ranjan P1, De La Cruz JA2, Kim JH1, Garten R3, Kumar A1, García-Sastre A4, Katz JM1, Gangappa S1, Sambhara S1.
- The Journal of infectious diseases.J Infect Dis.2015 Dec 15;212(12):1923-9. doi: 10.1093/infdis/jiv330. Epub 2015 Jun 11.
- We compared the innate immune response to a newly emerged swine-origin influenza A(H3N2) variant containing the M gene from 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1), termed "A(H3N2)vpM," to the immune responses to the 2010 swine-origin influenza A(H3N2) variant and seasonal influenza A(H3N2). Our results dem
- PMID 26068782
- Activity-induced manganese-dependent MRI (AIM-MRI) and functional MRI in awake rabbits during somatosensory stimulation.
- Schroeder MP1, Weiss C2, Procissi D3, Wang L4, Disterhoft JF5.
- NeuroImage.Neuroimage.2015 Nov 14. pii: S1053-8119(15)01055-1. doi: 10.1016/j.neuroimage.2015.11.033. [Epub ahead of print]
- Activity-induced manganese-dependent MRI (AIM-MRI) is a powerful tool to track system-wide neural activity using high resolution, quantitative T1-weighted MRI in animal models and has significant advantages for investigating neural activity over other modalities including BOLD fMRI. With AIM-MRI, Mn
- PMID 26589332
Japanese Journal
- 識別性能の予測に基づく選択的特徴量を用いたばら積み部品の認識
- 武井 翔一,秋月 秀一,橋本 学
- 精密工学会誌 81(4), 363-367, 2015
- … Experimental results using real scenes including randomly stacked objects show that the proposed method's recognition success rate is from 81.7% to 93.9% higher than that of the Vector Pair Matching (VPM) method. …
- NAID 130005060675
- 未来はわれわれの手中に 進化を続ける「WE CAN 30活動」 (特集 人材育成なくして前進なし! 利益を拡大するVPM活動の最前線)
- "小さく、こまめに、素早く作る"コンセプトを提示、改善の方向性を浸透させる (特集 人材育成なくして前進なし! 利益を拡大するVPM活動の最前線)
Related Links
- VPMは、コストダウンやリードタイム短縮等のコンサルティングテーマの解決を通じて 具体的な成果を実感できる活動です。活動の積重ねにより、 生産性はスパイラルを描い て上昇していきます。顧客企業とともに成長を続けること、これが私たちの心からの願い ...
Related Pictures

- 英
- thalamus
機能 (KL.719-722)
解剖 (KL.719-722)
- 英
- ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleus, ventral posteromedial nucleus of thalamus VPM
- ラ
- nucleus ventralis posteromedialis thalami
- 関
- 後外側腹側核、外側腹側核、前腹側核、視床腹側核、後腹側核、視床後腹側核、後内側腹側核、視床前腹側核、視床外側腹側核、視床後外側腹側核、視床腹外側核
- 英
- posteromedial ventral nucleus (KL), ventral posterior medial nucleus, VPM
- 関
- 上行性伝導路、視床
- 視床に存在する核
- 頭部からの体性感覚の伝導路が終わり、核から起こる線維は内包の後脚を通って上行し、大脳皮質の頭頂葉の感覚野に投射する(KL.721)
- 後内側腹側核小細胞部(VPMpc):味覚(SP.307)
- 英
- ventral posteromedial nucleus, VPM
- 関
- 視床