- relating to or applicable to or concerned with the administration of a city or town or district rather than a larger area; "local taxes"; "local authorities"
- public transport consisting of a bus or train that stops at all stations or stops; "the local seemed to take forever to get to New York"
- affecting only a restricted part or area of the body; "local anesthesia"
- of or belonging to or characteristic of a particular locality or neighborhood; "local customs"; "local schools"; "the local citizens"; "a local point of view"; "local outbreaks of flu"; "a local bus line"
- a process in which individuals (or small groups) penetrate an area (especially the military penetration of enemy positions without detection)
- 『一地方の』,ある土地の,(特に)自分の住んでいる土地の;地方に特有な / (全体からみて)『部分的な』,局部の,狭い部分の / 《米》各駅停車の / 《話》《しばしば複数形で》その土地に住んでいる人々 / 《米話》(新聞の)地方記事 / 《話》(各駅停車の)列車,電車,バス / 《米》(労働組合などの)支部
- 低カロリーの
- 浸透 / 侵入,潜入
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English Journal
- Prevalence of microbiological contaminants in groundwater sources and risk factor assessment in Juba, South Sudan.
- Engström E1, Balfors B2, Mörtberg U2, Thunvik R2, Gaily T3, Mangold M4.
- The Science of the total environment.Sci Total Environ.2015 May 15;515-516:181-7. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.02.023. Epub 2015 Feb 25.
- In low-income regions, drinking water is often derived from groundwater sources, which might spread diarrheal disease if they are microbiologically polluted. This study aimed to investigate the occurrence of fecal contamination in 147 improved groundwater sources in Juba, South Sudan and to assess p
- PMID 25723872
- Ultrasound-guided intermediate cervical plexus block for carotid endarterectomy using a new anterior approach: a two-centre prospective observational study.
- Calderon AL1, Zetlaoui P, Benatir F, Davidson J, Desebbe O, Rahali N, Truc C, Feugier P, Lermusiaux P, Allaouchiche B, Boselli E.
- Anaesthesia.Anaesthesia.2015 Apr;70(4):445-51. doi: 10.1111/anae.12960. Epub 2014 Dec 1.
- The aim of this prospective, double-centre, observational study performed in 116 patients was to describe a new anterior approach of ultrasound-guided intermediate cervical plexus block for carotid endarterectomy. The median (IQR [range]) volume of ropivacaine 0.5% administered was 30 (25-30 [20-45]
- PMID 25440694
Japanese Journal
- 著明な高カルシウム血症と末梢血好酸球増多を呈した続発性副腎皮質機能低下症の1例
- 山本 直,岡田 洋右,新生 忠司 [他],田中 良哉
- Journal of UOEH 37(1), 55-60, 2015
- 症例は56歳女性.外傷を契機に全身倦怠感や悪心・嘔吐が出現し近医入院.高カルシウム血症を伴う意識障害や全身の皮疹が出現したため当科転院となった.臨床症候(意識障害,食欲不振,悪心・嘔吐,血圧低下,発熱)および検査所見(血中cortisol 1.2 μg/dl と低値,高カルシウム血症11.0 mg/dl,末梢血好酸球増多1,600 /μl )より副腎皮質機能低下症と診断.皮膚生検で好酸球浸潤を認め …
- NAID 130004923374
- 急激な経過をたどったgranulocyte-colony stimulating factor産生直腸未分化癌の1例
- 平山 一久,林 忠毅,西脇 由朗,中村 明子,大菊 正人,田村 浩章,金井 俊和,池松 禎人,森 弘樹,小澤 享史
- 日本消化器外科学会雑誌 48(1), 68-74, 2015
- 症例は84歳の男性で,便通異常を主訴に当院を受診した.初診時の血液生化学検査の白血球数は10,900/mm3(好中球8,500/mm3)で,大腸内視鏡検査では直腸に全周性の2型腫瘍を認め,生検では未分化癌が検出された.腹部CTにて肝転移を認め,直腸未分化癌(A,N2, P0,H1)の診断でハルトマン手術を施行した.術後化学療法(cetuximab単独投与)を施行したが,肝転移巣の急激な増大,骨 …
- NAID 130004908158
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