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- 1. 小児に対する中耳腔換気用チューブ留置、術後ケア、および合併症の概要overview of tympanostomy tube placement postoperative care and complications in children [show details]
…antibiotics to the middle ear topically. TTs are sometimes called "pressure-equalizing (PE) tubes" or "ventilation tubes." Relapse of AOM or OME when a tube extrudes or is obstructed reflects persistent inadequate …
- 2. 小児における中耳腔換気用チューブ留置後の耳漏:原因、予防、およびマネージメントtympanostomy tube otorrhea in children causes prevention and management [show details]
…suppurative otitis media) are also discussed separately: Tympanostomy tube otorrhea (TTO; also called post-tympanostomy tube otorrhea [PTTO]), is defined as active drainage through an existing …
- 3. 小児における滲出性(漿液性)中耳炎:マネージメントotitis media with effusion serous otitis media in children management [show details]
…use of tympanostomy tubes for OME-associated hearing loss supports a strategy of watchful waiting rather than immediate placement of tympanostomy tubes . Children who received tympanostomy tubes spent 32 …
- 4. 小児における急性中耳炎:再発予防acute otitis media in children prevention of recurrence [show details]
…infected fluid, tympanostomy tube placement may reduce the pain or severity of subsequent episodes of AOM. In addition, tympanostomy tube placement may simplify treatment because tympanostomy tube otorrhea often …
- 5. 小児における真珠腫cholesteatoma in children [show details]
… lesion grows, it makes contact with the underside of the TM and becomes more obvious. With further expansion, the cholesteatoma can replace the middle ear space. The normal variegated appearance of the middle …is the most common location In a retrospective study of >45,000 children who had undergone tympanostomy tube placement, 1 percent developed cholesteatoma . Predisposing factors – Predisposing factors …
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- 生理食塩水. 耳管は鼻と耳を繋いでいるので 鼻から生理食塩水を入れて耳管に流し込み、耳管を膨らませることで閉じた状態にする ことができます。. 症状が軽い人は生理食塩水を入れ続けると改善することもあるようです。. ちなみに僕は常に完全開放の ...
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- 英
- bougienage of auditory tube
- 同
- 耳管拡張法
- 英
- auditory tube (KH), pharyngotympanic tube (M)
- ラ
- tuba auditiva
- 同
- 欧氏管 Eustachian tube オイスタキオ管 エウスタキオ管 eustachian tube、咽鼓管 pharyngotympanic tube
- 関
- 耳管軟骨、中耳
- 図:M.529, N.89,93
- 第一咽頭嚢の基部から形成される。
- 咽頭鼻部と鼓室を連絡する管
- M.536
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 英
- dilation、dilatation、enlargement、extension、dilate、distend、enlarge、extend、dilated
- 関
- 延ばす、延長、及ぶ、拡大、散大、伸長、伸展、増大、怒張、伸びる、広がる、膨張、拡張型、伸び、伸張
- 英
- method、law
- 関
- 測定法、測定方法、訴訟、方法、法律学、手法、方式、法律