- 英
- bougienage of auditory tube
- 同
- 耳管拡張法
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- 1. 小児に対する中耳腔換気用チューブ留置、術後ケア、および合併症の概要overview of tympanostomy tube placement postoperative care and complications in children [show details]
…antibiotics to the middle ear topically. TTs are sometimes called "pressure-equalizing (PE) tubes" or "ventilation tubes." Relapse of AOM or OME when a tube extrudes or is obstructed reflects persistent inadequate …
- 2. 小児における中耳腔換気用チューブ留置後の耳漏:原因、予防、およびマネージメントtympanostomy tube otorrhea in children causes prevention and management [show details]
…suppurative otitis media) are also discussed separately: Tympanostomy tube otorrhea (TTO; also called post-tympanostomy tube otorrhea [PTTO]), is defined as active drainage through an existing …
- 3. 小児における滲出性(漿液性)中耳炎:マネージメントotitis media with effusion serous otitis media in children management [show details]
…use of tympanostomy tubes for OME-associated hearing loss supports a strategy of watchful waiting rather than immediate placement of tympanostomy tubes . Children who received tympanostomy tubes spent 32 …
- 4. 小児における急性中耳炎:再発予防acute otitis media in children prevention of recurrence [show details]
…infected fluid, tympanostomy tube placement may reduce the pain or severity of subsequent episodes of AOM. In addition, tympanostomy tube placement may simplify treatment because tympanostomy tube otorrhea often …
- 5. 緊急時の輪状甲状靭帯(軟骨間膜)切開emergency cricothyrotomy cricothyroidotomy [show details]
…Performance of the scalpel-finger-bougie (ie, bougie-assisted), standard, rapid four-step, and Seldinger techniques are described below: The author prefers the scalpel-finger-bougie technique because it is relatively …
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Related Pictures

- 英
- auditory tube (KH), pharyngotympanic tube (M)
- ラ
- tuba auditiva
- 同
- 欧氏管 Eustachian tube オイスタキオ管 エウスタキオ管 eustachian tube、咽鼓管 pharyngotympanic tube
- 関
- 耳管軟骨、中耳
- 図:M.529, N.89,93
- 第一咽頭嚢の基部から形成される。
- 咽頭鼻部と鼓室を連絡する管
- M.536
Henry Gray (1825-1861). Anatomy of the Human Body. 1918.
- 英
- bougie
- 同
- 消息子 ゾンデ sound、探針 probe、Sonde、proba、probatus、specillum
- 英
- duct、tube、canal、pipe
- ラ
- ductus、vas、meatus
- 関
- 水路、チューブ、導管、道管、卵管、道